Economy Actions Taken Today

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 18, 2019.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Economy Actions

    As most of you likely know by now, we recently disabled the trading of cash, mailing of cash, and use of the broker while we addressed an issue impacting the game's economy.

    An exploit allowed a small number of players to inject trillions of fake cash into the game, substantially ballooning broker prices and item values, as well as allowing these bad actors to accumulate unfair wealth in both cash and items.

    This is not a simple problem to solve. This fake cash has thoroughly scattered throughout the entire player base, even to those completely unaware and trading legitimately. Having this much fake cash presents numerous long term problems for all players.

    To address this, we have taken three actions.
    • We fixed the exploit.
    • We took action on the offenders' accounts.
    • We performed a one-time "progressive tax" to remove most of the fake cash.


    We fixed the exploit as soon as the steps became available to us. If you become aware of an exploit in the future, report it in the Task Force X subforum, where only developers can see your threads. Include as much information and steps as possible.

    Do not continue to do the exploit. If you have done it in a good-faith attempt to find the steps, let us know the details so we can take that into account.

    Account Actions

    We cannot and will not directly comment on what actions have been taken on player accounts. We do want to be clear that appropriate actions have been taken. We also want to be clear that these actions in the future can range from removal of items, cash, or characters, to temporary suspensions, to permanent bans.

    Exploiting has a significant impact on everyone in the game and we take it very seriously.

    Progressive Tax

    As mentioned, virtually everyone in the game has now accumulated fake cash, even if completely unaware of the issue and trading or brokering legitimately. Our goal with this action is to remove as much of the fake cash as possible, impact as few people as possible, and be as fair as possible.

    Our goal is NOT to fix all of the economy's issues in one go. We are specifically focused on removing this recent influx of fake cash.

    We also want to maintain some of the scale of wealth legitimately present in the game. You may have less cash after this tax, but for the most part you will still have more than the people you had more than before, and less than the people you had less than before.

    What are Progressive Tax Brackets?

    Here's how that works (and, look, this is basically how the US and other tax systems work, so if you're confused at all about how progressive tax brackets work in real-life, this could be doubly helpful for you! If you don't care how it works, you can skip ahead.)

    In progressive tax brackets, you pay a specific percentage of tax on each chunk or bracket of money.
    • You might pay 0% on your first $10, then 10% on your next $20, then 20% on your next $30.
    • In this example, you would owe $0 from the first bracket, $2 from the second, and $6 from the third, for a total tax of $8 on that $60 you started with.
    NOTE: Being "in" the highest "20%" tax bracket does NOT mean you pay 20% of your total (that would be $12, not $8). You only pay the higher bracket's percentage on the money in that bracket. The lower percentages still apply to the money in the lower brackets.

    Our Brackets

    We have settled on six tax brackets for this one-time event, totaled at the ACCOUNT level, which are as follows:
    • Cash below $500,000,000 is not taxed at all.
    • Cash between 500,000,001 and 10,000,000,000 is taxed at 5%
    • Cash between 10,000,000,001 and 15,000,000,000 is taxed at 10%.
    • Cash between 15,000,000,001 and 20,000,000,000 is taxed at 20%.
    • Cash between 20,000,000,001 and 25,000,000,000 is taxed at 25%.
    • Cash above 25,000,000,001 is taxed at 100%.
    This means that most players fall into the first 0% tax bracket entirely, and that the wealthiest people will have about 22 billion cash after taxes.

    Final Note

    We recognize this type of action sucks for everyone, and that many will feel unfairly or innocently impacted. We strongly believe that taking no action is worse for everyone, and that this is the least-bad and most-fair way to address the situation.

