Raven got a new model [Test Server]

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. Eve YouTuber

    Old model:

    Edit: Raven's new model is Officially my favorite in the game
    • Like x 25
  2. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    IMO don't like it
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  3. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    is the bottom one the old model or the center?
  4. Eve YouTuber

    Bottom model is the old one, the white one is new (It's the soul self Raven bounty)
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    She has a face!
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  6. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Props to the designer. Unlike my dislike of the new Nightwing and Wonder Woman models this one I actually like...a lot.
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  7. Eve YouTuber

    • Like x 6
  8. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i prefer the classic but it is an improvement on the game model.

    is this going to be a style available to players?

    i would love to have that low slung belt.

    is the chest piece the entire tunic or is it broken up into a chest and leg piece with the leg style being the skirt portion. even with an asymmetric waistline i'd love another short skirt option.

    wish we could get somthing more along ravens classic cape. something billowey and sweeping.
  9. GL4ever Well-Known Player

  10. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Hmmm...those shoulders would look good on a, you know, owl character. :D
  11. inferno Loyal Player

    Very nice improvement on the style and face.
  12. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    She looks like Talia from ARROW
  13. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    Is that Raven's look in the comics right now?
    Just wondering what was the inspiration for the design.
  14. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Pretty good. Not a fan of everything, but there's enough there to sway me. Really like the waist, the feathered thing, and the hair style. Hope we get some of these styles soon.
  15. Zamara Dedicated Player

    I really hope we get her outfit as a style for our characters, i love it :D
  16. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    Not bad. At least the face looks human this time. The costume is solid, the face doesn't detract from it... yeah, it's good.
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    I actually like this one. thumbs up
    • Like x 2
  18. Ryuvain2 Level 30

    That's almost axactly the look I was going for with my own character, but you can't really change much with the face. Curses.

    She looks great though. Less iconic but it's so good. I wouldn't be able to tell who it as if I only saw her face lol.

    Fingers crossed for hairstyle since we've gotten Zatanna and Starfire.
  19. Cyro Committed Player

    I prefer the original style
    • Like x 2
  20. Nogreen Active Player

    Nice looking, does this mean players will be getting free respec/re-creation of one character?
    (Cause some of us did try and make a character looking like Raven you know.)
    Also, does this mean there will be new style items ingame or will the Raven style items just change, so players that already have got the old style will gain the new style?