What the revamp has done for me..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by muellersascha, Aug 21, 2017.

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  1. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Yea I don't get why people complain about lower their content. I have no problem doing any of it. Even lower content with Cr appropriate characters I don't find content overly difficult. The only differences are a max Cr guy doesn't come in and one shot everything and you have to abide by most mechanics.....I don't see the issues people are complaining about. I just think everyone got super lazy and they just want to one shot everything and not have to watch out for mechanics.
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  3. Mazahs Loyal Player

    I would many times answer a LFG for need help in X where lower levels needed help.
    Other than that it was style hunting although not as much

    I would easily run 8-10 lower instances per week helping thoae people out. Wheter it was Back Dawn, Blackest Day/Night or simple need help with xxx duo.

    Now I dont, I wont and thats on the devs on how borked lower levels are. I said it many times over...if you took my toon that I invested almost 7 yrs on, and they nuetered them I wouldnt go back.

    I dont care about mechanics so save it, but when I outlevel something by over 100 cr I should be able to smash them.
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  4. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Well thats the difference right there. I want to, I worked my tail off in Khandaq, Outer, Inner and have doubled, triped and quadrupled my toons stats.

    Its great you dont mind it, but I do and lower levels are feeling it because even if you do help them. Myself and others arent going back into that fubar since our toons got neutered.
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  5. Rufii New Player

    Pretty easy to to say when you have over 300sp and don't have to go back and get so many feats from old content.
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  6. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    If more players had to experience the lower raids when leveling up the players would better off cause of it. Cr scaling created a new bread of players who didn't learn any mechanics cause a higher Cr guy just came in and one shot everything on them and they learned nothing about the content or mechanics then later on in the game when they come across a boss or mechanic I think is easy or was previously in the game lots of newer players know nothing about it cause someone just one shot the raid for them. Then we have all types of complaints on content is to hard and all of those kinda threads then it leads to already easy stuff getting nerfed and becomeing even easier.

    Lower stuff is still super easy especially if your max Cr and I honestly don't see the issue in having to actually play some raids. Cr scaling and having your character so strong also made some feats like the EO from wave so easy. Heck it's still easy now but at least you have to work a bit for it. The new players that come to the game will be much better off when they make it to end game content the way things are now cause they will have actually learned something leveling up. Even players who have only been here since Cr scaling could learn something from playing some older content.
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Have you attempted tier 4 content since last week's hotfix adjusting content in that tier? If so, can you share a little bit of your experience there?
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  8. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    There are plenty of people who still need the feats you need, just find those people and put a group together and run the correct roles or if you have a league they should have no problem helping you. Most times players main issue with lower content feats and Cr appropriate characters is they want to 5 dps everything. It's ok to bring some other support roles if needed. I'm. It saying that's your issue just stating that in general.
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  9. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Yes i soloed gates at cr 192 atomic tank and died multiple times at the last boss cause ... I wasn't payin attention and everything up to that point was a breeze... the minute i did the mechnics as they were at the time gates was relevant i beat it easily... i can only imagine how much easier it would have been with a full group even made up of at tier toons with me tanking... so i think people are just complaining to complain
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  10. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    I'm thinking of charging people because it is getting out of hand and like you said we don't have all day.
  11. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Did both Gates and Prime, prime is easier then gates to solo because the last boss of gates the mechanics can still butt hump you despite your CR, the "yellow pancakes" on the floor, the meteors, and the slow moving purple ball that puts you on fire all hurt. Other then that the actual boss is hitting you with tissue paper.

    So really it's just an avoidance of mechanics thing.
  12. MaverickRaven657 Well-Known Player

    When I said 90% I meant in my experience. I apologize for any lack of clarity. I know my evidence is merely anecdotal, the weakest form of evidence save hearsay. But I never intended to make it seem as if I was presenting it in any other way other than it was my experience.
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You're good, I just read it wrong is all then. It happens quite often on these forums :p
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That's very odd...i'm finding AoJ content easier after the revamp. Meanwhile older content is taking longer, with a few rough spots here and there. The ONLY difficulty I've found recently in AoJ content is getting Iconic bounties done after Saturday. People knock it out between Thursday reset and Saturday, and then it becomes mission impossible lately.
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  15. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Just to add onto this post, the developers do have a new currency plan coming down the road that'll make it more desirable to run old content for feats.

    Mov on the other hand are unfortunately still relevancy locked :/
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  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    They'll probably have a conversion system that can convert the other marks into MoV, B asked about it in the announcement thread and Mepps said it would be looked into when the time comes.
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  17. Mussurana Level 30

    I have, so I'll share a little.

    Took a couple of at levels through gates with a couple of op dps and somewhat op healer, with me as op tank. No dramas, as a 199 CR tank I'd have to have fallen asleep to die in there. All the at levels were alive at the end of the last boss too.

    Rolled that crew plus random queue through With a Vengance too, similar results.

    Prime Battleground was a bit tougher, no op deaths of course, but we lost one of the at levels back to spawn point. Then again, first time I hit Prime at level I carked it before reaching the centre, so that doesn't seem too unreasonable a difficulty level.
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  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It's that attitude that has you in-game poor. $650k here, $350k there and you're sitting on a cool mil. Put in enough of those 100k+ items and you'll have some dough to buy OP items or TC collections. Hell, the 1st 10-12 hours of a new TC you can sell to the overeager whales snd impatient fools (like me ;) ) and make a killing. I'm just sayin' is all....
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  19. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The Kryptonian Flexsuit chest needs to be put in the rare style vendor asap. I'll gladly pay up to 200 MoV for it. Just get it done I love DCUO so.
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  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Heck at this point I think I would pay $20 in the MP to get the darn thing. ;)
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