    We are here to answer your questions and field any concerns.
    • Like x 51
  2. ChillCat Loyal Player

    • Like x 6
  3. Darth_Andrea Well-Known Player

    No this is the worst option. Making all game Cash account wide, and capping at 500 million, even for all access Sub players. With Broker limited to 150 million Max item price is exactly how this should have been fixed.
    • Like x 10
  4. Gladrios New Player

    Awesome. that's what i was looking for, great job, fair enough for all players.
    • Like x 2
  5. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    I think this is the fairest option. I know it wasn’t easy to come up with one.
    Will potential restrictions be put in place on how much money can be exchanged or the cap on pricing on the broker?
    • Like x 1
  6. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    Well this is what they did. They can’t please everyone unfortunately.
    • Like x 3
  7. Awsome Well-Known Player

    Stop it!
    Arbitrary caps are horrible for any economies, including game economies.
    I personally would have been a bit harsher on the percentages, but This is exactly the first step I would have taken. Great job Mepps, the developers, and staff at Daybreak!
    • Like x 13
  8. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

    What changes will we see moving forward with the broker?
  9. ROOTE Well-Known Player

    While adjusting the cap on broker prices was an additional suggestion pretty universally favored in posts I saw from the community, I just want to say thank you for this detailed statement.
    • Like x 3
  10. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Will the broker be activated today, along with un-Account Bounding items, and the ability to buy and sell directly via Trade?

    EDIT: I personally feel all the "taxing" should be at least double what it is.
    • Like x 4
  11. Darth_Andrea Well-Known Player

    3 weeks, and someone will find another item duping or cash creating exploit and we will be right back in the same place. My solution prevents both from ever being a problem again. Also it hits the Gold Sellers hard, as if Cash is Account wide use, and Capped at 500 million they can't sell the billions if not trillions to people they often do. Gives them less incentive to keep spamming zone chat.
    • Like x 6
  12. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Those with billions of glitched cash will still be able to completely control the broker and economy.
    • Like x 19
  13. Awsome Well-Known Player

    Mepps, is it safe to assume from this statement, that you are not done looking at the economy in general, and that future (non punative) steps will be taken to try to further correct the economy?
    • Like x 3
  14. Ascended Well-Known Player

    I would have liked to see a lower cap on the broker as well but as far as just getting the fake cash out of the economy, this seems valid enough. Especially since I won't be losing any money personally. ;) But like Mepps said, this isn't a full economy fix, this is just getting the excess cash out of the system, so maybe we'll be seeing a new broker cap (and/or other actions) next.

    Mepps, is the broker (and mail, etc) going back online today too? Please say it is; I got tons of stuff I need to unload.

    And I don't know if you can say much of anything, but do you guys plan on taking any other steps to balance/fix the economy moving forward or is this all you guys feel is necessary? It's great that you guys are dealing with the chaos this specific exploit caused but there's issues in the broker system beyond this one thing.
  15. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Lol...monitor energy will be a billion dollars! This fixes nothing!
    • Like x 9
  16. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Yeah, I don't understand it either to be honest, this leaves the door wide open to future money glitchers. This would have been a good opportunity to block sending cash via mail & via direct trade unless it's to your own account so gold spammers would be eliminated once and for all. But at least the gold spam chat has been dead for a couple of days on the upside I reckon. We will still have people with billions in this situation and a 25% tax on a few illegally obtained billions is not going to hurt them at all (like slapping a company that evaded taxes with a $250M fine whilst they profited $1B from it). They will still be able to control the market and it's back to square one. Ah well, what can you do...
    • Like x 8
  17. Ice master187 Active Player

    Mepss how about the issue with money sites u guys gonna fix that that should be the 1st thing on your agenda
    • Like x 4
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We will be looking at the economy as a whole in 2020. For now, we will continue to carefully monitor what's going on as we move forward from this.
    • Like x 22
  19. The Nightwing New Player

    Please give us nightwing or superman hairstyle as an apology for that issue
    • Like x 2
  20. gemii Dedicated Player

    Broker needs to be capped lower than a billion. it should be around 100-500 mill. Players will continue to dump items in the broker for obnoxious prices
    • Like x 10
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