Bonus Source Marks Weekend!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jan 9, 2020.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager



    Happy anniversary weekend! Source Marks are the primary gear and episode currency from the start of the game through Episode 33: Atlantis. Jump into your leveling, start up a new character, or just party in the queues, because Source Marks rewards are DOUBLED this weekend.

    This weekend – from Thursday, January 9, 2020, through Sunday, January 12, 2020 – all players will receive DOUBLE Source Marks when completing instanced, relevant content across the entire game. That's right, the entire game. All episodes. Everywhere. If it's an instance that awards you Source Marks, you will get 2x this weekend.

    Source Marks are primarily used for unlocking vendor gear (through Episode 33).

    PLEASE NOTE: The bonus weekend will begin this Thursday with daily server restarts, and will last through Sunday to daily server restarts on Monday morning.
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  2. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Another Bonus Source Marks Weekend and another one with wasted potential by not removing Mark Relevancy for just the weekend. Shame :( . Doing so would more than likely greatly increase older contents ques thus making it easier for newer players to get into content while they level up and enable end-game level players extra source marks to stock up on. It would be a win win for all involved.
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  3. Krytin Active Player

    For a short time we got source Mark's in older content and you could advance things easily now the dev's are getting cheaper and cheaper. And keep trying to extend the grind. Daybreak has shown they are only about profits and they want more until they start bleeding a stone
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  4. CHICHARITO99 New Player

    I am doing the missions and alerts and at no time did I receive double marks. I hope you solve this
  5. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Source Marks should NOT be tied to Relevant Content..
    No Wonder Older content is DEAD..
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  6. Player1 New Player

    I pretty much never post but here goes. Bonus source marks is cool, thank you! But regarding the comments about alternatives reminded me of something I've thought about from time to time. Older content is really hard to access and it would be nice to try some things to get folks back into it. Some thoughts:

    1. As mentioned by Brother Allen, temporarily suspend relevancy

    2. One thing I thought would be interesting would be to start a rotation of older episodes. There are different ways to do it, but basically the idea would be to do something each "open" week (not when there is new DLC, new seasonal or other planned event). That something could be to offer source marks for everyone running instances from episodes 1-5, the following week it's episodes 6-10, etc. Narrowing the focus to several episodes means folks can concentrate on leveling up new toons or going back for feats they missed, or just for the fun of it while getting source marks for their effort.

    3. Add the option to enter older instanced content without a full group. If I want to solo Paradox Wave, let me (or me and a T5 player, and so on). At first this might seem to undermine the goal of getting queues to pop more quickly, but not really. Today the lower-tier toons wait forever. Done right one could start an instance with fewer than the max and more can join in progress, (it could promopt to allow others to join like when someone leaves today).

    I realize this isn't the right forum for this. Just thought it might get some attention and possibly get some wheels turning. Overall I think the attempts to have stuff going on most weekends is a good thing.
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  7. Vicious Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I'm so excited to once again read a bunch of complaints from bitter and salty first-timers that are furious with how many high levels are in their runs and ruining the experience of suffering through the content for them.
  8. C Level Active Player

    I agree with Player1's post. I'd love a little motivation to spend the weekend running all the old instances and re-experiencing all that content again. It would also be a great weekend for newer players to get a lot of content done that they may otherwise have had a harder time finding groups for. It would only bring people together and extend the content.
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  9. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    I desperately need this because of the constant artifact fails. My lower guys can’t even buy leveling gear because of artifacts that failed with a 90 and 80 percent so called success rate. I’m really starting to hate those things.
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  10. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    I never understand why put door daily and weekly events get excluded and this is made for instances.

    As far as relevancy goes this was supposed to prevent people from hoarding marks and being able to buy all the new content gear on day one. New content has specific marks though so this is has not been an issue for a long time.

    I am always grateful for bonuses, gifts, etc. It is nice though when these events though are all inclusive with out restrictions.
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  11. NeoRay New Player

    I loved this idea: old instances without full groups.
    A minimum of 2 players to open each instance can be a good way to access old content for new toons or new players.
  12. mrcheap Well-Known Player

    "That's right, the entire game. All episodes. Everywhere. If it's an instance that awards you Source Marks, you will get 2x this weekend."

    Not trolling but I have some real questions here as a returning player.
    Will you get double marks doing open world Thanagar stuff as a low level?
    Will you get double marks doing Thanagar duos, raids etc as a low level?
    Will you get double source marks for completing your story instances while levelling?
    Will you get double source marks for quest rewards such as the artifact introduction quest?
    If you are a level 15 character what can you get double source marks for?

    Thanks in advance for anyone that actually knows and bothers to answer.
  13. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    level 15? I'm guessing nothing. "instanced content" is content you queue in to. level 1 thru 30 isn't instanced, it's a linear walk-in walk-out thing. maybe the alerts? this stuff doesn't usually apply to event content or open world stuff, either.
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  14. mrcheap Well-Known Player

    Thanks very much so for 1-29 nothing.

    For CR toons is it only stuff from the On Duty menu and not stuff on the first page such as Centennial Collapse, Metal Part II, Stabilizers and The Vault.

    I have a toon that is CR103. So for him he needs to run things like Necropolis: Relics of Urgund or Artifacts from the Past. Does anyone with experience have an idea are these likely to pop?

    Much appreciated.
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  15. AquiloFury Committed Player

    I'll try to answer as best as I can. As far as open world thanagar goes, no it will not be double..even at lower levels. They do not consider it as instanced content. Instanced content is anything from your on duty menu. The metal part 2 event versions of the duo, alert and raids will get double for anyone under cr276.
    You will not get double for completing leveling missions.
    I'm not certain on the artifact mission as it is an on duty mission...that's a great question.
    As a level 15, you should get marks for the event versions of the metal part 2 on duty stuff and possibly the area 51 you should have access to in your on duty menu.
    Hope that helps!

    Forgot that you can't get into the events until later now, I can't remember what level they unlock getting double from the event stuff might be a no go .sorry.
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  16. rimvader Well-Known Player

    Purchasing an episode/dlc is less appealing since Mark Relevancy makes running lower content like Titan Island a waste of time for anyone near end-game CR. Making some marks available in older content to higher CRs.
  17. breezyb15 New Player

    I just completed the Thanagar missions including nth golem but didn't get double marks. Do they come later or something?
  18. Quistar New Player

    I seem to be having a problem getting double Marks in my instances. What could be causing this?
  19. sheriffgoff Level 30

    anyone know if we are getting a free CR skip for this year like last year and if that skip is going to change from 210 to 250? thanks.
  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yes we did get one. :)
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