How to use Armories Starter Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Superpatriot, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    • Like x 5
  2. Captain Just New Player

    Good stuff, sir! Glad to see you're still at it.
  3. ComicsKid Committed Player

    So 3 questions:

    Do I have to have cells activated in my generator to use the armory in the field?

    Can I switch armories in the field in the middle of combat?

    Can I imprint my loadout, re-spect my choices of powers to ones I preciously didn't use power points on, and switch armories without re re-specing?
    (For instance; create a loadout from the telekinesis tree with all 15 power points, imprint it, then re-spec in Hall of Doom/Watchtower, make a new loadout from the illusion tree using all 15 power points, imprint it on a 2nd armory, and then switch between the 2 in the field without returning to the Hall of Doom/Watchtower to re-spec in order to reopen those powers again)
  4. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    No- I don't have any cells active on my bank alts and the armories still work

    Yes- with a 10 min cooldown

    Yes- BUT within the same power set. If you're mental, you must stay within the mental trees. If you use a token on another power, your mental armories will become invalid.
  5. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    One thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet. Does having more armories drain the power from the batteries faster?
  6. ComicsKid Committed Player

    thought he just said you don't have to have them active when he answered my question?
    is this what you mean?
  7. Heero Blaze Well-Known Player

    How does gaining a Skill Point affect Imprints? For example, if I have an imprint that has 130 Skill Points placed out of 140, then gain a Skill Point, will it lock me out of changing Imprints and make me have to redo the Imprint to make it 131/141 to satisfy the 10 unallocated SP requirement?
  8. wizlon67 New Player


    Been wondering the same thing...
  9. TDSK Committed Player

    The skillpoints that you gained when you specced into it just simply don't spec. You can access it, but all the skillpoints gained are unspecced if you don't imprint them.
  10. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Reading this in Dec 2019. Still very hepful, thanks!

    But a 10 minute cooldown?!?!?! :eek: Totally negates the reason why I got a second armory in the first place.
  11. Critical Massacre Committed Player

    How do you unspect your gear or artifacts?
  12. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    That's only if you switch while in combat. The cooldown between switching is only a few seconds out of combat.