Unable to connect

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IGRIMI, Jun 8, 2016.

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  1. anotherpacifist Well-Known Player

    I can't even log on--my username/password is not recognized by launcher.
  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    FWIW, I just tried logging in three times (US PC) and each time was immediately logged into the game, no problems whatsoever, as usual. Possibly attack over?

    CORRECTION: Nah, I was wrong; I was able to get to the character launcher with no problem, but hung up after that. Sorry for giving false hope.
  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    And here we go again :confused:
  4. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Yeah it broke.......again.
  5. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yep, I guess all hope for playing tonight is gone. Well, make yourself some popcorn, and watch a movie or throw darts at things.
  6. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    For the uncountable time for the last several days, are we fixing this or are we to expect this daily?
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  7. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    So what brand bandaid did you guys mask the server with?
  8. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Yeah been on for a couple hours but just crashed again -_-
  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    Is this really some angry h1z1 guy DDoSing all of daybreak? If so that is just ridiculous. And if yes daybreak should be finding this guys account and perma banning it across all daybreak games.
  10. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    DisConnected Universe Offline with the garbage servers again
  11. Knightmare Active Player

    round 2 DDoS ........Any idea who is claiming this attack? Seems to always be some kids that are up to no good griefing us.
  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    There was already a thread directly below this 1 :confused:
  13. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Still haven't seen anything saying it was definitely ddos. Just assumed the server was crapping out again
  14. Knightmare Active Player

    Daybreak is probably the most DDoS attacked gaming company, after 5 years of this I wonder how much they have spent in defenses ?
  15. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

  16. RyderSM Well-Known Player

    They spend the absolute bare minimum on infrastructure so this is what we get. Third time down today and twice yesterday.
  17. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    I too gotz da bute.
  18. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

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  19. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    every time...EVERYTIME I GET TO DS DWF...DC...WTF??? they really must not want to give that op chest...
  20. Achilles Arrow Active Player

    Im not paying money each month for me to constantly get removed from the game. Fix it. No one give be some BS about this or that. It's not acceptable.
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