Time Capsule emblems are not tradable (GU-87)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KlarkKent, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. KlarkKent Well-Known Player

    I know enhanced styles are separated from gear boxes and emblem caches but regular or enhanced, TC emblems are not tradable atm. Is this intended?
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  2. Draconiano Committed Player

    Indeed, I just deleted them, lost 2 capsules loots thanks to that.
  3. Draconiano Committed Player

    Server hotfix tomorrow.
  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    These all will be tradeable tomorrow.
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  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The worst part is that the unlocked time capsules from the Resurgence Capsule STILL aren't Tradeable. I thought the September 19th Hotfix was supposed to fix that, but it didn't. I still have a ton of capsules that are bound to the characters that received them. :mad:
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Existing capsules can't be changed in this case, but newly dropped capsules can be. For the existing ones you have, you will have to open them and then move the components to the shared bank instead.
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  7. Mazahs Loyal Player

    So, hey it was a mistake but we can't and won't do anything to correct this?

    Asking for a friend
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  8. Draconiano Committed Player

    And the enhanced crusader style from the first time capsule is going to be tradable like all other enhanced styles?