what would y'all suggest

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by fernandosucre28, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. Rainnifer Committed Player

    But... Controllers need love too...
    • Like x 1
  2. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    I am counting on it. ;)
  3. Merlin2574 Well-Known Player

    I always felt that if you wanted to learn Tank, to get the feel of it, Fire is a good way to go. But as others said, to each their own.
  4. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    This is a strange Controller.
    So remote :(.
    Oh, yes^, the Group will have a difficult time finding no power.

    (CHUCKLES) Very good. Vitalization and Dominance Controllers are keys that can open many powers and weakening enemies.
    Nevertheless, there is a considerable upside. Controllers get so much flack and receive so little recognition that most players don’t want to take on this role, so if you’re good at your job go for it **
  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Celestial is best, obv.
    • Like x 7
  6. Eve YouTuber

    Celestial is challenging as dps. But I actually enjoy it. Though Rage is my favorite Because
    I'm a fanatic of Red Lanterns. :p

    "With blood and rage of crimson red,
    Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead,
    Together with our hellish hate,
    We'll burn you all--that is your fate!"
  7. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    ask yourself these 5 questions
    1) damage or role?
    2) if damage do you want a steady rhythm of pressing 1234?...or would you rather button a pattern with finger dexterity?...steady is might button pattern precision...or combos...all are fine btw...a little repeating but fine
    3) if role which one control heal tank??
    4) does character concept matter?? are you a cyborg munitions villain??.. mystic nature wielding hero?? do you stare at the name space for hours thinking of the BEST name...or is your guy a hodgepodge of clashing styles and called something like Ben D. Over...for LOL!! reasons ...does patron matter...do you have "powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men" ?...so superman MUST be your mentor...do you care what missions you get??
    5) do you care about PvP?? havent in a while myself but you might want to explore what powers/weapons do best there
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  8. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    Excellent questions!

    Personally, I like to write background stories for each character. No one ever sees them, I just enjoy doing it. If I decide to make a new character to try out a power I usually have an idea for a background before I create him/her. I ask myself, how did they get their power? Was it the result of an exobyte or something else? Why did they choose to be a hero or villain? What mentor would they pick, and why? When it comes to naming the character, I refuse to do the 'Xxname4829xX" convention, or 'Soopurman'. I don't care if it takes me a hour to find a 'regular' name that hasn't been taken. That's just me.

    The background tends to dictate the appearance / styles the character wears. Some people love changing their styles all the time. Other than for Halloween and Christmas, I pretty much stick with one style unless something comes along that I really like better for that character.

    As I'm a very casual player I'm not a 'min/maxer'. I don't care if a given power isn't considered 'the best' for DPS or the support role; its what I enjoy playing. Some powers like Light and Atomic use a lot of power combos that (on PC) require a variety of 'Tap / Hold' mouse button combos. As I'm terrible at 1) remembering what the combos are and 2) getting them to work twice in a row, I tend to avoid using them as I know I won't be really using the powers to their full potential. That's okay for when I solo, but if I'm grouped with others, it's not really 'fair' to others who may assume that I know how to use my powers to their best advantage. I suppose if I played an Atomic or Light powered character a lot I the combos would eventually become reflexive.

    So you can always experiment with various powers and when you find one you enjoy, play it and have fun with it.
    Good luck!
    • Like x 2
  9. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    love the skull visuals....Merry Widow thanks you for those