
Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Gailith001, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Gailith001 New Player

    I did not see a thread for this or found out where to put one so I chose to put it here. The biggest problem I am having with the game is movement when other players rush ahead and the cinematics start. There is no way to bypass it or even turn it off in the options. This results in you as the player having your character defeated because although the cinematics freezes your character allowing you to be able to do anything, the adds in the game are. They usually have you defeated before the cinematics are even over and you can not do a thing about it. As you are doing the instance you find investigations along the way, and if you stop to get them the rest of the group just runs ahead and starting the cinematics of the boss or instance fight. They really need to give an option to turn them off or at least allow the user to bypass them.
  2. Devlyka Level 30

    that's how non solo instances simply are done. You're suppose to do as a group..and those cinematics play a huge part in mechanics of completing it. It gives time before bosses to power region and allow cool down on sodas, trinkets etc to refresh. as a full time healer in end game content that time during the cinematic is essential.
  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Wait, are you mad because you got stuck in a cinematic and someone started the fight while you were grabbing an investigation?
  4. The Horn'd One Well-Known Player

    Most cinematic transitions during game-play are meant to feel as in 'this-is-happening-right-now'; being active during it is a design flaw (PLEASE DO NOT FIX THAT), as it can make for some very amusing scenes (i.e, dancing next to Ra's al Ghul as he gives his speech while he stands in the corrupted Waters of Life pool during LoA).
  5. Gailith001 New Player

    Who said anything about mad?? I said It is annoying when that happens especially when you have groups of people who like to run ahead while you're on certain adds or such starting the cinematic that in turn locks your toon up so you can't do anything so when the cinematic stops and the game resumes there you are with a defeated toon. Plus many like myself do not see the problem with having the option of turning them off or at least hitting the ESC key to close out of them. I didn't mean to remove them entirely just a way to bypass them. And I used the investigation as an example but yes that has happened many times. I know there is nothing that can be done for the impatient people you have to group with and they will rush through everything. So some of those investigations of other things you need to do before you move into the next phase of the map you just lose out on it unless you find a dedicated group (league) to run it with.
  6. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Oh yeah that is annoying.
  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Lol, no, it's not needed. It takes like 5 to 10 seconds to regeneration your health and power in a raid when out of combat. The two alerts, SJ and WC, cut scenes are longer than the alert themselves. Time it.

    Plus, as with GOMr, you can skip cut scenes if you know where to be. This is a dps trick to help.get to the top of that board. ALL CUT SCENES SHOULD INCLUDE A SKIP! Who would not have liked a skip options with the duo from AF3?