Are you currently happy with your SP heading into the revamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gemii, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Crenshinibon Level 30

    Let me put it another way, bcuz apparently you're both just those kinds of ppl....

    You're right and I'm wrong. The stats from sp don't matter at all. They don't make a bit of difference. Those stats are just equal to all the damage mods. In other words the stats you get from damage mods are only as good as the worthless stats you get from sp... they're the same numbers basically, but what do I know. So... Myself and ALLLLLLL the rest of the damage dealers playing the game are just fools wasting our time crafting those costly things bcuz YOU SAID those insignificant stats don't matter. Kudos on you being right and EVERYBODY else being out of their minds. What the hell were we thinking, grinding to get a full set of mods that only amount to the same bs numbers that come from sp. Smh we need our head checked. Thank you kind sirs.
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  2. Crenshinibon Level 30

    Edumacate these fools pls smh
  3. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Sadly.... that will not matter to the SP crowd.

    They will still expect players to have as much SP as they do. :(
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  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yep. :(
  5. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    And here we go. :rolleyes:

    The first step of how players will require a certain ammount of SP and will exclude those who do not meet expectations. :rolleyes:

    DCUO players will look for any reasons to exclude other players.

    And people are surprised when the DCUO population is described as "Toxic".
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  6. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I was at 220, meaning i'm pretty much screwed because after revamp we have to go back to the stupid times of people asking for max SP for everything.
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  7. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    it just means that you and people who think like you, are into min-maxing.. meaning even 1% buff, you'll want it because without it, you'll do 1% less which mean, you arent doing the most damage you could..

    however for player like myself aka people who just want to have fun playing aka the dirty casual, it dont matters and can do just fine without..

    there is a reason why only over 100 players has beaten the elite raid of AoJ... not because there is very little capable players, but its because most people dont care..
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  8. bmce84 Loyal Player

    wrong, it's because you are a filthy casual only thinking of having fun but don't understand games are meant to be frustrating and not fun at all, really why do people still play a game to have fun.
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  9. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Yeah we are Toxic for so many things now it's a miracle the game doesn't get a health warning.
  10. Crenshinibon Level 30

    Lmao! Look at you trying to exclude yourself from people "like me." I guarantee you're modded, which means you thought those measly stats were worth having. Be quiet hypocrite smh.
  11. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    and you'll wrong.. well partially.. i reach 186 cr without modding, but i do mod my fallen god gear, which will be replaced by a better gear soon (191 cr now)... which then i dont mod until i got a black hawk gear.. (it's just green and blue gear and it'll be replaced daily) i do have technical mod cause it dont cost me anything..

    and all the mod i uses is synth mod 6... mod is just something that i think it's good to have, like SP, but i'm not going to grind hours for it, there is a reason why i only have 126 sp instead of 300... i just do feats that is easy to get (style feats, only cost 80 MOV, easy), but feats that require grinding (kill 5000 paradox demon?, hell no).. nope.. those feat can go F themselves..

    so yeah, i'm not like you, because i dont go around telling people mod and sp are importance...
  12. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Same thing as when the apps hit. I was about to say something positive to all the people sitting at SP from 220ish to below 300, but then I realized that comment would also be toxic, just hitting the other end of players :D
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  13. kraptastic Well-Known Player

    I'm in a high sp league... unfortunately I don't play often due to work schedule and am on at weird times so I pug everything. The funny part is that I get in pug groups going for feats and they tend to be very patient. Just this week I was off and I attempted a difficult feat with my league and all I heard was complaining and you should mod like 2000 extra health in an elite raid is worth changing my might/Dom mods for might/health in my tank gear. I play only about 4 hours a week. I'm over 300sp and if I have to do that to beat a raid it's not worth it lol.
    What I'm saying is that really it's the players that still matter and their willingness to play with others. I've beaten that very same raid with pugs with less issues (no feats but more fun).

    Do more skill points help? Heck yes. Is it the most important? Heck no. I worry more for a "must be 200cr and 300sp group" than another that doesn't shout for stats. Because the non stat shouting group is normally more confident in themselves.
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  14. Crenshinibon Level 30

  15. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Not at all. For people who haven't been playing the game for a year+ we are at an extreme disadvantage, and that is why some are already walking away. I didn't wait until the last two weeks, but in a game so massive it took quite awhile to get to the point where feats and SP were the only thing I had left to do. Even then there are a lot of things to juggle. In 122 days I made it to 202 CR (No desire to reach 203) I made it to 191 and should be at 192 or 193 by the time that the servers go down. Luckily the increased rush for everyone else has helped me eliminate elite end game feats that I never really saw people chasing prior to the announcement. I've definitely taken down some of the hardest ones in the game, but there are still a few really tough ones I hope I can get out of the way tonight. Again, the announcement came at the worst time for me because it was basically "You officially have no chance to do anything because you work during the days between now and the update".

    As it is it was hard to get in Elite content like USe. The one thing I had working for me was that I had ran with a lot of groups, and established myself with most of them as a good player. However, I have already seen a preview of post revamp idealism. When people mandate 260 SP to join content it alienates a big percentage of the game. I guess I can kiss Elite Victory bye bye for awhile.
  16. Xibo Loyal Player

    Okok better to close this thread, no? Become a hennery.
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