Issue with the sp system and the game in general

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alphabolt, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Or the other option is:

    If you're wanting content to be done quickly and stress free, avoid running content with bad dps who can't burn anything quickly because they're using broken powers, broken weapons or role playing as superman. ;)
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  2. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I hope the devs can for the love of DC revamp the whole feat menus and make them easier to track and sort etc . That will just make my day ^-^ a long overdue overhaul imo.
  3. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    So you're suggesting everyone should spend money and change their powers to the favored powers (FOTM)? The answer to that is, "Fix and balance the powers," and not, "Nerf the FOTM power."

    Following your suggestion, every DPS in the Murk fight would have to turn on target lock in the settings and create a pure single target loadout that did not have any splash damage whatsoever. That's asking a lot from casual players. I would expect that only from the more advanced players, and that's a minority of people in game.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Perhaps my view is prejudiced in terms of the fact I expect some level of competency, but that aside no that wasn't really what I was suggesting.

    What I'm suggesting is that a bad dps are often determined by their reluctance to read the situation and the subsequent necessary requirements to succeed. There is no requirement to pay $10 and change to anything.

    I also believe that perhaps my blanket statement "broken powers" was a little too 'broad' and liable to be misinterpreted, so to clarify what I mean, because it's two fold really.
    • Not all power classes in the game are equal, some are capable of doing more damage than others in general terms, however, some are simply capable of doing more damage in certain circumstances. These circumstances may be more prevalent in content in general, simply because of the way raids are structured or what mechanics are present. i.e. Melee damage dealers will suffer (such as rage) if they are forced to damage deal at range as opposed to say a gadgets player.
    • All powers are capable of at least adequate damage output, by adequate damage output I mean they have the ability to do damage sufficient so as to not cause an issue in completing the content through slow burn. This does however require the player to adopt an optimal rotation and not just stick powers in place that "look cool". This is certainly the case in elite content and if it's adequate in elite content you can guarantee it's exceedingly adequate in normal content.
    • Not all powers, as in I'm talking moves now, are equal. A player should be going through the moves and ascertaining what hits the hardest while also considering potential power cost, not all 200's, 100's and 300's hit the same. Then there's the potential incorporation of your SC generator. Some moves are single target some are AOE so this has to be considered as well, you should consider the strength's of your powerset to determine what might be more advantageous and in any case I'd recommend a player probably have an armory with both options.
    • The same can be said of weapons, not all of them are equal, not all weapon masteries are equal, not all weapon masteries are practical and if your weapon mastery is not taking advantage of things like your venom wrist dispenser because of their duration then you're already wasting your time. - this is why the meta is bow/duel wield, like it or not if you're trying to be optimal you have to comply.
    • You should also consider any Power Interactions (PI's), what benefit they might provide to your damage output, and then compare and test that to running without applying a PI because sometimes a different move that hits harder will provide you with a superior output even without applying the PI.
    • I cannot stress further that not all powers (as in moves) are equal if for example you build your rotation around wanting to be superman and insert frost breath, heat vision and sonic scream, you're going to suck. But at least you'll look good wearing that red cape while sipping on your chai latte', However a damage dealer you are not.
    • Bad DPS will also use all the wrong artifacts, like I don't mean slightly, I mean the wrong ones or even if they're the right ones they won't trigger them and use them correctly. they'll usually also be a dead give away because they'll be making an infinity gauntlet out of their augments.
    The reality I am expressing as well, is that if your damage output is sufficient because you're using an optimal rotation you don't need to split your damage, especially not in normal as everything will burn and die very rapidly. That isn't to say using two tanks isn't a very viable option, all I'm saying is that with competent DPS any difference it makes is actually rather negligible. ;)
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  5. majosea Dedicated Player

    can you say revamp 2.o is coming soon lol
    still looking for the weapon pass
  6. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    You're missing the entire thing. Splash damage... or AOE damage... hits EVERYTHING in the target area. This is why I say you need a pure single target loadout. The more advanced players will learn what they need to do for single target vs group... they're the ones who are going to read each power to see if it says, "target" or "targets," "enemy" or "enemies," etc. The casual player will not (yes, like a random group of monkeys with typewriters, eventually one of them will "type out the works of Shakespeare"). More advanced players will learn about PI, how to activate them, etc. The casual players won't pay much attention to it, instead finding out their loadouts from some youtube videos (and some are actually quite good, but require practice). The more advanced player will learn about turning target lock on. The casual player is less likely to do so.
  7. Proxystar #Perception

    It doesn't matter if you hit everything in the area, especially in "normal" content because an AOE loadout can still be strong even with all the split damage. You can literally burn all of that stuff at last boss as quickly as you can splitting it and doing single target.

    In fact it's possibly more efficient to do so in the context of normal content where people usually aren't even communicating.

    The amount of time you're saving is pretty negligible when you have people in there doing decent burn and in fact having the extra dps and going 5-1-1-1 can actually speed up the process because that whole extra DPS if good, speeds up the burn sufficiently enough to offset any gain you'd get from splitting them.
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  8. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    OK, so how exactly does this apply to the mechanic where you take the collective health pool of War Magus, Coralmancer, and Aquamancer, and then have Murk join the fight when that collective pool is reduced by 50%, regardless of how? You just took what would be the most efficient way to finish the boss fight... even in reg... and made it more difficult by changing the timing of everything.

    Remember... I said the fastest way to finish the fight in reg is to burn Aquamancer entirely... then put enough burn on War Magus and Coralmancer to get Murk into the fight... then burn Murk until the fight is over. It's much easier to do this with 2 tanks, but not impossible to do with the dreaded-but-highly-desired 5x1 raid team... if you use that pure single target loadout and target lock in order to control when and how that collective health pool drops.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    well sorry of course, it might be ideal to primarily target aquamancer, sure but what I'm saying is with decent burn any accidental or even purposeful splash damage is neither here nor there.

    What we're talking about is normal content that is very trivialized, there's absolutely no need to over complicate it and separating the bosses entirely, which is what I'm talking about and apologies if you're not with 2 tanks is going to be very negligible in terms of completion time.
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  10. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    It took 4:41min to complete Crown LB in a recently recorded pug, and even as a Mental dps in a pug in November when no one was even fully geared it took 6:56min to complete Crown LB with 1 tank. I would highly question that running 2 tanks in regular shaves off that much time compared 1 tank continually applying a single taunt on 2 separate bosses.
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  11. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    You know, I don't have that problem.
    I go into setting and turn the player mic sound off.
    I /ignore anyone that is rude or harasses me.

    Works pretty good.

    There are players that will help.
    There are hidden Easter Eggs that are still in the game, but there aren't any contacts for the missions. You just have to stumble upon doing what ever is necessary or remember that it was in the mission.
    This happens all the time on lower level missions pre-level 30. Not sure how much it happens after that.

    Honestly, all the pre-level 30 missions are glitchy.
    I line the level 9 mission to get into the watchtower/hall of doom still requires you to log out of the game and back-in in order to get into the watchtower/hall of doom.
    The sound tracks for the missions repeat themselves, so you are getting instructions on something you already did.

    Still no in-game explanation of roles when you reach level 10.

    Having an area open that everyone can get to and run on-duty content together regardless of level is really what is saving things at this point (ie Atlantis).
    Everything is so strung out that the DEVs are even giving out CR boosts for free so that players can bypass content to be able to game with other players.

    Seriously, it's about time that they need to keep two stat-clamped open areas open at one time.
  12. Captain Domino Committed Player

    Oh man, I would really appreciate any help I can get, I'll be sure to send you a message. I'm on PSUS as well, thank you, dude :)