Support Roles; Can they improve?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Golden Tanager, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I hate to say it,...then again no I don't.

    The only changes to the troll role itself really should be the stun/holds/bubble duration and the strength of the debuffs.

    The rest is content adjustments, so as NPC's that actually do what they are there to do, like heal other NPC's or buff other NPC's.

    The Healer drone, the ravager in PW were great for healing others/themselves...but then after that the debuffs really were too small to matter.

    Of course the health/damage and damage mitigation would have to be adjusted to account for said changes, and we know how they would do that, by lowering the health, damage of the NPC's to make up the difference for the player base skill level.

    Would be easier just to give out gear like before, they actually are pushing us to actually debuff/buff, stun/hold/bubble NPC's and we are still having a hissy fit because we actually have to perform our role properly.

    So....what were we talking about?
  2. Golden Tanager Level 30

    A guy can dream can't he? :(
  3. Streven Dedicated Player

    I like where tanks are at. I think healers are in pretty good shape too except I'd like to see them do a bit more damage. Trolls I would give more effective debuffs and stuns and I'd make recharges much stronger with an appropriately longer cooldown. I don't like spamming recharges.
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    1st and foremost the game needs to return to a skill based game not what we currently have, then support players will be more then now.

    Their skill will be more then now generally speaking of course :p

    and the need for this 'battle support' nonsense wont need to happen ;)

    as it never happened back in 2011/2012. As far as how groups should be setup, go play on villain side then try to say 2 2 2 2 should be the norm lol, you can hardly find 1 troll for the new raid without shouting for 30+ minutes for 1. Which is funny b/c the content doesn't even last that long lol.

    I can see 3 2 2 1 being reasonable even a 4-2-1-1 but not 2 2 2 2, since thats what me and the league Im in have been doing the raid as for most part and its been a breeze that way.

    as far as making support roles matter or how to change them? 1st they have to be fun to the player that goes to play them or it wont be played by said player. Most tend to find DPSing more fun, and might I add less stressful. You have to remember video games is suppose to help escape stress and whatnot in real life not add to it. So IMO thats a major factor in why players dont role support classes.
  5. Golden Tanager Level 30

    The only thing I can think of for trolls after reading these do far, that seems reasonable for the devs to implement would be Pot and debuff and buff stacking.

    Dps want mor powa!? Bring a troll! When troll debuff and buff you, you feelz mor powa! Want even mor powa!? Bring 2 trolls! And den dps can go pew pew fasta!

    *what was stated above can apply to all roles not just the ones that go pew pew* (thoughts? :D)

    CC though . . . Hmm . . . Not quite sure how that can get helped yet . . .