Best Gear in Vendor? NOT!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alrighty Then, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Best Gear is in Broker It costs almost a Quarter Billion of In-Game Cash. This game is broken.
    No wonder Gold Sellers are a dime a dozen. In order to obtain the 3 OP Gear pieces, getting the Vendor collections, is the easy part. The drops are extremely rare, and to acquire them all, runs close to 250 Million in Game cash to buy them in the Broker. With "Best Gear in Vendor", you are actually 5CR below top CR.This needs fixing, and is thoroughly disheartening. Get rid of the Gold Sellers, Fix the Cash issue, make all gear practically attainable.
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  2. ChillCat Loyal Player


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  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    Hes talking about the OP items if im not mistaken. Meaning to get max cr ya need these. And the concept everyone wanted was best gear on a vendor and that really isnt what it turned out to be. Previously best gear on the vendor meant u get that gear u have the best stats and max cr. Last dlc was 2 items and now this 3 that were added into the equation. I think he just worded it funny. At least i think that is what he means.
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  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    And the OP pieces just got an increase in Stats, wait, and an increase in CR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    "woot, woot, bragging rights for being 206 overnight" for $25 at www_mmook_com

    yet the filter will be censoring the word censored and replace it or any form of it with censoring, censored every single time.

    edit: wait, really, censoring has slipped by being censored?
    *sigh* SMH
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  5. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Exactly. Best Gear is OP Gear; obtainable via RARE RNG DROPS, purchasable via Broker. They are quite significant, and quite unattainable unless you get a lot of in-game cash.
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  6. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Is anyone else not OK with the fact that there is this massive grind for gear; that leaves you 5CR below top CR?
    Wasn't Vendor gear supposed to be "BEST"?
  7. Mazahs Loyal Player

    To be clear YES the best gear is actually in vendor.. The caviat is you need to have a horshoe imbedded in your rear, have at least 5 lucky rabbits feet on you as well, wouldnt hurt to have a priest bless you (all while playing) and then still have at least 25-75 million ready to spend.

    How do I come to the conclusions you ask? Well after the OP pcs CR took a bump I decided to go back and start running the Typhon contemt daily (again) Almost at the point of buying the last collection pc off vendor so I went and checked how many collections I was missing (again used to run this every atinking day befor AOJ came out) For the ring, Im missing 3 in total...the price combi ed last night , in broker was 24 million. Checked the neck (missing 4) Those came to combined of about 18 million..

    So for.someone who played almost everyday the entire time, I'm still missing 7 collections and need to spend at least 41 million igc.

    Devs took a great idea and twisted the everloving crap outta it. Just like time capsules, where they put decent styles (finally) and then stuck SP in there all while stating...See you dont have to spend a dime!

    Pshh yeah right
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  8. Dene Devoted Player

    I think the issue has become more obvious since the stat/item level hike on OP items

    iirc ,before that , 203 was highest - so didnt seem so bad

    The OP's statements and this one are perfect examples of why the Devs cannot please everyone.. there were multiple threads wanting OP gear "fixed" - they fix it and then other issues arise

    I am one of those 206 - I got more than half of my collections from playing - sold my duplicates and bought rest. My stats went higher but didn't skyrocket (some on other threads believe the stat hike was useless and should have been even higher... but im assuming you see differently )

    I will say that trying to get the missing collections, via content, felt no different to waiting for the old days of "damn **** boss wont drop the leg style of **** for me" etc. So it is like we got a combination of old and new

    I know ppl will lambast me for this but it was clear from day one that these collections were not going to be easy to get and were not ever seen, or touted, as mandatory, more of a cool option for ppl who play more. I also believe that any content going forward will not assume all have it and will not be taken in to account for future min cr in content, at least for the next 2 DLC
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  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    tbh idc really, I saw a CR206 101sp DPS looking for USe / JFAe the other day.

    and just laughed b/c nobody is going to take him seriously until his SP = CR at the very least.

