Thanks giving holiday event

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DeadSteel, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. bmce84 Loyal Player

    No they are not dude, we don't celebrate any saint day other than Easter and Christmas, we only believe in Jesus as a saint.
  2. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Actually, yes they do. They just do so differently. I know for a fact they do. I'm an evangelical myself lol. Evangelicals and Protestants still see them as saints and pay them reverence in their own ways.
  3. bmce84 Loyal Player

    Then whatever church you are going is wrong in every single way, i'm sorry, but I was taught that the only saint is Jesus and the others are apostles but not saints in any way, so whatever reverence you pay them is wrong.
  4. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    No. Sorry, but you were taught wrong. The apostles are also considered saints to Protestants and Evangelicals. Protestants and Evangelicals even use the term Saint when actually describing them lol. Who are you to say what I was taught was wrong? I've even researched them for myself over the years. They are not just Catholic saints. They are CHRISTIAN saints. And most Christians, regardless of sect, pay them reverence in some form or another. The Evangelical church I used to attend even used the term Saint when describing many of them because they were revered as such.
  5. Oklucid Active Player

    Your signature LOL love it
  6. JasonIsley Devoted Player

  7. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    It would be nice if we had short little 3-7 day size seasonals for New Years, Friday 13th and Mardi Gras
  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Thanks.. It's from the "OLD DAYS" when I played on City of Heroes. There was a thread a while ago about developing some better dance moves and I dug around and found a few left over on UTUBE and wound up keeping that one as my SIG.

    Over at COH we had people doing the Michael Jackson Moon Walk and here? One dance move involves crossing your arms and nodding your head to the music. We CAN do better.. the technology exists we simply need to apply it. DANCE.. DANCE AND EMBRASS THE MIRACLE OF LIFE.... or just celebrate after you kick someone's butt lol
  9. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Buuu buuu buuu But I like my Cockatrice eggs. Okay so no EGGS How about a Easter Bunny Totem? hey as long as it doesn't wander around the lair saying "What's up doc?" I think we can avoid lawsuits. LOL
  10. Oklucid Active Player

    I was a loyal Coh member played till the last day :[
  11. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I like those idea .. would take some planning and some small changes .. For the new year event.. they would need to stop the Winter event earlier since it usually runs through all of December and I doubt we'd ever see back to back events.

    Friday the 13th could be a lot of fun. And I did a bit of googling and DC Comics did have a Super Hero known as The Calamity King with powers that basically brought bad luck to anyone he was battling... (pictured below)


    And of course we already have a version of Jinx in game and on DC's Teen Titans her powers revolve around probabilities and basically giving her foes bad luck.


    So how about a one weekend event (Friday through Sunday) where we race around the city cleaning up after these two? To give us something to battle how about they use Gremlins? No not the cute little critters from the movies.. the small demonic like creatures often associated with bad luck. For an alert heroes battle Jinx while Villains take on the Calamity King OR we could just use Jinx for both sides since (and I did not know this till I checked Wki) but on teen titans she eventually becomes sort of a hero and dates Kid Flash.

    Now this is where this event would get tricky since Friday the 13th doesn't happen on the exact same week or even month every year so to do it and have it happen on an actual weekend when that Friday was the 13th would require the event to change months practically yearly .. Could get tricky if it occurred in the middle of an already established event.

    I like the idea for Marti Gras but .. My bet would be the Daybreak Lawyers would get involved again.. While widely accepted as a time for fun, partying and DRINKING .. and being celebrated in North and South America and Europe the event does have ties to the Christian celebration of Easter. In New Orleans "Fat Tuesday" is the last day to party and eat and drink to excess before beginning the fasts associated with Lent. I can practically see the lawyer banging a fist on some conference room table and telling everyone about the "THOUSANDS of potential law suits they'd have to deal with" :rolleyes: .. rolls eyes
  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    For Mardi Gras I want to see Louisiana residents: Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Swamp Thing, Gentleman Ghost and Amanda Waller.
  13. Swamarian Committed Player

    STO has a mission that's only available on Friday the 13th and Halloween. Something like that here would be nice.
  14. DeadSteel Active Player

    Love all the feedback and yes I know thanksgiving is an American holiday more than anything but the General idea is that its a day for family gathering and togetherness and what better way to twist it than with one of the most dysfunctional families in the dcu plus it'd be an opportunity for more feats and styles personally I'd love an American football player style one that accepts your emblem on the chest and head.