Greedy mail

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by ZKartik, Dec 11, 2019.

  1. ZKartik New Player

    I'm very disappointed with this game on the mail stuff, having to pay for receive items from friends... this is so greedy in so many levels.. here in Brazil buy a premium account it's not easy because it's really expensive so please, change this system.
  2. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    It has nothing to do with greed. If they didn't do it this way then the gold sellers would be able to conduct business without putting any money into the game itself. It's bad enough that they're still around. But at least this way they're having to pay real world cash to conduct their business.
  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    It's really not that expensive. Mobile phone plans in Brazil cost the same amount or more.
  4. myandria Item Storage


    Restricting free players from the mail system is not greed; it is an MMO industry standard.

    The mail/broker/trade/chat systems in any MMO are a privilege to have and access, not an expected right to have access to. Playing for free doesn't mean you should expect to have access to everything paying players do. If you play this game for free, then that is exactly what you are doing. Free players do not get the same access as a Premium or a Subscribing players; if they did, then this game would not have as much content as it does now and would have shut down years ago because of loss of steady income. I highly doubt the devs will lift the mail restriction from free players anytime soon.
  5. GameOnGabeYT Well-Known Player

    The game as to make money some how. I’m not a fan and never have been a fan of time capsules but a restricted mail system is in all mmos.