No more replay badges...?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gambo323, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. Gambo323 Level 30

    I think it’s time we look into the discussion of eliminating replay badges, at least for legendary members. This game that I love to play and others have said in passing that if they got rid of replay badges for members they would play more. I’m not an expert on marketing but I’m pretty sure with all the micro transactions in this game it wouldn’t hit the bottom line as much. Out of all MMO’s this is the only one I know that forces paid members to pay extra to replay missions that are open to them. I think if the devs made this move more ppl would sign up to be members. You would get a steady volume of players playing regularly and increase the popularity of the game and at the end of the day isn’t that what we want? Please take this under strong consideration. Hell you can even increase the membership price if you make this happen. I think it would be a BIG boost for all parties. Any feedback on this topic would be appreciated, thank you for your time and effort in making this game as great as it is.
  2. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    ....may you rest in peace after people get done murdering this thread!
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  3. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I have only one question... "Amazing Grace" or "Flowers of the Forest"? (Yes, I really do play the bagpipes.)
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  4. ColdFuzion Well-Known Player

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  5. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    There's a bit of a problem with your suggestion, though. Unless we work for Daybreak or are one of the green names, we don't know. They don't disclose their financial info all that much, so trying to say anything definitive about their bottom line or how a decision might affect said bottom line is, at best, complete guesswork.
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I think the game would be healthier without replays, as evidenced by the other MMOs that don't undermine their progression system, however, they've been in this game so long now people won't let them go and im sure the developers won't entertain losing that revenue stream which is probably second to capsules.
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  7. Gambo323 Level 30

    Well at the very least they could consider giving members a break and not make us pay the same amount to replay a missions as a non subscriber. I get it’s a money thing not just for the devs but for ppl selling them in game I just think it’ll improve the popularity and increase regular volume of ppl playing if they made this move.
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  8. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    technically the cost is defrayed by the extension of 150 Replays a month as a part of your Subscription benefits... practicality suggests another thing entirely, but, really...


    if anything positive emerged from the system, it's this - the enforced downtime encourages other avenues of self-development.
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  9. Eve YouTuber

    To be fair, I rarely use replays for anything but styles. I like to progress at my own pace.
    If we talk about taking Replay Badges away completely (Not just as members benefit) I think it will
    take some value out of membership, upset a lot of players, And also - how are we supposed to unlock styles?
    what will be the point of style unlocking then? (Not styles I can earn, styles who cost real money like Wings of Sin for example, or Villain to Hero styles and vise versa.)
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  10. Awsome Well-Known Player

    I like replays for styles and feat unlock for my alts. I don't think i have ever used it to unlock an instance (not on purpose anyways). If they did away with replays, my alts would not be viable. But I do hate the idea of unlocking instances. Always have.
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  11. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    I like replay badges and I use them as a convenience. When I need to use them I have them. Sometimes they really come in handy.
  12. Gambo323 Level 30

    I’m sure they can come up with another system for style unlocking. Not saying they would get rid of them completely , just saying for members that are already paying for the game (monthly) can use the incentive to work on alts especially for end game players who are limited on marks we can earn from missions so we can chase past gear or other things in the game.
  13. Eve YouTuber

    But how is it fair to take a benefit from members? We pay for it. It's like taking Access to Episodes and tell us Now you pay for it, no full access as member. Does it look fair? What will be the point of subbing? And I doubt, really really doubt they will take it away or replace it.
    Players relay on that system and the Devs making money of it.
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  14. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Boy I was wondering why the format sounds so familiar.
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  15. SUPER GAMBO New Player

  16. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    On what planet is removing the need to pay to receive rewards from re-running content detrimental to members?
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  17. Eve YouTuber

    They don't pay to receive rewards. They don't buy the instance. They just unlock it so they can play it again and earn their rewards.
    You don't buy the rewards. And 150 Replay badges currently are a benefit that being used by a lot of players. I stand by what I said, It shouldn't be removed as It's an existing benefit that helps players.
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  18. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Even if Feat Unlocking becomes the ONLY THING we use Replays for, I still want Style and Feat unlocking; aside from that, would it be nice to play Instances without reseting? You bet.
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  19. SUPER GAMBO New Player

    I never said get rid of the badges they give us as members i said remove the need to use them on missions. Ppl will still need them to unlock styles and feats just not on missions for paid members. In fact i believe it will cause the need for mor badges to be bought cuz ppl will be running on alts more and thereby encourageing to unlock styles and feats
  20. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Replace Replays with Source Marks.

    For paying members, instead of 150 Replays per month, 150 Source Marks.
    Reset your loot locks with Source Marks.
    Unlock styles for Source Marks.
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