Who wants to go to the Zoo?!?!?!?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Charmed Legacy, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Just wanted to say I absolutely love the zoo map! It looks amazing! So amazing that I had an idea lol. :p

    Even though it won't "make a lot of money", can we have the Zoo as a league hall theme? I think it would look so freaking amazing to look out the big window in the league hall and see different animals like the ones you see in the zoo. Give the interior a similar design to that in the first part of the raid i.e. the way the floors, doorways, etc. look. To give it a monetary spin, you could add base item packs to the MP with different Zoo themed base items such as animal statues as well as other items from the map that weren't included in the DLC. Make them where you can donate them to the league or have some base size and some league hall size in the pack.

    Just a suggestion after seeing it and loving the way it was done! Great job on the new map!
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  2. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I would love this so much!
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  3. Scarlet Morrigan Active Player

    I can't wait for new league hall themes. Zoo would be awesome, I would like a Khandaq version too
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  4. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    That would be pretty cool since we already have loads of base items that would work with that!
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  5. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Thanks Kari :D
  6. Celestial Powers Committed Player

    ? We've been here all along

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  7. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    This would be so cool to have as a league hall theme. I always wanted to see a new league hall theme and always thought would be cool to have a some type of open environment league hall ( obviously your league and allowed people to only teleport to it)and it being so huge you could explore it (like hive moon where you can enter a buildings and put league amenities inside the buildings all around the zoo. AND every league location could feature different zoo animals). I always imagined something like themyscira, but like to explore the whole island itself, or most of it as a open environment league hall, but not like the current zones of themyscira we see thou , or like you said something like the zoo. I think it would be awesome to even see zoo themed animals roaming in the league hall, (kinda like teekl and the other base item pets) to where the animals and walk around, heck I would buy animals like those for my base if they made that and put that in the marketplace :)
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  8. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I always thought of a khandaq version too :D
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  9. Scarlet Morrigan Active Player

    yes to Themyscira
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  10. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    I thought about roaming animals like those base pets, but thought I might be asking to much lol.
  11. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    gg lol :p
  12. DC Urban Committed Player

    Would have been cool to have some combat pets in the form of trinkets; perfect time to do that imo. Missed opportunity:(
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  13. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    That would have been nice too..
  14. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    True however they do got some animals already :)
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  15. BumblingB I got better.

    I'm down.

    Can we also just have more lair styles?
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  16. IceRaven198 Well-Known Player

    I wouldn't mind the zoo as a new lair but I'd be too afraid of getting quick chopped one shotted again lol
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I like this.
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  18. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Gotham Zoo SM? Plenty of critters to put in there.
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  19. Flamebalz New Player

    Yeah the map looks good. Really enjoyed it the whole 16mins I was in there. Cleared on a first attempt. With a pug group. Not what I was expecting.
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  20. krytine Loyal Player

    A zoo league hall