Downtime Server Downtime - July 26, 2017 - Game Update 73!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 25, 2017.

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  1. Emer@ld Kn1ght New Player

    If I can't use precision Combs as a Lantern what is the benefit playing a Lantern, that is including red, yellow, and green? And why did they take weapon combos off?
  2. Drunk boy New Player

    6:30pm Eastern unless you mean Easter Island or Chili then 4:30
  3. Gimpy Loyal Player

  4. angel.avi New Player

    Im just saying. i love this game even though im basically new to it. ive literally been waiting all day.
    but impatient so ill wait a little more
  5. SarcasticTiger Active Player

    I know, I love this game as well.
    Join my league XD
  6. TheDrone Well-Known Player

    Leveling when content is new is the best way to do it. That way, everyone is on approximately the same footing. You don't get kicked for being too low CR because everyone else is the same CR as you. But, once that content is not the current top tier, it becomes a lot harder. CR200 characters don't want to carry a CR172 in a CR200 raid for obvious reasons. If you're getting kicked a lot for being low CR, I'd guess it's because you're queuing upward instead of downwards.

    What I mean is that at CR172, the following raids are relevant to you:
    Blackest Night
    Prison Break
    Brainiac's Bottle Ship
    Darkseid's War Factory
    Kandor Central Tower
    God of Monsters

    If you queue for BN, PB, BBS, KCT you probably won't get kicked unless you're actively screwing things up. DWF is still difficult in PUG's. Olympus and God of Monsters are in your relevancy window, but at CR172, you will do very little damage compared to a CR180+. The problem comes when you reach the point that you only need Ancient Coins. At that point, only Olympus and GoM are actually relevant to you. That's when you will struggle to progress. Run the Alert and Duo every day. Do the Typhon Monster Invasion zone every day. It won't take that long to get to CR180 at which point you'll stop getting kicked from Olympus/GoM.

    Of course, every bit of what I said stopped being true about 12 hours ago. Once the servers come back up, you at CR172 will be getting kicked out of every group. Whether it's Olympus, Throne of the Dead, or the Batcave. This update is gonna really screw over non-elite players.
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  7. AprilAtkins Active Player

    I'm done waiting dangit lets go
  8. ConnerSandsmark Well-Known Player

    ohh Girl, you are awesome, Tanking DWF and dealing with your kids at the same time, you got it going and yes I am impressed with the mods to the Fire Tank
  9. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Server is up, I just logged in !
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  10. Heal up 96 Level 30

    It's up people
  11. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    34 minutes and counting.
  12. RoseVonteer New Player

    Eu is up also
  13. SarcasticTiger Active Player

    I've managed to make blackest night down to brainicas's bottle ship
    The rest are apparently "too hard" for my cr and I get kicked for not being a good enough healer.
  14. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

  15. angel.avi New Player

    Alright ill get on it if it.btw its up. : )
  16. Miami Maverick Level 30

    So basically everyone starts over. Greeeaaat..:confused:
  17. drac0nisw0lf Level 30

    Yes, my character Werewolf Luno is weapons/precision based. As for if it's popular, idk. I'm not really popular, so maybe it's not.
  18. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Im in..

    Play more PS4!
  19. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    You guys are so full of it. It still say that its "down for maintenance".
  20. SarcasticTiger Active Player

    GOD BLESS AMERICA, Angel, my league is SarcasticGods <3
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