Just a reminder that the premium cash cap is $2000

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BestPlayerAfrica, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    For sure man. It's all fun and games.

    To be fair I list a tonne of collections for $1 as well
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  2. Shadow Force Committed Player

    ok...ok...ok... 2002$ but that's my final offer.
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  3. Shadow Force Committed Player

    Exactly it's basic psychology, then again sharing broker secrets of trade is not what i'm about to do on the forum.
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  4. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Funny...I buy the 799,999 one because I want to save a buck or two. :D
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  5. Wildboy Committed Player

    I suppose I could list 'em for $2,002 :rolleyes:
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  6. Wildboy Committed Player

    Working as Intended -- no change necessary

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  7. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    No it's not
  8. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Why do I list something on the broker for 2500? Because the default price the broker gives me when I list some items will be 25 and I tack on a few zeroes.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just so I understand the 'logic' here....you are going to list something for (like the example) 800K....that's 40K in listing fees....then to 'trick' me into buying the more expensive one, by a dollar, you list one for 799,999, also 40K listing fee. So I come in and say 'what a jerk' then buy the 800,000 one. Assuming no one else is involved in this transaction, you just wasted 40K since I would have bought the 800K one if it was lowest anyway and I was inclined to buy the item and 799 or 800K was in the ballpark.

    Now, I get the broker fixing where you list 2 of something worth 100K, one at 1 million, then one at 200K to make it seem like a bargin, but if you list the one at 200K by itself, if i'm inclined to buy I'll buy it anyway if I don't know it's worth 100K....if I do, i'll just wait a day until 10 more are listed undercutting you.

    I think you are outsmarting yourself Obi-wanna spend more than needed.

  10. Proxystar #Perception

    No I didn't lose any money because they both sell. You just end up buying my one anyway, thinking you're being a social justice warrior, but no all the money comes to me ;)
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  11. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Well if you don't like that 1-dollar undercut, then proceed by undecutting it by a larger amount. I always enjoy buying up the severely lowballed items put there by spite. :D
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    And if someone lists the next one for 3 or 4K less than your 2? Should I buy all 3? Or is that you too? Oh man....is everything on the broker you? Holy smoke! Now I see your evil plan coming to light.

    Dang...the one I listed for 10K under your 2 are probably also yours. I thought it was mine.

    The broker is now confusing....everything is Proxystars. My world is shattered.

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  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Shattered for sure, no it's just very rarely do I get stuff returned unsold, regardless of how I list it.
  14. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I see that all the time. I never do that but I figured out a while back why people were doing it. ( it's a bit faster when you are dropping a ton of items in the broker)
  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

  16. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Ummmsub up or shut up?
    I'm pricing every piece of junk @ 2001 from now on.

    When did the gimme gimme players take over?
  17. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    I'm not going to worry about the premium cash cap when listing stuff in the broker. My purpose in using the broker is not to brighten up somebody else's day, it's to earn cash for my characters so that they can pay for stuff they need. So if $2001 is the maximum that I can list something for while still undercutting other people, then that's what I list it for.
  18. useless Well-Known Player

    all the collections,base items etc that cost on broker 2-3k up to around maximum 20-30k i put them
    on broker for $100 (or lazy as i am if broker suggest $251 or something i just push ok)