Stats Revamp 1.5: Celestial

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by spord, Mar 31, 2017.

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  1. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    For anyone curious I committed a sin and did some maths, determining the average damage potential of each combo. These values basically show the amount of damage that combo is capable of during it's cast time (results may or may not be slightly skewed, all depends on the amount of samples used). For my tests I did 3 samples each, took off all gear and sp, used only the values that didn't have a crit percentage, and divided total damage by the amount of time it takes to cast the combo.

    (Divine light/plague)DLcP: 586
    (Plague/divine light)PcDL: 436***
    (Admonish/blight)AcB: 530
    (Blight/admonish)BcA: 496
    (Retribution/whither)RcW: 519
    (Whither/retribution)WcR: 417
    (Haunt/smite)HcS: 622
    (Smite/haunt)ScH: 647
    (Consume soul/Wrath of the presence)CScWoTP: 629
    (Wrath of the presence/consume soul)WoTPcCS: 393
    (Deathmark/blessing)DMcB: 403
    (Blessing/death mark)BcDM: 237**
    (Malediction/benediction)McB: 302**
    (Benediction/Malediction)BcM: 191**
    Defile: 351 (didn't do 35% buff yet)
    (Renew/curse)RcC: 219**
    (Curse/renew)CcR: 226**
    Sacred light: 300
    Cursed Idol: 1119
    Life drain: 1218

    Disclaimer 1:* this is a single target damage potential test result
    Disclaimer 2:** these combos have support traits that hinder them in DPS resulting in lower damage potential.
    Disclaimer 3:*** corrupted divine light is currently bugged and doesn't apply the dot properly.
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  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Good work, Fatal. So, when you say you divided by cast time, do you mean time from first to last input? Or from first input till last tick of damage registers? I'm guessing the former. Knowing this helps put the numbers in perspective. Using the latter would give a DPS estimate for each attack. The former gives a damage potential estimate weighted by time to cast. Without knowing the difference, you can get the wrong idea about relative attack strength.
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  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It was the former. I thought about full cast time until the last tick but as you said wouldn't really give an accurate representation considering quite a few combo ticks last well over 10 seconds.
  4. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Celestial dps...dl for pi then ScH-HcS over and over = best dps on test lol.

    I usually don't say nerf but ScH and HcS need a damage reduction and just about every other ability needs a damage increase. Things like RcW and especially long combos like PcDL should do more damage then ScH, HcS.

    A rotation of RcW-PcDL does 25k on 3 targets and something so simple like ScH-HcS does 45k....thats just not right.
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Yeah and it's funny the numbers I calculated above show exactly this. Multi input combos need to be bought up a notch or two, especially PcDL and DLcP. Dots need to be buffed and smite/haunt needs another look.
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  6. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    I'd like to see Defile switch to the next target if the initial target is KO'd. I used to love execute powers, back when they worked, and I'm really happy with how Defile is working out. The damage increase below 35% is noticible without being crazy high.
  7. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    Sorry for the stupid question, but why are Annoint and Benediction rendered useless?
  8. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Celestial on live is almost perfect dps wise the only change i would make would be for PcDL to be a bit better. What i'd ultimately like to see is celestial dps be the same on stats revamp as it is on live. You know the saying....don't fix something if it isn't broke :D
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  9. The Anxient Loyal Player

    I'd like to see a little more variety than what is on live. Needs more than RcW or wotpccs spam.
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  10. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Its all situational. Wrath for small content and some raid situations, RcW for raid adds, PcDL for bosses. There are somethings that need a bit of adjustment but for the most part on live everything gets you to about the same place.
  11. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Anyway.. found something interesting.
    With Benediction your heals are capped at 5% your healing stats.
    With Corrupted Benediction you're heals are capped at 7% your healing stats.
    What that looks like is this
    17.74% of 30% healing stats -> benediction
    23.8% of 30% healing stats -> corrupted benediction

    They both proc their own hot and burst can proc 24 times.
    Two Celestial Healers cannot use Benediction in tandem to each other because your respective burst ticks will not stack.
    In order for the bursts to stack 1 will use Benediction and the other will use Corrupted Benediction.
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  12. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Admonish/Corrupted Admonish:
    20m range

