R.I.P. Synth Mods

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    I doubt they would do such a thing but it's the only thing that would make sense of all this.

    Several things in the revamp just makes either the game or parts of the game less approachable.

    Which is not something any game should really do.
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  2. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    I laughed because, you make the mistake of thinking the forum community or the Devs care about what inconveniences Premiums.You could have bought ever DLC in the game, and both the Devs and a certain but prominent type of forum member will imply that you are a freeloader. They hate premiums so much that it is no longer an official access level of DCUO.

    For anyone who thinks that the cash cap will be lifted, please think on the history of the access level. They are many examples of premiums being squeezed without anything being done to alleviate it. This time will be no different
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  3. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    By your own formula, Synthetic mods would be casual. So your initial statement seems even more goofy.
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  4. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    I am a PC sub and have been for years.
    I have always thought the cash cap was a massive mistake on the devs part.
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  5. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player

    This is where DCUO and it's leadership can get on the right track with it's current & potential customer base.
    The cash cap is an idea that the three stooges would have thought was awesome.

  6. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Hopefully we can see some sort of incoming changes for the problems that'll rise with synthetics being gone :/
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  7. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Well, if you like. It's just a name that people call themselves, after all. Some respect to the number grinders would be good, but we'll do what we do without your recognition.
  8. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Think it will happen and believe it should happen in order to "strengthen their overall health in their game" are two different things (and I'm sure their are a few members who will come on here and say that giving the money is doing the opposite).
  9. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    If the developers are dead set on going against the wishes of the community and removing the option of synth mods, can we expect simple and complex materials to no longer be required to create mods and for the number of the other components to be reduced by at least 50%?
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  10. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    Basic elements of Modding in general would need massive overhaul. It would need to be an organic part of the game rather than something you take time AWAY from the core game to do. Exobits would need to drop in mass from content. Essence, and like nonsense would need to be completely removed. Everything would need to be streamlined. Increase in rate of exobit gain, and a decrease in overall cost. Modding shouldn't be a chore. It should feel natural. The whole reason modding isn't mainstream is because it is essentially a Frankenstein limb of the game.

    If the Developers feel like modding should be more prominent than they need to do the work, not just take away the only modding in the game that actually feels natural.
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  11. Goddesssilver Well-Known Player

    Prices for all materials needs to drop below 2k or you will kill off the premium population what's left of it.
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  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    You should want mods and the current state of the game did not nurture that. The bonus you get from mods should make your gameplay feel smoother. You should feel more "super"
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  13. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Except no one is accusing you of winning
  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Rich I will remain...
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  15. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    well. so much for my alts. but, ill save all them replays not buying feats on my alts now. stupid move DBG...but, what ever. time to go to 1 toon anyway. all the farming needed for mods is nothing but a pain. and zero fun.
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  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    Then im sure u wouldnt mind farming bits for me right? Or farming bits and giving em away to people if it builds such character.

    The decision to remove syn mods is simply bad. Wont be playing alts anymore. Well done daybreak :rolleyes:
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  17. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    this is a doom and gloom thread. Please put your tin foil hats away please.
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  18. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    There's no conspiracy. A bad decision has been made and players are giving their opinions. Please don't police others' points of view.
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  19. bmce84 Loyal Player

    I guess Time Capsule sales were down so might as well remove synths mods from the game, oh and anyone still foolish enough to have an alt after this, lol you must be crazy at this point.
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  20. Fies Committed Player

    Good one, especially coming from you.
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