Revolutionary Idea for DCUO Skill Points

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by silversuitcase, May 27, 2019.

  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    It's not fair, that if I wanted to earn my SP that I have to actually play all the content or even the game itself.

    Why can't I just logon and open a box containing as many SP possible, run any content that I choose, as quickly as possible without grouping up with a group, just straight solo, why should I have to run any raids, duos, or solos to get feats.

    If you were meaning that only a select few players or that the RNG is only good for certain people I'd have to say that, that is and has always been a problem, getting rid of need, greed, and pass didn't fix it, giving individual loot hasn't fixed it, and I am not sure they even understand what people are even saying about the way RNG seems to give rewards to the community.

    Just saying something is not fair and we all know it, does nothing but put out hot air, it really is giving nothing to show, prove, or describe how it is unfair.

    Kind of makes it look like your saying its not fair that people have higher SP have higher SP.
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  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

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  3. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Worst idea ever. Get good, b u m.

    I just hit 420SP and lit up a J :)

    Back home smokin legallll
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  4. Trexlight Devoted Player

    You make a lot of assumptions with nothing to back it up and you present a bad idea. Its just a plain bad idea. Also, Skill Points and cosmetics arent on the same level. 2 separate things entirely mate.
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  5. TheOracle Active Player

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  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    I would quit the game faster than typing this sentence here... best season ever...oh wait wrong forum... worst idea ever !!!
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  7. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    *reads post giving it a chance* *reads something about raids nobody liked and resetting feats to zero* *laughs hysterically* Looks at signature, sees guy only has 91 skill points but is 270 CR*

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  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    yea no thanks :rolleyes:
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  9. inferno Loyal Player

    No. Took me the whole of 7 years to get all my sp. If people want to catch up, Do it. If you're unable to get all the Sp you desire, then just be content with what you have and leave everybody else's accomplishment alone.
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  10. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    Just when I think I’ve seen the worst ideas this community has to offer, I see this.....
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  11. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    exactly. A lot of the older feats took months to complete. and, no way I want to suffer the agony of getting all the Legends PVP feats again! lol
    just a totally horrible idea, OP. and... redoing them every year? that's just silly.
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  12. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

  13. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    and people often think their own stupid, ill-informed ideas are sound.
    like, you think I wanna farm 250k exobits again?
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  14. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    How about 500 solos? Before being able to teleport into the solos?
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  15. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    lol yes, some of those feats were a nightmare! Once is def enough :D
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  16. August Moon Well-Known Player

    .......if you're complaining about skill points now you're going to complain about them later on after they get reset .

    Also having everyone's grind amount to nothing but 1 piece of oo gear that you have to remain inside a bracket just to get seems like a complete and utter waste of a year .

    On top of that those auras you're upset at people seeing arent even worth a feat (aside from the starro tech which you can literally get from getting collections inside the game ) everything else is cosmetic for cosmetics sales so I dont even know how you made that connection

    And lastly no.. stop blaming time capsules for all these skill points . Time capsules give 62 at the most after calculating everyone and the slot that gives the absolute most are emblems at a good 27 which are rather cheap in the broker and or rather common in each capsule . So putting those aside that's 62 out of the 475 skillppinta available in the game having 413 are a literal grind that judging by your character info at the bottom've been wilfully avoiding. Even with a good day a week for a few months you can get those sp up and catch up while "the elites" are pretty much stuck at the limit and arent going anywhere for a few more months
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  17. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    As a casual player that have achieved 354 skill points taking my time in the last 6 years, I'll respectfully decline to the OP idea.
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  18. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    This man said “monopolizing OG Starro Aura”....

    That really was the beginning of the end of your credibility OP
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  19. silversuitcase Active Player


    Please don't discriminate against low SP players. I will only ask you this once.
  20. Miss Adora Loyal Player

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