Roleless Buff Update 8/17

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BumblingB, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. BumblingB I got better.

    So the power regen was nerfed, but enemies got a 10% defense increase? So... Bring a troll?
    I don't quite understand that. There are other ways to of making the roleless work but also benefit a group that may get a perfect group makeup. Like maybe giving a damage buff to the group to account for having all roles and less DPS. Which is the reason why players opt another dps for a role anyways. For more damage and quicker burn.
    As for the proximity changes, that's great, now can we have this actually added to powers as well? Line of sight is annoying with healing, since something that protrudes from the floor slightly could in fact affect line of sight.
    I'm glad they buffed the healing part, that one needed help since the beginning.
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  2. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Just remove the Role Less Buff entirely and end this madness that prevents roles except for raids.

    Still allow groups of any makeup, to avert long ques for DPS

    Remove damage mitigation of support roles, WHY are we nerfed? Don't DPS already have an advantage with their stats over ours?

    IF a group is all support roles, no DPS in the group, there is no damage buff for that group. Why should DPS get a free bump, and the role group, none at all?


    Making a game with support roles, but making it so they aren't used until end game or only in raids, which creates a huge bottleneck and lack of roles overall.
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  3. Moja Developer

    Roleless Buffs already give increased damage the more support roles are present, so a 1-1-1-1 group will have the largest damage buff.
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  4. YinChakra Dedicated Player

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  5. krytine Loyal Player

    I understand the roleless buff is here to stay i hate it. But lower the health regen make it take longer. Lower the def3nse buff by atleast 20% . And what about the damage and health debuffs trolls have. Will those also be taken in account i hope not. I dont like the line of sight thing being removed that is about the only thing keeping a dps from running ahead
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    That should get a buff then, as players will still opt a tank especially for another damage role.

    Also, what was the reasoning on the 10% defense buff? Forcing a controller for that just seems wrong and defeats the purpose of the controller changes to debuffs in general.
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  7. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    What about a group with no DPS? Why wouldn't that be the strongest? (4 support roles...)

    Why have damage mitigation, if you create a buff to do away with it?

    Why have roles, if you create a buff to make them obsolete?

    It all just seems so confusing, redundant, and unnecessary... there are various options in game to increase survive-ability compared to when the buff was introduced for those groups that want to run content 4 DPS, supply drops, orbital strikes, side kicks, enhanced colas, armories... man I could just go on and on and on...

    Thanks for the response. Its nice to finally see a green name respond to some of these threads.
  8. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I don't think the Defense buff was for enemies...
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    Really? Because it sounds like they added it so you would want to bring a controller to debuf. But I could misinterpret a post. Wouldn't be my first time nor probably last. I own up to my mistakes if I do.
  10. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    I remember the days when there were no roleless buffs. 9 times out of 10 you weren't finishing the alert if you didn't have 1 of each role in your group, you needed players at the top of their game to be able to finish without one of the other roles. It was a riveting and rewarding experience. Fun times. I vote for getting rid of it. Less code to worry about once the content is adjusted. It doesn't belong in raids. Honestly, these buffs are just insulting and feel like a band aid fix. I don't want my hand held. The real problem is a lot of people don't want to take the time to get good at their role or don't want to bother and just play easy DPS mode. If it must stay, it should only be active for the lowest level content. An artifical 'moral' for being in a low level small group is the only thing I can think of at the moment that makes sense, but even then, it still feels forced.
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  11. krytine Loyal Player

    An idea about roleless buffs maybe only one or two tier lower then the lowest group member so if one person is at tier no roleless buff
  12. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    May i ask why the community gives so much push back against bringing in a support role other than in raids where they only really one 1 of each if that even....

    Why is there such a push to find a way to eliminte a role...

    Is it just time?... is it just to cut time? Or is it something else?... i have a hard time believing its just to make the run shorter...

    I feel deep down its that.. this game is majority dps the players i mean... and they want to ensure there is always a spot for them ..regardless how good or bad they are... they want to make sure that a support role wont be taking their spot... so the community actively tries to find way to eliminte the roles...

    they try desperately every dlc to find a way to make something less or not needed at all even if it makes it harder on the team ..they gotta make sure that support role is eliminated

    its like a badge of honor when they find it too.. they rush tot he forum... COMPLETED X RAID WITH NO (SUPPORT ROLE HERE) or COMPLETED X RAID ALL DPS NO SUPPORT ROLES AT ALL...

    and then this becomes the norm... every group strives to eliminate these roles... oh ok thats what they did lets do that then we dont even need a tank or healer or troll yeah.. cause SCREW the players that want to support.. they need to know this is dpc universe online

    And with roleless buffs this only encourages the problem this is why there are no endgame support roles really..this is why you see groups shouting for an hour or longer for a troll or tank...and when content is fresh and new... they are paying support roles to run with them...

    So really is it just about time?
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  13. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I also read it the other way, like saying they're giving us a defense buff to account for the 10% damage debuff a troll would provide. But I guess there's only one way to be sure, lol.
  14. Surtur Well-Known Player

    Most people that have never understood or actually played a team sport dream of being the quarterback or running back ( DPS ). They all have no idea that in order to make a good team you need to have a complete team.

    I can guarantee you this.

    Put 22 Tom Brady's on the field for the New England Patriots offense & defense and you will have a team that lost every game by a landslide.
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  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yep, seems to be time. Although also I think it's because there are a few things that aren't really communicated well in game. Did you know a raid group gets a damage debuff for every dps over 2 they bring along? I sure didn't. I'm sure a lot of people don't know that. So with 5 dps, your whole group gets a 36% damage debuff. That's a lot.
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  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Yes but in dcuo a team of all tom Brady's .... is a reward with no down side... its actually worse to bring the role in then it is to eliminate it .. so one how in this game they ensure the defensive line is made up of cotton candy
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  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I didnt know that but the thing is... 5 dps runs with a good group are faster then 2222 so... even if they gave a damage buff for 2222 its not equating to the speed of a 5111 or 6110 group or 7100 so the damage debuff seems to matter very little and id like to know why...

    Im not convinced its just time... i think by the reaction to when they find out a role can be eliminted and they come here to gloat about it..its deeper then just yay we can do this faster... i
  18. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Are people running 7100 now, lol? That would give you a damage debuff for everyone of like 60% (It's 12 or 12.5% per dps over 2).
  19. Xibo Loyal Player

    So, what about raids with 2-2-2-2?
  20. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Of course they Arnet as of right now.. but they have in the i wouldnt put it past people trying to find a way to do it...