People Who Park Themselves at The Beginning of The Stabilizer Mission... Or Wherever

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    And just do nothing.

    I swear this is becoming an epidemic! I would say at least 40% of the time I get someone who wants to stand there and let someone else do everything.

    No the mission isn't remotely difficult but it's horrendous that people expect strangers to do everything for them, it's just gross. I usually give the person time, ask them if they're going to do anything and if they don't reply I tell them I'm going to rubberband my controller and leave and that I'll be back in an hour or two. I've actually done this a few times-- tried to get the person to engage then if not, put the game down and go about doing other things while my toon spins endlessly thanks to the rubberbands. One guy stood there for something like six hours rather than lift a finger. smh.

    Also, I recently ran ROTB and one of the DPSs stood in the opening area all the way till we made it to the first boss. We asked what was up. No reply. I said, let's kick him when the timer comes up. He then finally started moving and didn't apologize. He said "it's not that serious I was getting my milk and cookies." I wanted to throw up. Anyway, we did the first boss then kicked him. He proceeded to complain while the three of us finished. So ridiculous.

    Is it just me or are other people seeing this kind of behavior more and more?
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  2. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    I rather more people would park them self at the start of the stabilizer mission... it's more fun for me.. as you mention, it's not a hard mission... so who cares if the other guy isnt pulling his / her weight... you can solo everything effortlessly anyway..
  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I haven't seen this happen yet, if I did it wouldn't really bother me. Yeah it sucks some doosh is getting full credit for your work but, like you stated it's extremely easy and not really time extensive. Enjoy your free fragments and metal you doosh.
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  4. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm... I have noticed this myself. I assume that for the stabilizer mission some players park at the entrance in hopes of getting the other player to either finish the mission alone and get rewards or hope that the other player quits from frustration so that player can finish alone and reap the rewards. This happens in MMO's in general; however, some games handle this situation better than others. DCUO is not one of the games that handles it well and I don't let it bother me. There are ways to deal with that situation; my personal favorite is going back to visit the non-mobile character with some "friends" if possible.

    However, if someone in the group communicates as to why their character is staying put, then that is cool with me because it gives me a chance to decide how I want to deal with it. And really, that is the key; communication. No communication = chaos.
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  5. Davenport Committed Player

    I've been seeing this a lot too. I generally just stand by the entrance to the enemies and wait for them to get moving. And if they stop attacking, I stand around as well.

    I don't mind helping people out, and I'm fully aware that some stuff is easily solo'd, but I hate people that just expect others to do everything for them. Kind of like when I do lower tier stuff for missed styles and the other player sits there. It becomes a real problem when you're trying to get timed feats you missed in the past.
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  6. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Hasn't happened to me and for me 98% of the time they move and the other 2% they do stand there a few but then always come running in lol so I guess it's just luck but most folks like that I don't meet anyway my ignore list is big plus gold spammers on a daily basis.
  7. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    AFK users are in every game. they were dealt with in pvp modes years ago.
    are they requiring being dealt with in seasonal content?
    all it takes if for one player to know the mechanics of seasonal content to complete it, no? Shirley, it'd complete faster if 4 players did it. DCUO users..... /gasp ....well, ...... nevermind.
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  8. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    You kinda missed the point of this thread.
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  9. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    I've started playing again just to see how things are going and to test out water, and i'm seeing this a lot. (Maybe about 1/10 runs via random solo queueing into stuff from T3-8ish) Happens regardless of whether my character is at level or severely over the level of the content, so it's safe to assume the other person is waiting to be carried. On the flipside, it's even more common to see a single over-leveled player running off to solo everything, so one behavior is definitely promoting the other.

    This all stems from the games inability to understand the dynamic of balancing and how this would work out. There's no difficulty syncing/scaling at the level of say, ESO or even FFXIV, which always ensures that, at least through the queue system, no single player is going to be able to solo the content unless they're bypassing the queue with pre-forming a group; selectively bypassing sync options (with penalties, usually to loot) so they can maintain their crazy high stats and dominate.

    It's been a known and identified problem with the game for years (mechanically it was worse during the AM era) but is one that the staff has chosen to ignore as it apparently runs counter to their design philosophy on how they want gating and player progression to work, which ties into the monetization systems they have (or at least, could be surmised).

    It's not going to go away. Rest assured that they do know about it. With PS3 players leaving soon, it's definitely not going to change.
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  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    As far as the Stabilizer duo goes, I have more of a problem with the other player rushing off to start before I finish loading in than I do with players not moving from the starting point.

    When I do run into players not moving, I'll wait to see what happens and what's usually happened was that they got disconnected. I'm probably a little too nice for my own good, though, as I tend to wait to see if they manage to reconnect (don't want to take the chance of inadvertently screwing them out of getting fragments for the day because of a disconnect).
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  11. nawanda Loyal Player

    I give them until the time the boss appears to get involved, then leave. Waste their time. Discourage this behaviour.
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  12. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    Yes I experience this in the Stabilizer mission often.
    Yes it annoys me, I don't like being taken advantage of.
    You have every right to not like it, whether the content is easy or not.
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  13. useless Well-Known Player

    if he/she didnt move and done 0 damage,should not get stabilizer fragments and loot locked until another day
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  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    As far as the alert I woulda kicked them before the boss fight I don’t play that crap you do nothing you get nothing

    Back in the day if I saw someone park it in tbr corner in oan science cells I’d vote to kick between fights they’d get mad and always fell on the excuse I’m leveling the alt and here tonget gesr so I can get better... don’t csre I’d rsther pick them up then them get a free ride

    Unless of course they were straight with us and said hey guys I’m premium and I don’t have the coin to repair I’m here to get gear mind if I sit and watch? Completely different reaction would be met with that
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  15. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I ran into a few people like that and in a duo too, so I just play the waiting game.....if he don’t move then I don’t move, hell I ran into a 227 guy in duo who keep doing only the triangles and wait for I do the reasonable thing....doing the exact same thing as him till he get serious lol.
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  16. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    It's a stabilizer event. You'll live, dude.
  17. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I walk out; it's a matter of principle.
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  18. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    honestly i get a lot more people who try to beat me to it and lock me out so I dont have numbers...oddly enough
  19. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I just get in there and do it; I've actually ran into some players who took the liberty of both; not running the duo like they should; and also they went linkdead.

    Boy, did I enjoy kicking them when the opportunity arrived.
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  20. RyDub New Player

    it happens a lot with stablziers but it happened to me on the duo earth 3 event this morning. I go in an beat the first group of lexcorp guys then the guy comes over as I am calling for back up. then I go to the next one and the next one and then on the last one he starts to finally help me. Its like the person only wanted to help when it came to the bosses, the first robot, Alexander Luthor and the killbot. Even when fighting the earh 3 cops it was pretty much a solo for me.
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