DCUO the NEXT step (after water powers)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by sirzap, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. sirzap Well-Known Player

    Since water is the last power i recommend the ff:
    a. new iconic powers like:
    splat-form - like that of clayface
    ball form
    b. movements:
    Ice ski/slide = acrobat + ice?
    swimming = flight + water
    cons: cost of doing the animation
    you may add your ideas.

    edit add:

    alternative animation for each powers: (example)

    -nature : those animal power can be similar to Vixen's. there's a superimposing spirit of the animal around your toon.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Perhaps re-color it please? It's taking some serious concentration to make out what's being said here...

    Edit: that's a little better, thank you
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  3. sirzap Well-Known Player

    sorry my dear. I was multi-tasking. got it corrected.
  4. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    The only thing I would like to see added, but probably won't, is the ability to manipulate our powers color. Obviously lantern rings probably wouldn't be able to be done. Just something I'd like to see. :)
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  5. Wallachia Devoted Player


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  6. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Actually, I think the addition of changing the powers colors is a great idea. Instead of releasing a power next, they should replace that with a all new variation of colors for each powerset. It doesn't even have to be a color wheel, just have the devs release their own preference of 2 different variation of colors for each power.

    Like for lightning we can have black adam black/white lightning color theme, or red lightning like infamous. Or with water, make a crystal green teal like the ocean in Jamaica, Or red water for those who wants to roleplay that blood water thing. This can add some level of depth to characters background story with the already powers we have with just the change of a color, something that dcuo can promote on. Besides, if I wasn't gonna pitch in with the OP I would disagree anyway on the next power we need and argue we needa fix the current powers first before thinking of another.

    Oh, and if anyone wants to argue for powers like hardlight and rage etc, because of "their lore sake", then thats fine. We can just exclude those powers then for their lore sake.
  7. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Um I don't mind changing colors, the vixen thing would be cool and I'd love shadow powers.

    The rest... I don't see happening so.... INB4 all the PS3 is holding it back comments.
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  8. Frank Zarjaz Committed Player

    I think swimming would be a great variant for flight.
    Also roller skates for acro and mincing for superspeed.
    These are great suggestions that are very likely.
  9. Koriand'r Well-Known Player

    We already can not talk about new powers but just on PS3, PS3 memory can't handle new powers but it doesn't mean that we can't have more powers and abilities in such a beautiful and open world game like DCUO. And we I gotta say that we even can have 20 more powers on PC, because the best PC can even work better than Play Station 5, but we are talking about the normal form and I have to say that DCUO is even installed on old Computers and Laptops which are for 2013 or 2014, so we might can have 2 or 3 or at least 1 more powerset for DCUO on PC servers only not on PS3 but the PS3 memory problem might get solved too by using hard drives with higher and more GBs, but just might, and about the new movement I have to say that swimming or ice skii will never be on DCUO because they are bot important powers and DCUO's only is not that good for something like ice ski, but there can be a new ability added to the game which let's you swim faster when you enter the water and your movement is off, but 2 more movements are pretty much possible such as Teleportation and Another one which is still unnamed and matches with your power set and something like a disc rock or magic comes under your feet based on Terra and Static and all magicians such as Felix Faust or John Constantine and Zatara, it works specially and like I said matches with your powerset and is clearly possible, for example you have Sorcery and when you press K on keyboard or PS3 to turn your movement on a sorcery circle or something like that appears under your feet based on Zatara, or if you are having Earth a rock comes under your feet or if you have electricity a disk comes like static or if you have light, so a green disk or if you have natural, a plant, or if you have Gadgets a disk based on technology comes like the Savage in Saving Justice alert, and...
    But if you want to know more about the Teleportation Movement which is the best movement for next, just check out my "Teleportation Movement" thread page that I have created about 3 or 2 days ago.
    And if you want to know more about next powers, check out my "New Episode: Legion Of Super-Heroes" thread page for yesterday.
  10. Wallachia Devoted Player

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  11. Ascended Well-Known Player

    Ive heard a couple people say that Water is the last power. Where are you guys getting this from?

    Did they say Water was it, for ever, or just that they dont have any plans right now for a new power? Because those're two very different things.
  12. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Water is the last power for now until they do

    A: Create a new UI that frees up tons of memory space on the PS3. ( This is broker, R&D, Map, General inventory/styles, etc)
    B: Drop the PS3( not going to happen until sony does or when keeping the PS3 alive cost them more money than the revenue it brings in).
    C: GU73 freed up enough memory for them to have water. We dont know if it freed up enough memory to add an additional 1, 2 or even 3 powers. Possibly more GU could work on freeing up space.

