Sony is allowing Crossplay for all games

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fatal Star, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

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  2. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are 100% in full support of crossplay everywhere, but what is sometimes touted as amazing crossplay has come with restrictions in the past that make it a non-starter for an mmo like ours. Definitely looking forward to more info, though.
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  4. ANNlHlLATOR New Player

    It's just been reported that Sony has allowed all developers to make their games crossplay enabled. Mepps has previously stated that they would love to enable crossplay so one would assume we will be seeing this at some point. Obviously this wouldn't happen overnight as servers would need to be split for the XBOX side and maybe they would have another name reclaim like when the PS and PC servers merged.
  5. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  6. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    For the record, this is already a clearly titled, commented on by the devs, topic on the front page. I mean, i don't always search either, but the front page! Not even that far down!
  7. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    That's keeps way of saying, "don't ruin the surprise!"
  8. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Cross-play functionality is 1 thing. Cross-play implementation comes down to negotiation over $.
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  9. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    While this is great for Switch and X-Box, as their populations are quite low from what I hear, my excitement for such a thing is not that high. Until Daybreak takes the time to address PVP there isn't really a need for more players on PC and PS. PVE is just fine on PC and PS and PVP is dead as a door nail since it has more bugs than any other content in the game. But if the developers were to ever address PVP, then there would be a reason for me to get excited about cross play as there would be more people to PVP with and against.
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  10. Minie Well-Known Player

    I disagree, pvp may be broken but that shouldn't stop others from experiencing it together. Look at Xenoverse 2, I absolutely hate it and it's PVP is waay worse than DCUO, but for some reason pepple LOVE it. I'm basically saying: unlike us, some new players or existing players may like PVP even in it's current state. To reject cross-play because pvp is broken is ridicilous IMO.
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  11. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    I am a long time player, but started over when the game dropped on switch. While i wouldn't say that i particularly like pvp in it's current state, we are playing it. We don't have 8+ years behind us and the feats are tricky because right now we can run 4v4s if we're lucky enough to have 8 people queuing in conjunction. It may not be ideal, but we have the motivation to play it whether it's crap or not, so the new players will affect both sides of the game.
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  12. Minie Well-Known Player

    Also there are other players like you on other servers, that means more people on PVP and that means faster Qs/higher PVP population. Maybe even the devs would change their mindset towards PVP if it became more like this, who knows.
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  13. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    Exactly. I see this as nothing but a good thing if they're able to implement it.
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  14. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Only work arounds I see from a player standpoint are names and the broker economy, I'm not sure how it works from a technical standpoint (and I won't pretend to know), but I think those two hurdles are worth investing the time into this.
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  15. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    I would be worried about that, but players that started late on ps/pc has to deal with it. All it takes is a couple good sales and the economy is no longer a problem.

    As for the names... Could be tricky, but they've done it before. Sure, some people will end up ********, but the more creative ones can adapt and overcome. I've been a variation of my current name (theDoctor) for years in some form it another, I'd give it up if it made the game better. I'm sure there are plenty that would do the same.
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  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    A few good sales and some extreme luck* but yeah.

    As for names, it's becoming increasingly harder to come up with something original without doing the whole L0rd Sl4ay3r nonsense. I think they should give each toon a unique ID that other players can see, that way folks can use the same name and still find a way to differentiate between one another.

    I don't know, just spitballing, but I really hope crossplay gets moved way up on the priority list.
  17. Minie Well-Known Player

    None of that would be a problem if we had a automated name renewal system (after long periods of inactivity) like other's. Or/And if we were unrestricted from using special characters in names.
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  18. dresserball Dedicated Player

    The issue comes with those players competing with ps/pc sp. Switch didn't get many of the timecapsules and would have to spend a fortune to get all the items from them. That is why I don't recommend this game to my friends.
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  19. Hmmmm Well-Known Player

    I appreciate the concern, but I'm cresting 200 and one of our players is already over 280. Again, it's no worse than any new player coming to the game.

    Sure it may take us a while to get into the 490s, but let's face it, we're all running top tier content (I'm at 281 cr, working in my op neck) with no problems. It would be up to the ps/pc elitists to realize that maybe they don't need all that sp to run if you can actually read and follow directions in a raid. Keep in mind, we're doing these instances with limited players in chat.
    Hell, there are a few of us that already have arts up to 200. And we did it without the ability to cr/sp skip, so give us a little credit. ;)
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  20. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I don’t understand what that means?