Test Discussion Swimming

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Jun 20, 2017.

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  1. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

  2. Ully Committed Player

    Great news, thank you Mepps, you're the best ! :)
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  3. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Thank you very much to all the developers dedication in addressing the issue.
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  4. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I don't know what you did or how you did it; but you fixed an ongoing issue that I've had, when using a PS4 controller on my computer.
    I doubled checked and went back to Live. The issues still exists there.
    Fixing the Armory issue in Atlantis, now lets my PS4 controller work properly on Test, when using the controller on my computer.
    Thanks for the added Bonus!
    FWIW, the issues were related to accessing the chat window, and the Trinkets on the Utility Belt.
    Everything now works fine!
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  5. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    Glad to see armories will be allowed while swimming.
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  6. Dstdnt Source Wall Promethean Editor-in-Chief

    Not entirely sure if this a bug, but while swimming when your character turns right, the right hand clips into your character's behind? The left hand properly maintains it's distance when turning the right and both hands are fine when turning left. Found it to do so on both male & female characters.
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  7. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    It’s to simulate when he lost his hand duh lol
  8. Starrior New Player

    I thought I would share this with you. It's an early piece of production art, showing "Atlantis", this was published in the badly timed Brady Games Guide to DC Universe Online, which came out before Beta was finished and because of that was filled with tons of inaccuracies. But still a collector's item!

  9. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Even superheroes have to scratch sometimes. Spandex and all.
  10. Brad Sisto Well-Known Player

    So I just decided to test out how Wings act while swimming and there are two issues. I tested this with the Small Bird Wings as I don't have the Hawk Wings or Wings of Sin.

    First off Wings are flapping while you swim. This technically makes no sense at all. As you swim I would think wings should be folded up on your back.

    Secondly the LEFT Wing clips entirely into and through your Left Arm at all times as you actively swim in any direction.
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  11. Light Bender92 Well-Known Player

    I'm glad you guys found a work around to the armory issue that was really my main concern with swimming. Aesthetically it's an amazing feat on you guys' part, and I'm glad you tried it out.

    That being said I still believe it needs some tweaks. These don't necessarily need to drop with the dlc as in its current function we'll manage, but these are still things you should look into. Especially when I know for a fact we're going to be coming back to Atlantis given how beautiful it is. (I mean seriously, you guys have outdone yourselves)

    1. Form changes. Would it be possible to swim as wolf, gorrilla etc? It's just a bit odd that I start running across Atlantis as wolf lol.
    2. Sound effects. When you swim really fast it makes the flight noise (a Sonic boom). This kinda ruins the immersion because this shouldn't happen underwater. Also, when holding x to go straight up, it makes the flight sound as well. You know, the 'whoosh' sound that happens as you increase altitude. This should be changed as well.
    3. Visuals. Along with number 2, the visual is also that of flight. When swimming very fast, you see a gust of air which also shouldn't happen if you're under water. Any way to make this bubbles or something else that would fit the environment?
    4. Floating. This one is probably one of the 'most important' on this list. When toggling off swimming, I shouldn't fall to the see floor a 9.8m/s. This isn't the surface, and we aren't in air lol. I should just float. Same with adds. It's kind of weird and tedious to constantly have to deal with adds falling anytime you stub or kill them. Making it so there is no grounding in Atlantis would be ideal. Maybe also making the open world adds immune to stun effects?
    5. Clipping. As mentioned above, some movements are causing styles (or just plain limbs) to clip other parts of your body. A fix on this would be appreciated.
    6. This last isn't really a problem necessarily but more of a wish on my end, but would it be possible for our arms to move as we swim? Just kinda looks weird to me that just our legs are moving, even when swimming very fast.

    Anyways, as I said these are just suggestions and aren't really gamebreaking like the armory thing was. If I had to choose something to fix though it would definitely be number 4, that's probably right under the armory issue tbh. That being said though, the others would just help with the immersion. Would be cool to see these changes go live when it drops, but like I said it isn't anything major. That being said, that shouldn't stop you guys from working on these aspects, even after the dlc has dropped, considering it'll improve the feel of the gameplay. Maybe make a work in progress thread for it and just have us test the new stuff on test server. Something you guys should have done was just set up swimming as a new movement variant all together. (I do get that this can be time consuming though, so I understand the direction you guys decided to take.) Thanks for reading!
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  12. Brad Sisto Well-Known Player

    Today in the Live Stream are Atlantean Artifacts I asked about these issues that we've all reported and was told no they were not being worked on. So I guess they only cared about Armories after the player outcry and now we are back to Meeps' answer of 'This is expected'

    I have to say I am greatly disappointed as all of these are environment breaking.
  13. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I'm guessing that you have never watched sting rays, manta rays or just about anything with fins and wings swim through the water.



    The fins and wings are used to stabilize, change directions and propel animals through the water. If you look you will notice that the fins & wings of these animals are moving in the same fashion as your wings.
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