Reset everyone’s cash already

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Olli Malicious, Dec 3, 2019.

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  1. Olli Malicious Active Player

    There are several Christmas collections listed on the broker for 1 billion.

    This is just ridiculous now. I feel like we are back to where we were before the first money reset a couple years ago. Stopping people from being able to trade cash just isn’t enough devs.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    There is a proper process to follow, before or if they even decide how to fix any subsequent damage.
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  3. nawanda Loyal Player

    OP clearly hasn’t got much cash.
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  4. Dead Reckon Well-Known Player

    Why would anyone pay that much for a seasonal collection. Let them post it for that and I hope they eat the posting cost. Because I would never pay that much for a seasonal collection.
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  5. Olli Malicious Active Player

    FYI I do have over a billion in-game. I just don’t even care anymore. Something has to be done.
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  6. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    Please, no. I've put in time, effort, and money ($30-50 a month on average on cosmetics and badges) on earning my in-game currency. I've never used any form of cheating, and I'm sure a lot of others who've made money also haven't used some form of cheat or exploit. Don't punish us, just because you don't know how to earn and/or invest.

    (EDIT: Just saw your post about you having money. My point still stands. Honest people shouldn't be punished.)
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  7. Dead Reckon Well-Known Player

    And I never buy seasonal collections. Running 7 toons I can farm them in about a week or 2. If everyone else would stop paying ridiculous price's for things like this, people would stop listing them that high.
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Honest people shouldn't be punished, but sometimes it happens anyway.

    This is a video game, everyone has a right to be annoyed by it, no one wants to lose anything but if it is damaged to a point where the system needs to be fixed then deleting some money or all money may become the necessary and reasonable solution.

    This has nothing to do with a persons supposed in ability to earn money either it revolves entirely around the factual state of the economy not your emotive view or anyone's emotive view of another player's ability or perceived lack thereof.

    You own nothing in this game, the devs can take it as and when they believe it might be appropriate to do so.

    Im open to any solutions that might be proposed when the developers have ascertained the extent of the problem.
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  9. Olli Malicious Active Player

    Money glitchers with their trillions are controlling the market. It doesn’t matter if I made a billion legit by selling collections... because my money isn’t worth anything compared to their fortunes. So yeah, please do a reset. At least it will be an even playing field then.
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  10. Dead Reckon Well-Known Player

    The stopping of money training between toons is a good start. Now add that to the mail system. Revamp the broker and make it an auction. Where you post the item with a reserve which is hidden from the bidders and set a reserve cap. This way people will bid on the item for what they are willing to pay for it.

    I know what you are going to say that the glitcher's will just buy everything off the auction regardless the price. But if they buying it at the cap reserve, then reposting it a the cap they are not making any money. And if there is a listing fee they are losing money. And over time this will drain money out of the game.

    Set it up so that there is a shared money between alts.
  11. myandria Item Storage

    That "even playing field" would not last long; some players will start that engine all over again. Not only would they start over again, but there is nothing place that would stop players from recouping their losses from the wipe by posting even higher broker prices.

    I do no agree with wiping out everyone's cash; however, if it will lead to a permanent solution that will keep the economy from going out of control then I could deal with it.

    I agree with Proxy; I would love to hear from the devs if they feel there is an issue with the economy or not and their ideas on what could be done. If the devs do not see that the economy is a problem, I would like to know that as well so I know where I stand with this game.
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  12. tukuan Devoted Player

    They've dropped a bit as the day progressed, the vendor piece I can see the ppl who listed it at 999m but the lowest price is now around 120m.

    That said I agree it's gone too far. I think it needs to be a phased solution though. First cap person to person trades and mail transfers. Then drop broker ceilings by say 100m a month down to around 100m. Finally start dropping toon limits to around the same amount. Sure some will move their money around to alt accounts but for the glitchers my feelings are it will just start to become too much work. My thinking is most of the ppl who glitch and cash exploit are by nature lazy so if you make it more work they'll move on to something else.
  13. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    There are lots with billions that feel the same way as OP
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  14. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I’ve long been a billionaire (mostly through selling time cap collections I bought with real money), but I would like to see a money reset now. Things as they are now are unsustainable. The people who glitched trillions are going to continue trolling the other players by keeping items out of their reach. That’s the game they are here to play - a game of us.

    The thing here - even if you had a billion last year, it’s worth a fraction of that today due to the glitching. You may have in your mind that you would lose what you know to be a billion, but the reality is you are not.
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  15. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    How can they post higher broker prices when there is no money to pay the fee and no one to buy? The main worry is all the accumulated collections, auras, mats, etc they also now have on top of the trillions of cash. Just a money wipe won't cut it. If they do any kind of wipe it almost has to be a full scorched earth event with past items being made account bound. I agree with you and Prox though. Would definitely like a different solution but I'm not sure there really is one. It's gone too far for too long now
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  16. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Exactly. And it's not even just money anymore. They now also own a massive chunk of all the rare items and collections too.
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  17. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    If people stop buying things at the billions the money will eventually dry up due to all the money lost on deposits.
  18. Olli Malicious Active Player

    No because the people controlling the market have trillions. I just don’t think we can just ride this one out.

    I’ve been playing since launch and this is killing my fun to play right now. I can’t imagine being a new player just starting DCUO.
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  19. Olli Malicious Active Player

    I think they need to reset the money and put a stop to gold sellers once and for all by removing the ability to transfer money through mail.

    After that, who cares if the gold sellers have all the rare stuff stucked in their inventory. At least they won’t be destroying the economy anymore. Plus there will be no reason for them to be around this game.
  20. gemii Dedicated Player

    smh not the way

    just remove all broker items and lower the cap limit from 999,999,999 down to whatever number they feel is a good number

    i legit grinded over years to have a legit 3 Billion. So i lose my money because others want to mess up the game? id quit if that happens. i dont have the time anymore to sit on the game all day and grind.
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