    IMO if C does happen, they could possibly launch 1 or 2 powers( space them out over 6-12 months apart) before they finally do B, and drop the PS3 to add the 3rd power.

    I highly doubt A will happen as they already tried doing it and it was too costly( seriously if you all saw that new UI video you can agree that TC should go towards that).
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  13. Koriand'r Well-Known Player

    So So doesnt mean, they dont have any idea for new powers, there are too many new powers that we need such as first Air and Darkness powers as the next controller and Magnetic and Super Strength or Shrinking/Growing powers as next tank and Chemical and Sunlight or White Lantern Powers as next healer.
    The problem is PS3's memory and yes, Devs said it.
    And I have to say there are too many ways to solve this Problem because if they stop creating new powers in DCUO, it would be the beginning of DCUO's END, and it is bad for everyone such as you and me who play the game and someone else like Devs and Daybreak who has created the game, we won't have a better and more beautiful open world game for DC Comics for years.
    And like I said there are too many ways to fix it such as creating 4 different servers, PS3 US and EU, and PC US and EU, and the new powers only come on the PC servers, because PC can handle even 20 more powersets but DCUO is installed on the old Computers and Laptops for 2014 and 2013, so we at least can have 2 more power sets
    On PC and if we be lucky, maybe 3 new powersets.
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  14. Koriand'r Well-Known Player

    Maybe they can use a hard drive with higher and more GBs too.
  15. sirzap Well-Known Player


    that is why I only asked for new iconic powers and not a new powerset.
  16. Megan Morzz Level 30

    I can remember someone else who posted for new Iconic powers :rolleyes:
  17. Ascended Well-Known Player

    Ive seen a few people ask for more Iconic powers (myself among them).

    Specifically I'd like to see a Boom Tube teleport, similar to the Quantum ability, and a Stealth power.

    Also, thanks for the replies to my "is Water the last power?" question. And Derio, if time capsule revenue went towards a new UI, I'd actually spend money on them. :)
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  18. Powee New Player

    Why not somthing like stretch power like Plastic Man, teleport something like Nightcrawler, maybe a power like Hulk or Bane, shape-shifting (not like nature when you shift into animals) I was thinking like the game Prototype where you can shift your bodies in different weapons, something like X-Men's Beast no power (flashy power anyways) or technology gadget like Batman but a power that relies on raw physical power or a power like Colossus were you can turn body into a substance like metal or wood (this could be a power that playes the same but lets you choose the substance that you can turn into).

    You have teleportion as a movement or a ice slide like what Iceman does.

    I also would like to see more mentors like for example The Flash. With The Flash, for example, it could come more mission that relate specifically to that mentor.

    More city like Central City and Star City to name a few.

    More costumes that are base on DCEU, Arrowverse and the DC cartoon.

    I like the idea most of you suggest with being able to switch the of powers like being able to have something like a BLUE fire but I can't decide if it should be a one primary and an alternate color or a color wheel. As for Green Lantern/Rage the color allow you to change color but still treat you like that power and color.
  19. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    i'm still waiting for my Kryptonian Power..... been waiting for 7 years now...
  20. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    First off welcome to the forums.

    For your first two parts, you need to think within the capabilities and structure of the game. Stretch and shape-shifting like Plastic Man and Elongated Man have already been explained as outside those capabilities. Teleport and sliding really don't fit in with how movements work in DCUO. As was revealed when Skimming was previewed, character's feet cant be affixed to the same object, do to combat stances and just the shifting nature of moving around.

    The mentor system is a dead thing, they had intended it being something in the beginning but over time that didn't pan out. So it's a waste of time, resources and money to put into something that only determines where you start off. Plus, new mentors would mean new mentor leveling missions, which would be an even more costly endeavor for just the leveling part of the game.

    Cities have been talked about a lot over the years. There are many complications involved with such an endeavor, making it not a feasible thing to really dive into. The Devs have said they would like to make more cities but they just can't.

    That is a big time impossibility, all those properties are under WB's ownership/control. DGC's contract is only with DC Comics and as such they only have access to stuff directly from the comics.

    The original design for the game was to give powers a specific color for easy identification for mostly PVP situations, this is a design they don't really want to change. As for the Lantern powers that is something DC will not allow. They are very strict when it comes to the Lanterns, the powers must stick to their original Corps they were made for.