Roleless Buff Update 8/17

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BumblingB, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    I do have to agree with this, example look at old school Final Fantasy 11 online. Everyone had a role but some support was able play hybrid. Same time if dps did too much damage they took hate which this game lacks but at the same time allowed dps to melee in raids if directly behind boss like a sneak attack. Red Mages/ bards (controllers) only had a refresh not recharge skill so no bumping power to anyone. I wish they would up pot and take recharge away.
  2. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Thank you.

    I never saw a good Battle Support in the game.... but somehow everyone on the Forum is a BEAST Battle Support. ;)
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  3. Streven Dedicated Player

    Here's the deal a lot of times people don't want support in an instance because they don't do enough damage. So the solution to me is let support roles do more damage so people won't b**** about them being present in the instance.
  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    What would you call a good Battle Support?? or even an Amazing one??

    Is someone who does an extra 100K thanks to his Battle Support good??
    Is someone who does an extra 200K amazing??

    How do you define an Amazing one??
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  5. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Someone who can be more than efficient in their role.
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  6. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    Pftt working just fine. I just tested on my main works flawlessly. 200, 300, 100,150, 200 35% finisher-this allows power regen to kick in better while casting(-aoe-staying gorilla). I would have to suggest they update some power costs for other powers to be consistent in power cost vs damage.
  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    As noted earlier in the threads, roleless buffs are only in effect in alerts and have been since the game's 9th game update. Raids are where advanced group play and roles are most crucial. We are not considering removing roleless buffs.

    The purpose of the recent hotfix and adjustments was mainly to ensure that groups of any combination can tackle alerts, and we are looking for feedback on that topic specifically.
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  8. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Good thing there is no down vote, I'd probably break my keyboard hitting it so much. :mad:

    A single dominate roll, does not make a health MMO.

    Can you tell us why it should remain? Why players shouldn't be responsible for their own survival, their own game play?
  9. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yep. Trolls only source of power out should be PoT and SC. Dominance needs to go back to determining stun duration and debuffs need to be increased still.

    But we have to be careful, some people don't like certain things for trolls suggested.
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  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Is there anywhere that lists current roleless buffs abilities? Like, I know that controller one gives 2% power and healer starts at 50% with 80% heals. It would help with confusion.

    I also would love to know the 10% defense buff was applied to. Is it your team or to the enemies?
  11. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    Absolutely agree 100% can we have this.
  12. krytine Loyal Player

    I still believe further reduction is necessary for all the buffs so that way all configurations need to work more to learn what they are doing and those that prefer roles will have an easier time
  13. Sixfiguredice Well-Known Player

    You forgot Red mage, bard, corsair and the occasional samurai who tanked do to high damage hate on enemy (using third eye/different sub job)
  14. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I was in Underworld Trials with 3 healers and me as the only damage. They couldn't dps but we still flew through it very fast.

    Also noticed my defense was 20000s which is high. I am not longed in at the moment but pretty sure that was the new defense buff.
  15. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    If you didn't see it Bumbling went back and looked at update notes;

    Aug 2011 Mega Servers
    Oct 2011 F2P
    Feb 2012 Role less buffs

    "Thanks B"

    I had them backwards in my head, they both created at the same time to address similar isssues. Mega servers took more work and addressed multiple issues first. I distinctly remember pre-mega servers sitting in que for League of Assissans alert for over four hours then getting into the alert just to have people leave and back then there wasn't a lot of soloing or duoing alert bosses.

    Still hate them and want them gone.
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  16. Tarif Committed Player

    You know thats not what I typed. Damage stats make the damage role unique. Support roles should not be getting those stats pretty much for free when they buy the power stat, neither should a dps be allowed free power when spec-ing for might. Thats why the game is flooded with Battle Roles right now. Right now support roles are getting this might with no draw backs or clamps a dps is getting. Thats not right. You want additional might to do damage in a support role, you need to have the additional SPs for it to spec into that stat, not like it is right now. This has just created a game wide imbalance, and have people except a very small minority upset. This isnt a balance to our roles, and it needs to be fixed. There are four roles in this game. Not three.
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  17. Tarif Committed Player

    Absolutely not. That takes from the DPS Role. You know, the damage role? There are four roles, you want to do damage like that, you play as a dps. This is our largest imbalance in game right now, the way things are set up.
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  18. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    I didn't know about the rest of the support players, but for me, I didn't get it for free, I had to spend an SP to obtain it.

    This in addition to to my primary stat in support stance.

    DPS still vastly do more damage than any support class, have you ever had a support role beat you in damage? Aren't you at least 2 to 3 times the damage of support role players, minimum? At what point would you be happy? 50 times more damage? 100 times?

    Imbalance? You mean like DPS one shot boss type imbalance? No thank you.

    I'll stop there, you should re-evaluate your analysis, provide some proof or evidence of you claims so that the rest of us can see what you are talking about, because what I see here, I am not seeing in game.
  19. Streven Dedicated Player

    Your logic makes no sense. The overwhelming majority play DPS.The reasons for this are diverse but mainly hinges on two factors.

    1. Doing damage is just fun and easy.

    2. Playing support is intimidating because you have people relying on you and if you screw up everybody knows it.

    Much fewer people play support and many DPS find support players unwelcome specifically because they don't do enough damage when compared to dps. So increasing damage output of support roles should make them more welcome. Why does that threaten you?

    Do you need support to do less damage so you can feel better about the way it looks on the scoreboard? I mean you are making the case that doing damage is what makes dps unique yet EVERBODY plays dps. It's not that special.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    Why is everything always about dmg? The way to make support roles better is to have em do more dmg? That logic makes no sense to me. Im gonna keep saying it, its like the answer to everything around here is "moar dmg!" :confused: Instead of better mechanics for tanks/trolls/heals its make em do more dmg. For the record this has nothing to do with my dmg as a dps. It has everything to do with this game being so dps focused that its unhealthy.
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