Survival Mode 2019 Season 1 Lunge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by geoforcee100, Jun 25, 2019.

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  1. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    Good points! Using Lunge as movement for extra jumping range is something I did the first few times in Shattered Gotham. I hope I don't get marked as an exploiter either. ^_~
  2. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    Yeah, from what I read of Mepps' reply, it isn't against the rules. I guess it's like if they made metal baseball bats legal in professional baseball. Some people would complain about it being "wrong," but you know most of the players are going to use the tool that makes them more effective at the game their playing.

    It's so not black and white for me. I feel that it's "cheap/cheesy," but Daybreak says it's okay to do it, and it's not my place to tell other people how they should play a video game if they're staying within the rules.
  3. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    This is false.
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  4. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Just know, this level of division is what ruined pvp.. people on YouTube, the forums & twitter all complaining to the devs then they made the wrong call & nerfed n changed some things that didn’t need changing...

    Honestly as I reflect & keep seeing youtube videos on it... i saw the devs just leave it alone for the 2 last weeks & if they decide to do a sm season 2 idek how to fix it
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  5. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Oh come on Shark. I thought'd you'd learned that pedantry is for chumps. This thread is tribalism at it's worst, why join in? I haven't seen such wilful ignorance since the money glitch.
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  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    so what we get from that answer is that using something in an not expected or intended way isnt automatically classified as an exploit, good to know...
  7. spack2k Steadfast Player

    lunging red skull attacks wont help always, so sometimes one will survive and sometimes just die, therefore one will be known as a mediocre tank :p
  8. Trexlight Devoted Player

    You do know the right way to do 8 players right? Is having 2 of each roles right. So the community just does what the community wants to have their group make ups. I may not agree with the group makeup with the 5x3 became the community norm but thats just how the game is. Just because the 4 player was made up in a different group isnt exposing anything, the group make up isnt whats game breaking here. If they went in with all Tanks or all Healers, thats not the issue. If it is an issue for you, go create a new thread because this isnt the topic for this thread.
  9. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    I'm staying out of all the debates being had, but I will say that I feel like the following 3 changes would help with balance in the game.

    1.) Add a 1.25 second delay/dove tail animation to the end of every lunge. This puts lunging on par with rolling but does not effect lunging's ability to apply dodge to a player as it has done since the start of the game.

    2.) Have it so that players are unable to dodge any and all abilities NPC's do. Keep weapon attacks where they are able to be dodged, however, abilities should not be able to be dodged.

    3.) Disallow Man-Bat form while in combat. If you enter combat while in Man-Bat form, you will revert back to your normal form.
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  10. Ringz Dedicated Player

    I'll put it this way.

    This lunge thing has been known and used heavily in pvp since.......... pfffffft, so the lunge thing itself is old news. What makes this new is instead of it only being common in a pvp environment it has made its way of usage toward pve now.

    So basically the devs been known about this. If the only response (and only feasible response) we're going to get is they're going to look into it, then you might as well buckle your seatbelts for some years. Because if anything Fluury shot should've been dealt with way before SM was even thought about bringing back up.

    If you still play dc and care, then I think people need to follow Brother Allen step, and start making solutions now. Issue been brought up, and a green name has spoken about. Now the next step is figuring out how to tackle it. Unless you want the devs to fix the problem by themselves :rolleyes:
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  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Let's stay on topic, but both things are working as they work right now. Both things may be too viable and may be in need of adjustment.
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Already noted.
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  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There's always gray area. Some things are obviously exploits, but other things are not as clear. If you could lunge 3 times, run in a circle, do a backflip, and then gain 500% damage - that's a bug, so taking advantage of it is an exploit.

    Lunging is working exactly as intended. When you lunge, you gain a small window of immunity. That's how it works. Spam lunging at the exact right time to avoid damage is just how it can work. The way lunging works is (currently) intended, but the consequence of how that can be used in content and especially SM was more unforeseen and is not desirable.

