After Metal Part 2

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Raven Roth, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Eventually the cross platform between xbox amd playstation will come and dcuo will see a rise in players for a little while atleast, during that time i hope they take the “recourses” they make off this lil spike to give us a new city, star city and central have to pretty close, they could do the 2 island thing they did for metro.
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  2. Raven Roth Committed Player

    I'd rather go back to Central City again
  3. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    I like the optimism, but doubtful. They aren't really gaining anything directly. They still have to program across all systems and it's not exactly new money coming in, because it wouldn't be new players, just new to each other players.
  4. NightFrost New Player

    What do u mean nothing to be gained? Bringing Xbox into the mix will not only revive the game (heavy focus on PVP), but aslo help populate the much needed open world, which in turn might attract not only old players back to the game but also new ones as well. That will rev up revenue big time. Sure, might take some work to getting the cross platform working, but definitely worth it in the long run.
  5. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    Revive the game? I don't think so. Where do you think the new players would come from exactly?