Revolutionary QOL

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by plumcrazy, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. plumcrazy Well-Known Player

    So I know first hand how hard programming is these people do work hard regardless the game to bring us these cool little cutscenes and all but in certain games (this type of game especially) we see certain cutscenes gets a bit much. There are scene skippers for certain solo content (should be all solo content) but how about expanding this to duos alerts and raids? Other games have implemented a group option to vote to skip the cutscene and it seems to work well, in some games I think people who haven't even seen the cutscene once choose to skip it.
  2. High Troller Loyal Player

    i personally like cutscenes. turning them off during group content would take away my short breaks away from keyboard.
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  3. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    Oh dear god YES!!

    Thinking the same dang thing in Pub Crawl the other day. It's cute the first couple of times but enough is enough! Thinking maybe an interactive console near the landing point, both need to activate in duo, 3/4 in alert and 6/8 for a raid. just spitballing here...

    Do this and something anything to shut up those stupid gold spammers, at least the account ignore idea, and I swear I won't gripe at my DCUO screen for at least 3 days.