Some people are killing the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Superman1955, Sep 5, 2018.

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  1. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yeah, if you're talking about forming your own group, you definitely have a right to run it (and form it) however you want. You can post asking for SP too, lol.
  2. Roocck Committed Player

    Not bashing you in anyway, but this is what’s killing the game!!!!
  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Lol, make the minimum cr for Titans 240 and watch how many people drop the game like a hot potato. That would mean they'd need full elite and all OP gear from deluge, just to get into Titans.

    I'm sure people like Lightmare would love it though, that is until there's no one left to run with.
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  4. Roocck Committed Player

  5. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    It's not a carry if they can get in!!!! It's not like the old days when if one person on the team can teleport to a raid from the watchtower the lower levels could. 230 is the minimum it takes to get in there and they have as much right to be there as you do.
  6. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I dont wanna pile on light cause i think his heart is in the right place i think what he is thinking is have people level up properly

    My only concern is he only doing this when hes picking up groups from lfg and making them him self or is he joining queues and as soon as he gets in scans the list and automatically starts kick votes for under cr ...if its the latter thats a jerk move but if its the first ... thats his decision .

    Honestly though i feel like the whole system needs a rework and i like how augments and artifacts have been implemented cause it allows you to customize your build..i wish the focus was less on gear chase and more on littering the game full of different augments so we can build a sort of. “Set”
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  7. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    That's opening up a whole different can of worms... because everyone has their opinions on what it means to "level up properly." There are several things I would like to see implemented... but some of them would easily kill a lot of the game for a casual player. Could those things be implemented for the elite episodes only? Sure... but again, you may be denying competent players who could otherwise go in because it's an alt that they've been casually working on rather than their main.

    No argument on this one. If you form a group via LFG you can select the players you want based on their responses... mind you, my pet peeve is when you shout for multiple roles for an instance and all you get back is a response of "inv"... Well, if I have to take the extra steps of looking you up to figure out what you might be then it will be easier for me to not invite you. Of course if all you do is go in via random queue and become a kick machine for no reason other than you don't like the lower CR... well, now you're just being a jerk because anyone eligible for that instance can queue it. Whether or not they should is a different story, of course.

    It does... but that's a long term planning proposition and is not a simple thing to implement. You are looking at an implementation difficulty level at least as high as what GU73 provided. Do that, and you're probably looking at a nearly complete rewrite of the entire system from the bottom up. If you don't mind having all development of new DLCs put on hold then maybe we can get this.
  8. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    A little over 24 hours and this thread already has 7 pages to it. Wow.
  9. mexmex Dedicated Player

    6-7 years ago, there was a completely different game, where a couple of CRs meant something, in today game just CR means so little, so judging someone based on that factor only, is very dumb, they flattened the stats so It does little in terms of CR, how can I put it..... have you hear of those 246 CR with 80 SP versus those 230 with 350 SP before??????
  10. Plowed In Loyal Player

    “Let them eat cake?”
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