    Because most ppl run 2 2 1 3 in elite atm and imagine how much slower it would be if the burn was lacking lol
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  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I say my above post b/c I know I would of been picked up before that guy with my CR201 / 306sp over his 101sp and 206cr
  11. Wallachia Devoted Player


  12. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    We now have the Worst of Both Worlds!
    High Gear Costs for useless gear, and High RNG and Cash costs for OP gear.
    Since Vendor gear is no longer "Best"; then the costs need to be put in line with previous "not best gear".
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  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Best gear is in vendor. OP gear was never considered vendor gear.

    People cry when OP gear is a super rare drop. People cry when OP gear is split into 12 collections of which 11 can drop or be bought on the broker. People cry when there's no OP gear at all. People cry when there's 1 too much or too few op items. People cry when OP gear is not scaled up with a patch. People cry that op gear is only obtainable with DPS Slots. People cry when OP gear is 10 CR higher than the vendor gear.

    1 DLC later nobody gives a dime anymore.

    Honestly, I have spent like 20 millions on the op collections because a) I play the broker game and get stuff cheap and keep it or sell it for a higher price and b) I'm patient and dont want anything right away. I finished the last OP Collection two weeks ago when I snapped and just bought the Bismarck collection for 10 mil.
    Oh and c) if you have a decent league you can trade with others when you get double collections.

    I run two alts so other people will even get the collections earlier.

    In the end the OP items are sometimes a cool style (not always) and now a 50 Pt feat. And so we are crying that a 50 point feat costs ... how did op say it... ? almost a Quarter Billion of In-Game Cash :eek:

    And when people start to cry over 50 points it's not the game anymore that's broken...

    PS: I beat 206 all time with my 200er alts. OP items are ... neat ... and that's it.
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  14. FlreMint Active Player

    Just wanted to note that in order to get enough Renown to buy the AoJ Elite gear you need to hoard 18 Elite raid runs worth of renown and then use a renown booster.

    Need 6500 Renown
    +75+75+150 per raid = 300
    +.25% Renown Boost
    6500/375= 17,333...->18 (or 22 w/o the renown boost, if that matters)

    That's 18 weeks or 4.5 months running Elite raids since you can only run them every other week, and that is assuming you can beat them everytime since the last boss gives half the renown of the raid...

    Of course you can just spend 30-40$ worth of replays on JFAe but we all know replays are optional and I am just beating a dead horse here

    No one cares about Elite gear anyways, its style feat doesnt award feat points anyways and I am sure devs will never buff it so it becomes mandatory to give them those $$$ on replays, I mean, that would be crazy.

    Just a little note of a mint passing by

  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    It's to many op items. We use to get 1to 3 a year, since November we have 7. 1maybe 2 per major DLC is enough, not 3 and we shouldn't get any for events. 7 op items in 7 months is an overload.
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  16. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    This OP overload has totally skewered everything.
    It makes grinding for "Best Vendor Gear" a bad sadistic joke.
    What's the point? Especially when they keep moving the carrot.
  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Since CR doesn't mean anything anymore. I'm fine with it. Plus, I enjoy swelling all my gold collections to people that think they have to have the gold gear.

    I did finish the AF3 gold gear, in February, and got the starro pieces. These are the most good items I've had in the past two years. They make ZERO difference in my play.

    Get over worrying about being max all the time and have fun.
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  18. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I didn't bother to sell my soul for the OP gear, but looking back I feel like chasing the Vendor Gear was a complete waste of time.
  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    That I agree on. The reduction in renown earned from elite raids is something I will never understand from a gamer's point of view.

    But then's just for the styles and the title, isn't it? It's not like the "set bonuses" are actually worth anything at all. I mean c'mon 2% dom or health, a slight heal for using our group breakout (which isn't used on cooldown) and a 8-piece bonus that is literally worthless for tanks.
    And for other's not better in any case. The former dps "shield" is now only for dps who are most likely prec based since it requires the weapon buff and ... I don't know what to say this topic has come up way too often.

    Using the OMAC Trinket has way more use in end content compared to any of the elite bonuses...
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    OP items are rare and not a full set of gear. We've heard the concerns about there being too many OP items coming too fast, so there will be less in the future. Regardless, though, comparing OP items to best gear on vendor is pretty far afield.
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