Gotham Time Capsules - Peaked

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fawkes2574, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    It looks like when it comes to these bad boys, we've peaked. The demand for these are now starting to dwindle down. *sigh* Well, no choice but to patiently wait for the next one.
  2. IceRaven198 Well-Known Player

    Tbh I've gotten everything I wanted from this round of capsules except for the cape, lol and I only opened 35 of them.
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  3. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    My god man they've been out a week. I can't even with this comment.
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  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    If you get tired of things that fast, don't get married or have kids lol
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  5. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Or get married and have kids a lot to keep things fresh.
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  6. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    It seems a lot longer than a week.
  7. Shago1594 Active Player

    I’ve made 200m off of them ;)
  8. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    NICE! See I'm not one of those that is scraping to get whats inside of those. If I have a stabilizer, which I do the duo once a day, then yeah I open one. I've picked up a few nice auras from a couple of them. But I mostly aim to sell them. On one toon alone I made over 3 mill on them, mainly cause I sell them for low amounts. I figure the lower it is, the less longer it stays in the broker because others will be more apt to buy them. If they buy mine and make more money off them, that's fine by me. I used the majority of that 3 mill to buy a ton of catalysts to help double the prestige for my league.
  9. Vagrant Committed Player

    This was one of the better TCs in my opinion.

    I HATE TCs but at least people get something out of them out of almost every pull which is nice.
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  10. Eve YouTuber

    I got everything I wanted out of the new caps-just missing Red Phoenix Material.
    And my wallet needs a break now. lol so no more caps anytime soon pls.
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