Getting to Titans Island

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Karen Beecher, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. Karen Beecher New Player

    I've got a CR Lvl 38 character
    Currently have 135 source marks

    In order to get to Titans Island I need a CR of 230.

    I was considering getting the CR advance to 210 and then utilizing the 135 source marks I have to boost him to 230.

    Is there another way to do this ? Yes, I know "Grind, Grind, Grind" obviously but what's the best way for me to get this character to 230 and Titans Island ?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Grind Grind Grind... intelligently.

    The 210 CR Boost would cover the greatest distance, if you want to, fine, if you don't want to, fine.

    Leveraging Dailies from the Event (3 boxes a day, 4 extra a week) will give you a source of direct CR growth, and buying an occasional piece from a vendor (I recommend Chest, Legs - largest weight in old CR equation, not sure if that's still true, but also largest stat boost, and/or Weapon, again, direct stats boost + CR and actual Damage out) will help make the jumps a little more regular. The Watchtower is lousy with Gear vendors, so it's easy to jump up a few notches fast if you have the spare marks.
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If you skip that far ahead you're going to miss out on SP and Augment/Artifact xp. You don't want to have a high cr with low stats, just to go back and grind that content out anyway.
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  4. Blood Marauder New Player

    i would also hold off on buying the cr skip just now, since for the past couple New Years events the staff has given out one or more free cr skips to players, might as well wait a couple months and see if you can get a free skip out of the game before paying all that money ;)
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  5. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    This is great advice. I would also add that, while doing this, you should queue up for relevant content in the On Duty tab. As you do the open world missions, instances will pop, and you will get more gear to boost your CR, while collecting feats along the way. You’ll be surprised by how quickly you advance. Also, run the Death of Superman content, which gives you more Marks and more scalable gear. If you have multiple pieces of unattuned gear in your inventory, the first one you attune should always be the one that corresponds with your lowest level piece of gear.

    In the long run, you will want to put time into getting feats to earn stat points. It’s good to get some friends together or join a league to make that easier and mor enjoyable.
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  6. dresserball Dedicated Player

    You don't miss out on that. You can simply go back and get the SP. Also they give you SP durring the skip. The artifact xp doesn't go away either. You get it while you play does not matter if you play at CR55 or CR270 it drops the same.
  7. FrauFever New Player

    i'm very good at getting cr...which is a little less than half the game.....i quickly discovered 220 cr means very little with 50 sp.....
    being able to buy lvl 210 is not a good idea, unless you have a few already established toons and know how to go get some SP.
    don't so yourself the disservice of buying 210 cr while you have less than 150 sp... EVERYTHING will still suck, you'll still struggle, and you won't have any experience to draw on....go do some dailies, grind out some sp...and by then, you probably will be 210 cr
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You obviously only read the first sentence of what I said. I never said those stats go away. It's a choice between accumulating those stats naturally or jump to CR 231 just to replay content you paid to skip. A CR 231 with rank 24 Augments, no artifacts and around 80 SP is not going to be able to stand up with people who didn't pay to skip.
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  9. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    Bro for 50 bucks? u give me a 10 steam card and i bump u with more feats and more source marks then u get from buying that cr boost.
  10. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Sure they can. And I did read all of your post.

    People can skip levels, max out artifacts, and max out origin / adaptive augments without ever really playing the game. They can then still go and be able to beat content. Face it this game is pay to win.

    Also would you like the ability to go into most content or just a small bit? Sometimes a skip is better then stuck.
  11. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Just out of curiosity, why the big rush to get to Titans Island? There are a lot of cool episodes and areas to explore between CR 38 and CR 230. I'm slowly making my way through the game and have really liked areas such as: Gotham Under Seige, Themyscira, Oa, Gotham Wasteland, New Genesis and the WWII areas.
  12. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i would imagine because karen beecher=bumblebee=titans fan.

    i need to start copying and pasting more. this question has basically been brought up twice in the past week or so.

    advice i always give to new/newer players is to take your time getting to level 30 and take your time moving up the tiers. try to get as many things done pre 30 as far as exploration feats/booster gold, pre 30 bounties, easy style feats, easy lpve feats, try to get to as 100/1000 salvaging/gathering/chest feats as you can etc etc. Save all your marks. Dont buy any gear at first. Unlock your mainframe as soon as possible. If you keep yourself just a little above the content you need to consume cr wise youll be good.

    Like i said the last time this came up there are a couple of good very easy to find guides that will provide you with a lot of information~locations of all the briefings and investigations, how to get some of the trickier feats, chest locations and how to quickly finish off the contact missions.

    its easy to get to end game cr. from when this thread was posted saturday to today you could have gone from a cr of 45 or 50 way up to the 270's. you might be able to get away with it. if you can't you're going to have a hard time in end game content.

    As Bumblebee is one of my favorite characters if the op is on the usps hit me up and i'll be more than happy to grind you through some duos and alerts for an hour or two and some easy duel feats. I currently have 3 toons with end game crs but middling sps ive been working on.
  13. Karen Beecher New Player

    First off, I want to thank everybody who responded to this post. Really helpful all.

    Secondly, to the question of 'why the big rush to get to Ttians Island, WilderMidnight got it exactly right @
    i would imagine because karen beecher=bumblebee=titans fan

    New to this game, but I've been a comic fan for more years then I'd care to admit to on this board (Hint: Neal Adams was the artist for Superman at the time)

    It drives me slightly buggy to not have certain things in place (Example: I have an Aquaman character, but I need Lvl xxx in order for him to float into/play the Atlantis content. When I finally got my Flash character to the level where he could go to Central City I practically wept, etc.) and of course this Titans thing, hence the question.

    I'll get to Titans Island. I won't pay for the level advance. Just grind good and often (why does that sound dirty ?) and get there when I get there. Play for the journey and enjoy the game.

    Oh, one more thing, on a different topic (If allowed) saw a chest with rolled up shirt sleeves, vest, shirt and tie. What's the name of that style ?

    And thanks again.
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  14. GL4ever Well-Known Player

    This one?

    Riddler. It's the gear for Riddled with Crime. Tier 8/CR 197
  15. Karen Beecher New Player

    That's it !! Thanks !!
  16. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Ah... didn't notice your handle, my bad. I'm a huge Titans fan also. Though more a fan of the New Teen TItans from the Perez and Wolfman era.... the Geoff Johns era wasn't so bad... but not so much the Damian Wayne era.

    Good thing is that the Titans appear quite a bit throughout the entire game as you'll see as you make your way up. For example The Sons of Trigon episodes are all Raven - centric so the Titans characters and known Titans villains like the Fearsome Five play supporting roles and you can interact with them in the Gotham Wasteland zone.

    Good Luck! And what platform and server are you on? If you're on the Nintendo Switch US server I could help you run content.
  17. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    because you're a sinner.


    At least that's why it sounded dirty to me...

    As for everything else? Welcome aboard!