Make Biggun a 50% supercharge again

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ConveyDcuo, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    I was munitions day 1 of revamp because i had been mun since the power dropped 2 years ago it was my favorite power
  2. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    This was the wat pissed me off if the base damage is gonna be garbage at least keep biggun as a 1 shot or make it viable in some way
  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    maybe I misread this but

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  4. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    It will all make sense i just want power balance im rage because thats my next favorite power
  5. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    I was mun day 1 of revamp and i had tested Biggun
  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    then shouldnt you be asking for berserk to be toned down?

    with parses of berserks damage even though its on par with other 50% SC like carnivorous plants.
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  7. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Carnivorous plants i can name a 100 that outclasses biggun chaotic growth.curcuit breaker could outclass biggun
  8. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Im still waiting on that parser of cp doing 160 k in 10 seconds
  9. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Because i mean thats wat berserk gets u a extra 160 k in 10 seconds on the 3 man
  10. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Ill post parsers
  11. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Ill post non buffed parsers
  12. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    I gtta switch toons
  13. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Approximately 174 k damage beserk nets u here it lasted for 12 seconds but i showed the 10 seconds
  14. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

  15. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

  16. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

  17. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    For the rage bersek parser go back a page and cut the 340 k in half and thats wat berserk nets in 10 seconds compared to nature carnivorous plants
  18. KeeblerElf Well-Known Player

    I cant wait for them to fix nature so people can quit using roar cheese and serpent call cheese and thinking they are good with the power
  19. ConveyDcuo Well-Known Player

    Go back look at how rage berserk in 10 seconds nets u 170 k additional damage to your rotation .then go look at nature carnivorous plants 57 k in 10 seconds.Then tell me how biggun shouldnt be buffed.........
  20. KeeblerElf Well-Known Player

    rage/earth only does well in jfa so you can melee
    the current end tier content is designed for nature and elec play (again nature is broken)

    and you need to experiment more because atomic,hardlight, celestial can preform just as well if not better
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