We Need Better Might Artifacts For Play from The Tray Players

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MessiahXHD, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    You’re the one that doesn’t get it. If prec users were using the same 2 weapon combos vwd would still be useful. But without heat vision sa is useless. You’re comparing a apple to a carrot. Sa is not a game changer in terms of the dmg it adds to might users but vwd is definitely a game changer for the dmg it adds for prec users. That’s what sets them apart and if you can’t see that then I don’t know how much simpler to explain that.
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  2. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    Judging by what you wrote you clearly think the two of them are equal. If you want to do op dmg use sa. You’re quite not mine
  3. Entrust Committed Player

    Already covered that here.

  4. Proxystar #Perception

    There shouldn't be a bandwagon to 'not jump on' the fact there is and the fact you even acknowledge there is a bandwagon speaks volumes as to imbalance.

    You're right in terms of heat vision being an alternative but at the same time it's not really an alternative, it's the only choice for some powers, others not so much because of balance issues that already fundamentally exist within them.

    In addition to that point heat vision even with the artifact isn't hitting anywhere near as much as your single target prec dps using bow flurry.

    The hard reality is that that weapon almost exclusively is over parsing anyone that tries to argue against that fact is just denying the fact more than likely because they don't want to see a balance pass that puts them in a position where they might need to make more effort or use a weapon that comes with more disadvantages or risks rather than sitting in the back spamming an over parsing damage move from a position of safety while gaining far more damage and reward than the move warrants and what's even worse the people using it act like it requires an inordinate amount of skill in an effort to come across as more godly.

    In addition to this the inclusion of a third artifact opens up even more possibilities to prec users by allowing some to stack resto, use a demon fang and feed off someone else's cog of meggadon.

    Now this may simply be because there's an inordinate amount of prec benefitting artifacts as opposed to might ones and this is the very reason the thread was made, I'm at a bit of a loss as to why you're in here implying there isn't an issue when there is.

    The imbalance in weapon damage and the imbalance in artifact choice for pftt, both issues that need to be equally resolved ;)
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  5. inferno Loyal Player

    I wonder if artifacts will one day become power-specific? One that shortens cast time and removes interruptability. Or turn 4-man shields into 8-man shields.
  6. Dene Devoted Player

    Because it is your preference.. just like us Might Pftt have a difference preference - why is it so awful that Might players want an artifact that actually does more for us ?

    Not sure about others.. but my preference is Might Pftt and it has little to do with numbers but more about the way I want my character to play..
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  7. Yaiba Committed Player

    NO NO NO and NOOOOOOO, we don't have time to level up all our artifacts :)
  8. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    Awwww might DPS are being beat on the scoreboard for the first time in years, in single target, and they don’t like it. I feel so bad for them :(


    Will be interesting to see what the next round of artifacts throw up.
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  9. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Next, they will be:


    Next, someone will say stop it!


    Next, someone will get totally pawned


    And then, frenemies

  10. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Daybreak just wants you to say

  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    We might get some new artifacts, but it's hard to say when with any precision.
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  12. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I personally think that "we'd like to have a better self-buffing might artifact" would have been more appropriate. I really do feel like this thread is targeting the Venom Wrist Dispenser expclusively and that's what it does. It's a self-buff.

    Apart from that, Sparring AI and Demons fang buff precision, too, but not all the time and not by high amounts. So we might as well ask for Tank and Controller Artifacts that self-buff might and give a passive small percentage of might as well.
  13. pultinski Well-Known Player

    feel free to correct me where im wrong.

    from stat revamp till the introduction of artifacts, might was the choice for endgame players, precision and balance builds were just not good enough. more or less, in the hands of a skilled player, each power ( might builds ) is roughly equal to each power in damage output.

    now with precision builds, there is a couple of weapons that outperform all of the other weapons, but at best they could just keep up to the might based builds. all the other weapons were kinds of like EARTH power back before RAGE launched ( more or less laughed at due to poor damage potential ).

    artifacts are introduced, and precision builds become more realistic ( due to most artifacts buffing precision in some way ). VWD drops and all of a sudden, precision builds are instantly buffed, bringing these builds ( in the hands of equally skilled players ) to at or near the top of the scoreboard ( for all you scoreboard chasing losers ), BUT only if the person is using the weapons that are currently outperforming all other weapons. to me, the difference between skilled precision players and pretenders is the choice of weapon they use.