    Cleansed Blight: 6-8
    20m range

    Renew/Corrupted Renew: 20-28
    Render Distance

    Divine Light/Corrupted Divine Light: 48-59
    Range on each individual glyph is 5m

    Consume Soul/Cleansed Consume Soul: 13-19

    Curse/Cleansed Curse:9-12
    10 ticks
    15m range

    Deathmark/Cleansed Deathmark: 20-28
    4 man knockout burst.
    15m range


    Benediction and cBenediction function the same. The Burst heals that proc off might damage Every 2 seconds DO NOT STACK. If two Celestial healers are using Benediction, the heals won't stack.
    1 must use Benediction and the other must use Malediction cBenediction.
    Range: 25m

    Sacrifice: 103-121
    Range: 25m

    Cursed Idol: 22-28
    Range: 25m

    Guardian's Light: 12-16 then spikes to double it's strength when allies are at 50% health.

    I will find the multipliers of the shields for Sacrifice, Blessing, and Corrupted Blessing later on.
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  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Feedback on dps:

    Where do I start. I'm not pleased but I'm not displeased. I see lots of potential here.

    There's one way for some abilities to have equivalent potential but I'm not sure that'd be something you're up for...
    Wrath of the presence into Cleansed Consume Soul being single tick burst is kinda not ideal because it's not good all around.. it's very much a critical reliant ability even on adds. You loose damage on bosses as well.
    Changing that single burst tick into a three tick hit like cleansed wither would do it some real justice.

    Next on burst vs dots.

    Celestial is pretty good on front loaded burst now which is what it needed from the start, but now it's like it needs some dot love because some dots are sorely lacking to be honest.
    It could be a bug on PcDL and DLcP causing them to tick so low... like 200-500...but when I see 400-700 ticks on Corrupted Wrath of the Presence, I get a little worried because the animation time is longer than Admonish into cleansed Blight, yet AcB's dots are on fleek.
    I think that needs to be looked at.
    I did notice the burst it had on the initial tick... but I'd like to see that burst lowered a little in favor of a stronger dot.

    Nerf Smite and Haunt and buff everything else. Plz.

    Life Drain is great for fast damage now! I'm happy.

    Now on to healing feedback.

    After playing around with it in a few raids I'm finding the healing lacking in the hot department.
    I'm pretty sure this is intended so I'll make suggestions to keep that in tact.

    Benediction and Malediction need their cap raised up to 15%
    Consume Soul on both variants is OK. I really would just ask for the burst healing tick to be made noticeable. It's really ticking low at like 10-18 base strength and could use a bump up to compensate for the low hots.
    Or if you could just make this move a 12 second hot... that's would be cool too.

    Divine Light and Plague into Corrupted Divine Light.
    This is beautiful. Healing is good. I would only ask for the hot to be increased a little bit.

    I love that I can rotate shields.

    Can Wrath of the presence get a burst heal when used on purified enemies? And could Blight too?
  14. Beebe New Player

    You could try clipping it with Sacred Light. Sacred Light isn't part of any combo, it has a short cool down so it should be ready whenever you perform those two powers back-to-back, and it should be used off cool down anyways to get your super charges up as much as possible.
  15. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    Anoint is a prec buff, which is useless since all combos are might damage now, and Benediction is strictly a healing combo now not a clippable crit buff.
  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Ran DL, CScWoTP, spammed HcS/ScH until DL was off cooldown, landed 44 k on 3 targets specced into full might.

    I really hope combo balance gets another look, cause right now its sad. The longer it takes to cast a combo, the harder it should be hitting. Not sure why the two shortest combos costing the least power in cele wield the highest damage.
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  17. stärnbock Devoted Player

    power runs out>drink a cola
    power runs out>use super charge
    power runs out>order the supply

    CR166, steam rolled the duo allmost alone (other player was disconnected)
    no mods, no skill points spend... totally why not?
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  18. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club


    Corrupted blessing needs to last longer in healer role. It breaks way to fast and not even good for picking people up. Im down for increasing the cooldown on deathmark if it means longer lasting shields and extra damage when it explodes in dps.
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  19. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Fatal beat me to the punch. Has potential though.
    You do get a good burst out of the knock out heal for its cooldown though.
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  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    Agree, Fatal. The cast time/power cost/damage relationship has never made sense. Looking at you RcW spam. I thought this was the chance to get it right.
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