GU:79 Requests to PI

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Liightmare1, Jan 24, 2018.

  1. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    There has been a few topics and alot of conversation as to making all power sets have 1 pi. this will bring better balance and allow for more variety in the power sets. as it stands only a few powers still have 2 different pi's. why not change so that players have more options to choose from. electric for example has electrified and polarized. so in order to optimize a loadout we have to choose which pi to follow and that cuts off half of the powers.

    plenty of more to read here
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  2. stärnbock Devoted Player

    mental, electro and quantum have two, gadgets has several.
    i am all for it, but i don't know about gadgets to be honest ^^
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  3. El Presidente Well-Known Player

    I 100% agree with this. If I remember correctly, part of the rational behind taking power points out of the game was to remove the artificial barriers they imposed on players when creating their loadouts. I think moving towards 1 PI in each powerset or to something that has a similar effect would remove another of those artificial barriers.
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  4. Inferneus Level 30

    1 PI for each power! i rly hate that i cant use my quantum full power and just half of skills... it should be easy to implement
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  5. stärnbock Devoted Player

    when they put earth on test, i was like: "wait a second, why do we even need dazed as a second PI again?"
    and dazed got removed for good. i was very happy, but i don't know why they didn't adjust everything else...
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  6. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    I was not aware of that. But I def see why it was removed. So it’s def something that can be done. I know some suggested that if removing the 2nd pi is to hard then opening up the interaction to work with both might be an option. It would be great if one of the devs could give us some info.
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I disagree 100%.

    Bring back the two PI system and have it play off the three playstyle system. Each power should be able to be played at the same level at melee and ranged, and also with a weapon or PffT. Certain powers shouldn't be better than others and I believe it starts with the PI.
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  8. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    When we’re talking about pi we’re talking about powers like electric which have 2 different pi’s electrified and polarized. How does having 2 different ones for each power benefit anyone. What it’s doing is splitting the 20 or so powers in half so depending on which pi u you go with you only have 10 powers to choose from to make your Loadout. Your limiting player options. And as far as making all powers have a more balanced footing most of the powers already only have 1 pi. There’s only a few left quantum and electric are the 2 that come to mind. And this has nothing to do with range this about opening the pi’s up for better options and more variety and in turn creating better balance between powers. Or would you prefer to give all power sets 2 pi’s and limit everyone’s options?
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  9. stärnbock Devoted Player

    well, mental is the worst example for PI interactions:
    pyro and cryo to add one when another is setup first...
    well, they would better setup theyr own PI instead ^^'
    and at the same time, one should exploit the other.
    lets say, seting up daze also exploits terror,
    setting up terror also exploits dazes...
    THAT would even make sense!

    gadgets work rather well in compairison:
    most exploits works with multiple PI's,
    so it doesn't matter wich one you setup.
    sadly, not all powers use all PI's of gadgets!
    also, burning targets cant freeze and such...
    wich makes sense in a way... physically ^^
  10. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    This is exactly why we need 1 pi per powerset. As an electric player it sucks that electrified does better dmg then polarized so as a result there’s 10 or more powers we don’t have access to. I’d love to get the pi boost in dmg so I can mix in shockwave into my electrified loadout or electrostatic Bomb. All these powers sets have some cool looking powers but in order to maximize dmg your stuck with only 10 options
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  11. stärnbock Devoted Player

    yes, it would be way better to focus on one PI for each power.
    i allways sayd that those with multiple PI's have a disatvantage.
  12. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Lol yall might as well give up its not happening lolololol but atleast youll have a new scorecard thou lolololol
  13. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    if it gets fixed then its a change that will make gameplay better. something that will create better balance for all powersets. if we dont say anything then it will never change. if you want to make something better ask for change that makes it better if not why bother playing you dislike
  14. Xibo Loyal Player

    I think that would be more easy to make them to interact as happens with Gadgets but give them only one PI would be the correct step to do. I'm in favor of it.
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  15. VioletSorceress Committed Player

    I agree that making powers to interact with all PIs a power set can set up is better than removing extra PIs.
    Have to admit that is mostly because I like how Polarized enemies look and it would be a shame for Electric to lose that animation.
    Beside that I think Quantum would be way better with just Destabilized PI and Mental would be better with just Terrified PI.

    I dont think Gadget needs any radical changes if any at all, although Vortex Cannon is kinda isolated working with just Dazed. Overall Gadgets got very good last second update before the end of Stat Revamp and turned out to be put together quite nicely.
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  16. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    if thats a solution for this than im all for it. i also agree some of the interactions do look nice. it would be something along the lines of electrified or polarized enemies take extra dmg.
  17. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Here’s an idea for multiple PIs: have all powers interact with all PIs, but function slightly different depending on the PI
  18. Liightmare1 Well-Known Player

    could you give more detail on what you mean when you say function slightly different. please give an example.
  19. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Something along the lines of how powers currently work differently based on which role you’re in. For example, Celestial (only has one PI, but it’s the power I know.)...Blessing in damage role gives only you a shield, but in healer role it’s a 4-man shield. Maybe one PI could make one power single target but in another PI that power is multiple target. Or with one PI it might give a slight power return and another cause the PI to spread to other targets.
  20. Tocimus Committed Player

    Im still amazed fire hasn't gotten an advanced pi for a hotter burn. Like a blue flame