4 in a Row feat

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by mynch457, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. mynch457 Well-Known Player

    We tried for the 4 in a Row Feat last night and we had absolutly zero luck in getting it....we noticed that their was different patterens with where the rocks would be, and even 3 times they were all in a row. We were in there for a total of 3 hours and it resulted in no feat...

    My question is this,

    when others have gotten it, what did you do to get it, or was it just random dumb luck?

    On one of our early runs, we went with just one person pulling rocks, and the first one he pulled was a dud...the next 4 he pulled were the rocks, but no feat popped, so that leads us to believe that it has to be the first 4 rocks you dig up, have to be rocks...It was a pretty big disappointment to be in there that long and to walk away empty handed.

    Any suggestions?
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    The first four have to be the rocks, but you can just let the golem be destroyed and do it again, I remember that being changed in a hotfix a while back.

    It's just luck, but it pops quite a bit I've got the feat randomly on 6 or 7 toons now.
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  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    No pattern at all. Get a group of eight people, go into normal, let only one activate them, reset room if you're not lucky, retry.

    The more empty dirt piles you find first, the better your chances of getting four clusters in a row. That's how I did it. In every league run only one of us attempts it again for the peeps who still need the feat. I was successful twice so far :)

    RNG is RNG
  4. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I got mine randomly .
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  5. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    I hate these luck based feats....:mad:
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  6. mynch457 Well-Known Player

    I'm not a fan of luck based feats either....Ok...I'll just keep trying for it. Thanks everyone!
  7. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    honestly thought I would never get it but some how I end up getting it twice in one day on two different toons.
  8. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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  9. Mike EUPC Well-Known Player

    They should put some tip to that feat like the artifact from the past, like the correct rocks that have a more reddish color or that there are fewer bubbles or something similar. today we did a raid we failed a rock and then we made the 4 followed and not popped, is really stressful this feat in that sense
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Here's a tip: Stop attempting to get the feat and you will get the feat.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd guess that this will be the case when enough people complain, like what happened with the artifact feat. The biggest difference here is that at least if you pull some duds FIRST you can still get the feat here. On the artifact feat you could not make any mistakes.

    And at least they put the consolation prize feat in on this one....so after banging your head against the wall enough times they throw 10 points at you so you don't just quit entirely.
