[DEVS]People Are Getting More Than 4 People Into Survival Mode

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by silversuitcase, May 30, 2019.

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  1. silversuitcase Active Player

    People Are Getting More Than 4 People Into Survival Mode. Devs please ban these people or don't let them get the crowns.
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  2. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    wait what?! I thought It was 8 player o_O
  3. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Have you seen it happen today? It was happening last night, with Millbarge manually shutting down any instance with more than four people, but I was under the impression if was fixed with a hotfix this morning.
  4. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    The Devs ARE Monitoring SM and When they see More than 4 in one they Shut it down, Unknown of what they are doing to the offenders..I hope its BRUTAL
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  5. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    The bare minimum... reset progress point and any associated title feats, confiscate all data chips except the first 10 we all got for finding the vendor, and confiscate any items acquired from the vendor. Make them start all over again... if you even allow them to participate in it.

    I would also be sure to check the game logs to be sure you are not doing this to someone who arrived, saw something wrong, and then left. Don’t punish someone who got pulled in and realized what was going on and refused to participate.
  6. plumcrazy Well-Known Player

    Seeing how you get no feats or anything out of this mode and the items you can buy are not that impressive what's the point of the mode and secondly who would cheat it and why?
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  7. SkullGang Devoted Player

    To feel cool.
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This is no longer possible, and was handled manually to prevent anyone from getting far like this. Most of the time, it was simply a bug in the system making this happen, not any sort of purposeful exploit.
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