HL trolling

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Jim Kelly, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. Jim Kelly New Player

    Anyone found a decent loadout and/or so balance? I tend to get low on power myself now trolling missions
  2. Greenchain Well-Known Player

    Lots of questions

    How are you specced? Superpower?Hybrid?
    What are you running for a load out?
    How Many SP?
    Got White Mods?
    Got equipment mods? which ones?
    Got generator mods?

    Support stats kinda got nerfed across the board. The devs have made it clear that all roles will need to rely on all their tools for maximum effectiveness. Your trinket is going to need to be used more often. You might need to craft Vitamin Soders and use regular couple three times a raid. POT isn't the grand thing it used to be but it's never down either. Recharge doesn't dump as much as it used to. You are generally going to have to work harder to achieve the same result.

    Also, the population is in general still figuring out loadouts and rotations and power costs. Power management isn't skill many have in this game because the troll has been so OP (700 POT 1300+ recharge crits) it didnt take much to keep the blue bars filled. It'll settle down.
  3. xXHeadlinerXx Dedicated Player

    Spec superpowers. After you get your crits, don't go straight vit. Split between vit and might/power until might/power is 100, then you can either max vit or pick up some dom. You should be OK on power so long as you are superpower spec and don't go straight vit. If you are low on SP you may have to drink a soda along. If you go hybrid and straight vit, though, your power bar will go dry real fast.
  4. Mazahs Loyal Player

    I actually decided to try hybrid HL pure vit using brawling
    This is a 199cr modded w/ 220 SP. Only put 1 point into brawling skill tree.

    To be honest I was shocked, I had more power and kept most groups powered pretty easily.
    In fact compared to SP where i mixed power and vit in Superpowered it was a noticeable improvement.

    Granted it was pretty boring since I basically just tapped triangle the whole time and clipped with recharge, but every boss (and most adds) had both debufs on( damage and defense) at all times and I only had to drink 1-2 sodas at most.
  5. SparkmanX Committed Player

    I Honestly still figuring out loadouts and rotations and power costs. For now I have seen that there are two paths: One related to combos and the other more Straight to the point.

    1. Hard Light Combo
    For this style your weapon is Brawling Without WM. This weapon with the help of construct combos can regenerate your power bar quickly through the increase of the hit counter. But for this you must know how to combine the combos and in what moments to execute them.

    Loadout: Grasping Hand - Light Blast - -Light barrier - Snap tramp - Recharge - group shield

    The idea is that basically when you use the defensive or attack debuff, you quickly combine them into constructs that help you make quick combos to increase hit counter . For example, link Light blast into miniguns and move around the stage while shooting with the machine guns , then execute recharge. There are more examples of what you can do with the other debuffs, but I think you already have an idea of what I'm talking about. This revamp allows powers to also increase hit counter

    2. Hard Light Straight to the point

    for this style you use Hybrid and hand blasters. The idea is to perform your controller tasks just as the other powers do. Use your weapon to recharge your power bar and execute debuffs that are fast and that help you to accelerate the supercharge.

    loadout: LWS - Light blast - encase - light barrier - Recharge - Group Shield

    Tomorrow I will try this loadout but this time I will use dual pistols and replace light blast for whiptrash. The ideas would be to move on the stage with the help of the pistols and when I'm close to the boss i going to put the melee defensive debuff.

    Despite the tests I'm doing, I still do not feel comfortable with any of the loadout. I still think Quantum is better for trolling than Hard Light :(
  6. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Similar to what I did, except I used Hybrid with brawling.
    For basic power regen I would tap range and clip recharge, When I needed a debuf I would use ST, LB or Grasping hand and combo 1 deep for the added regen.

    It works pretty good for keeping up a groups power
  7. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    The hit counter does not influence Power regeneration anymore. It's completely irrelevant for Controlling now. Power regen from weapons is based on animation length and a percentage of your maximum Power pool. That means longer combos will regenerate more Power and you can influence how much by investing in your Power stat. That also means that Brawling into Shurikens WM isn't the one best weapon for trolling anymore (in fact it's pretty bad since the WM part of the combo does not regenerate any Power even with Hybrid). If you choose Superpowered focus then your weapons don't regenerate any Power at all, and your passive Power regen just depends on your maximum Power and not the hit counter.
    • Like x 3
  8. SparkmanX Committed Player


    I think I missed that part on the official page they gave us where they talk about the changes !!!! :eek:
    I guess I'll have to check out the latest patch note on the forum.

    DB talked about a live stream where they intended to explain everything about this revamp, but so far I have not seen anything.
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  9. Zeikial Committed Player

    I use the super powered focus and use constructs, I'll start with lightblast which is a defense debuff then combo through the rotation until I get back to ram a second time then clip that with recharge. You can also start with light weight which is a damage debuff and dazed enimes, which in turn will allow your constructs to do more damage. So something like this, lightweight, lightblast, combo, recharge, repeat.

    My loadout is a recharge not sure the name, lightblast, lightweight, snaptrap, the shield for pickups, and the super which is a group shield and power return. Snap is a heal debuff but also combos into my loadout smoothly.
  10. Mighty Committed Player

    If you're trying to maximize your power efficiency do not use the combos, as they cost power. Also fun fact, whipthrash can debuff from full range, even if it doesn't register damage, and is almost fully clippable whereas lightblast has to be jump-canceled. If you're going for a high-power, high-regen spec (and you should), and you're trying to hit recharge off of cooldown, then being able to clip whip instead of jump cancelling lightblast is going to be yyyyuuuuugee.
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  11. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Kind of confusing when you spec and over vit it says controllers. I'm missing the tool tip over might and power that says, this is what you all really need.
  12. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Fun fact, so you as a tester are fine with a melee power working from range in this manor?
  13. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Hope this helps :D
    He's a good friend and great player. Check out his guide, it should help! :)
  14. SparkmanX Committed Player

    Sorry, i was talking about regenerate your power with the increase of your hit counter (great- superhuman etc) but i guess that they removed from the game

    No tengo traductor en mano, pero antes se podía llenar la barra azul gracias al incremento del hit counter con los combos de armas