Suppressor Turret Auto Self-Destruct..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SigmaAtom, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    Hi guys

    Does anyone know the thinking behind why Turret self destructs while out of combat?

    On a secondary note..I would have liked to make a Tank armory (for alerts) like I have for Sorcery. I really like having the option of Guardian, if Turret had.. say.. fire as a group taunt and grenade & taze as a single taunt. I would enjoy the assurance knowing Turret could hold aggro like Guardian.

    But I am aware the last time I suggested *any* change to gadgets.. everyone (to be humorous) *just about lost their minds.*


    Why does he self-destruct?

  2. Danne0075 Well-Known Player

    He just self destructs, nothing special about it. Its not meant to be out 24/7 like robot sidekick or earth sorc pets. See it more as a snow devil.
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  3. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Suppressor Turret had a highly troubled development history during the Revamp design and testing period. Several different variations of Turret were tested over a several month period and the version we have now is a compromise between all of them.

    One of the earliest versions of Revamped Suppressor Turret had it being an immortal pet. One of the early balancing guidelines for immortal pets is that they be temporary in nature. Needless to say, that version of Turret was pretty bad. It cost 450 base power to summon, stayed out for only 15 seconds, had a 30 second cooldown, and unintentionally damaged nearby allied players when it exploded.

    We left enough feedback that the Gadgets Revamp developer decided that was version a bad idea. He decided to compromise by making it a mortal pet, having it only explode out of combat, lowering the power cost, reducing the cooldown time, and making it be a power interaction using pet. It took several feedback cycles just to get it to that point. By the time Turret got to that point, it was almost time to release the Revamp and there were no additional feedback cycles.

    What we have right now isn't ideal, but it is much better than what we were going to receive.
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  4. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    If only...

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  5. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    sorc and earth put out your pet you are and gadgets need that...
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  6. Danne0075 Well-Known Player

    Theres a difference in those pets. Just one thing that should be wnough is that those 2 powers are pet powers while ice and gadgets have pets but arent pet powers.
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  7. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    A big thanks to your honoured self for answering Penryn!

    (and thanks to all)

    I see what you are saying.. and I see what the Dev was thinking at that time, as this was sensible with the time limitations due to the revamp.

    IIWM.. now.. with hindsight..
    I'd make Turret: mortal with defence that is based on taunting, something like + 30% def for 6s. everything else.. PI included just keep as is.. because you can use Guardian to PI mobs also. Perma out.

    12 second cooldown seems fair to me after destruction, if you were using him as a alert tank.. the alert boss could possibly kill everyone in those 12 seconds (depending on the boss). 15 to 30 is a bit long imho.

    On another note folks mentioned ice..

    I might of liked to see a mini version of the huge ice SC monster.. but even saying that, I don't see what advantage we would get over Earth.. for Gadgets and Sorc.. our advantage would be/is being able to cross-class without giving other classes access to tank gear.

    I would like to see however Pets gain the benefits from artifacts*.. if it were a tank pet then tank artifacts would work etc
    I'd like to be able to see the buff/debuff status on pets.. flip, on everyone would be good for support to know what's going on in the group.

    but maybe those are just pipe dreams.. making Turret a tank pet seems a pretty natural progression to me.

    *(I had a thread asking about this iirc last year.. pretty much everyone said pets don't get advantages from artifacts)
  8. CrescentMoon Well-Known Player

    Holographic Decoy + Distract/Shadow Concoction

    You'll find more on the channel, but it'll give you an idea of what you can do.
  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I wish they’d get a visual update
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  10. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Yeah, as Penryn said, this version was just the final result that they came up with in order to keep it useful but not overpowered. I would like it to stay out but I don't mind it leaving out of combat too much.

    I use it for my dps loadouts because my rotation doesn't require all of my power slots so I throw the turret out there for the extra ticks of damage and power interactions.
  11. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I agree turret and snow devil should be treated like Sorcery and Earth.
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  12. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    Dude. We're talking about a turret that has mounted mini guns, flamethrower, grenade launcher, cryo foam, and it hovers. The fact that thing doesn't blow up immediately upon activation, is nothing short of a miracle. Just be glad it lasts as long as it does.

    And no need to worry about running out. During origin crisis Future Batman visited a universe, where a Batman opened a production line of Suppressor turrets. He's has literally billions of them. So use as much as you want lol.
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  13. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I gotta try this little devil and see what's cooking with it as I've never used it but before revamp. I gotta see how this one is.