    Put another way, we allow you to lunge as often as you want and (at some point) thought it was a good idea for there to be immunity there. The consequences of that, especially in SM, are concerning enough for us that we are investigating changing how it could work.

    You're extra-pro if you didn't need to use spam lunging in SM, but no one is getting in trouble for it.
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Final word: the way lunge works is not a bug or glitch. It works as it was designed to work, so using it...creatively...isn't an exploit. The consequence of this design in some situations, as highlighted in SM, is not great in our opinion. Changes may be made.
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  15. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    You should run for office lol
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  16. Happy® New Player

    Pick a side Mepps for once please and be little more specific is it right to lunge away from boss like 40-50 min and take zero damage from any skull attacks and weapon attacks because you are in the dodge machanic all the time ?
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Gaining immunity when lunging is not a bug. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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  18. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    I hear all of that, but that doesnt create balance.. If the fighting mechanics are supposed to be ROCK PAPER SCIZZORS(Lunge, Block, Block Break), then why doesnt all of the other RPS have immunity??? Giving lunging an IMMUNITY favoritism as a (ROCK) while everything else(PAPER & SCIZZORS) has NO IMMUNITY, then you have a LOPSIDED unbalanced fighting mechanics.. IMO

    IF all ROCK PAPER SCIZZORS cannot have IMMUNITY TOGETHER, then NONE of them should get ANY IMMUNITY UNTIL you actually successfully countered the enemy.. IMO

    Not to only mention that LUNGING has a WAYYYYY FASTER RECOVERY TIME out of all the RPS mechanics.. Youre penalized harder for blockin and ranging, while lunging gets all the benefits.. You have to wonder what this is ALSO DOING TO PVP..

    PS... While i have your attention.. We need a WEAPON DAMAGE PASS PLEASE.. fixing this will also help out the PVP community inherently.. Moves that require longer animation times need to HIT HARDER.. High risk high reward..
  19. AV Loyal Player

    It would have been a logical requirement to ensure that, while countering, damage doesn't occur. No such requirement exists for block break because you're not countering something that does damage. No such requirement exists for block because you're still actually taking a hit at reduced damage, as is logical, as part of the counter process; the alternative to block is roll which is higher risk but mitigates all damage when executed successfully. It exists for lunge because if you're still taking damage from a range attack/special you're lunging, you're not exactly countering it you're just getting face-fed while lunging; the whole point with this specific interaction is that you're actually preventing the attack and/or moving in such a way that it doesn't take effect, and you can even occasionally get a partial prevention if your lunge was barely late (most easily observed vs Solar Flame).

    Because of how the game applies damage, it would be pretty hard to do a lunge counter properly if lunge didn't mitigate the damage in that you'd just full on eat **** from every attack (eg. Imagine Vampire Lord's Solar Flame or any/all of Deathstrokes skull attacks if you got the counter but still took full damage). Similarly, the risk:reward of the RPS system is the interrupt/immunity gained. Without lunge mitigating ranged damage, immunity = instant death the moment anyone gives blues. It's not appropriate for deflection to apply when lunging away from your target, however, and obviously US' special attacks were inappropriately given a ranged tag when they shouldn't have been.

    I anticipate whatever "fix" they implement will fundamentally break core mechanics, making 2x tank crutch builds mandatory in future SM regardless of the skill level of the players involved. Troll will become even more undesired than it is now.
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  20. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    And regarding SM as an alert..

    Personally.. I think SM just suffered from extremely HIGH HEALTH from NPCs... its an alert.. Too time consuming, not friendly to start over at your own time.. Have to reset back to last SM odd number save point... They have to remove all of that in the future.

    If they were considering that 1 dps would be in the ALERT SM, NPC health Pool shouldve been reduced by ALOT even though they did already... NPC can still put out the same damage but lowering the health would ensured more players would play wont be too time consuming.. NO reason NPC should have RAID type health in alert... Health should be slightly increased every 3-5 rounds or so...

    Just bad execution
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