All access member: Account level cannot send cash by mail?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Hollows, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Hollows Active Player

    Are we no longer able to mail alts money?
  2. OG ELITE Committed Player

    I thought this was supposed to be lifted today?
  3. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Unfortunately not. A friend and I traded to get money on our mains, but money on alts in the opposite faction is basically stuck unless you want to use the broker.
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The mailing of cash has not yet been lifted.
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  5. Hollows Active Player

    Thanks for the response Mepps. Any eta on when it will be lifted?
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Not yet.
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  7. Hollows Active Player

    Okay. Thanks again.
  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player that a Dev only avatar you got there?
  9. TheLastSuperman Well-Known Player

    Make that account bound or rather you can only mail major amounts of money to alts on your account from your main not to other players i.e. any other account. Trade has options for items and cash input, that is all we really need.
  10. thirty six Loyal Player

    Any insight as to why this is still down?
  11. Physique Dedicated Player

    Odds are very strong that the forensic investigation into the money exploit is still being examined. Add to this the internal want to reduce or remove gold sellers from the game and there may lie the explanation why gold mailing is still down. Seeing how it is now Christmas week, I doubt this feature will be brought back online until after the start of the new year or sometime after the anniversary event starts.
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  12. OG ELITE Committed Player

    Would be nice to get this turned back on. Was wanting to decorate my alts base but switching back and forth to buy base items is a pain.
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Personally I hope it stays off as it is putting the gold sellers out of business. I did notice last night one new spam bot and the price it was advertising for gold was much higher than recent past.
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  14. sSavitaRr Level 30

    bruh my friend spent 4mil just to buy me a knight of vengeance cape and now i cant get it??? like its so unfair bruh he worked hard for that cash
  15. sSavitaRr Level 30

    can admins like give me a 1 hour membership to get my cape
  16. Eve YouTuber

    If you are both in the same league, he can put it in league bank and you can take it from there. Devs will never give you free membership
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  17. Halahiiro Well-Known Player

    Trade it.
  18. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    He can't trade if he's f2p.
  19. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Just make all the cash account bound instead of character bound. Problem Solved.
  20. Halahiiro Well-Known Player

    He is commenting on old Thread about All Access members money mailing.
    Trade still works for members and premiums.

    If he is f2p, how is he going to pay that 4mil to his friend anyway?

    f2p can not accept items from mail, as far as i know.
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