    I'm all for more choice in artifacts, and my guess is this will now be the vehicle used by devs to tinker with "balance". the heat vision artifact raises my hope that we will see power and WM combo specific artifacts in the future.

    imo, each and every GU should add a few new artifacts, preferably found in random old alerts and raids ( no more TC stuff, please ).

    side note: anyone else finding its harder now ( with augments ) to switch from might / balanced / precision builds due to xp put into current augments ?. i
  14. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Yea whatever dude, you're confusing me with Lorax possibly. Either way you're repeating yourself so we're done here
  15. ALB Dedicated Player

    Few things.
    1. Cele, gadgets, rage, earth, and Hl can all keep up or beat bow wm with less risk.
    2. Gadgets melee and Hl can keep or beat dw mastery.
    3. No one has shown one shred of proof that bow or dw masteries are op.
    4. Prec has 1 good artifact and that's venom. The 3 slots didn't over buff prec because it's not enough prec users, at least on villain server, to replace the very first prec artifact, for at most, an extra 400 dps using the artifact that gives damage based on resto.
  16. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Underrated comment.
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  17. ALB Dedicated Player

    Cele, gadgets, rage, earth, and HL can beat bow wm melee.
    Hl and melee gadgets can beat dw wm single target. Prec have 1 viable artifact and that's venom. The other artifact is situational. Contrary to popular belief, getting a counter don't happen much. Exchanging the very 1st artifact for the healing artifact don't make sense because most players are might based. The SC artifact is way stronger than venom. Especially for earth and rage users. The entire "prec have better artifacts" is false.
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    This is cute... proves the point.

    You say Cele, Gadgets, Rage, Earth and HL can keep up with bow WM (I assume you mean Bow > Smokebomb)

    What about Fire, Ice, Atomic, Mental, Quantum, Munitions, Sorcery, Nature, Electricity & Water. <--- see which list is bigger there, but wait there's no problem right... :rolleyes:

    You say HL and Gadgets and keep up with DW WM Single target.

    What about Fire, Ice, Atomic, Mental, Quantum, Munitions, Sorcery, Nature, Electricty, Water, Rage, Earth & Celstial <----- see which list is bigger there, but wait there's no problem right... :rolleyes:

    Precision do not have 1 viable artifact, let's go through them shall we.

    Cog of Meggadon - when hitting an enemy with a cross-weapon combo attack grants you and 7 members precision up to 1.25% of your health.

    Legionnaire's Sparring AI - countering an enemy increase your precision and weapon DPS by up to 16% for a short time and grants immunity from control effects for up to 5 seconds.

    Scrap of the Soul Cloak - Increases your maximum Supercharge and supercharge generation by up to 27% and reduces cool down by up to 22.5% (precision players are still using supercharges)

    Demons Fang - Every 12 seconds hitting an enemy with a weapon attack empowers your weapon your next 6 wepon attacks deal additional damage equal to up to 7.5% Restoration

    Venom Wrist Dispenser - Using a weapon buff increase your precision by up to 54% for 6 seconds.

    All of the above artifacts directly enhance damage output and increase your primary damage stats.

    Now let's switch to might base artifacts

    Cog of Meggadon - Nope
    Dilustel Refactor - Nope
    Entwined Rings of Azar - Nope
    Legionnaire's Sparring AI - Nope
    Parasite's Power Harness - Nope
    Scrap of the Soul Cloak - Yes - Same as above
    Starheart Fragment - Nope
    Tetrahedron of Urgrund - Yes - Might based up to 1.8% of your health
    Omegahedron - Nope - Doesn't have any direct benefit in damage output over and above the others highlighted
    Amulet of Rao - Nope
    Lazarus Pit Water - Nope - Doesn't have any direct benefit in damage output over and above the others highlighted
    Solar Amplifier - Yes - Have to use heat vision in your loadout, wait for its entire animation duration, has to get to 160
    The Demon's Fang - Nope
    Venom Wrist Dispenser - Nope

    Do we need to keep going here or is the real picture starting to form in your head? But I'm sure in your mind it's balanced and ok right, because the powers I've listed above as being at a disadvantage should just forget PFtT and cheese it up with bow flurry right?
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  19. ALB Dedicated Player

    1st flaw, use 160 artifacts as the stat line.
    2nd flaw, use scrap of the cloak as a prec based artifact.
    3 main prec artifacts is venom, legionnaires, and COG. COG and venom is in constant use. Legionnaires artifact need a counter. Counters are hard to come by. Especially on trash mods. That's why I use the word "viable". Demon's fang is at most 400 dps. That's with 160 and specced into resto. Cog specced into health will give you more damage.
    You seem to agree that weapon mastery is on the same level as top powers. Why aren't you campaigning for those powers to be nerfed? I bet it's more gadget and rage dps thst prec dps, but I never see you saying anything about those powers? Soul cloak is a might artifact. To make it a prec one is misleading.
    Again if wm is cheese gadget, rage, earth, cele, etc is also cheese. So maybe the lesser powers should use a respec token and cheese with those powers?
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    1. Did you see me use the word "up to"?
    2. It's an option - not a requirement and doesn't change the point
    3. You can rely on someone elses cog if available, this is a fact.
    4. When you're sitting at the back of the room doing primarily a block break for damage output I disagree.

    If there are over performing powers I expect them to be balanced as well, you're creating a strawman there to try and suggest I'm cherry picking I'm actually not.

    This thread is specifically about there needing to be better might artifacts for PFtT player and then you get prec players trying to act like there's no problem... when it's clear as day there is.
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