Question Regarding XB1

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by LightningDCUO, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. LightningDCUO New Player

    Is it confirmed that Xbox One will have its own server?
  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

  3. LightningDCUO New Player

    Amazing a fresh start in the early raids :eek: will be fun cant wait
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  4. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    They will probably launch severely nerfed, not likely at the difficulty you remember.
  5. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    So we will have no contact at all with 360 no scopes? I was kinda looking forward to being called a noob cause I can't 360 no scope Nekron (I kid of course)
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  6. CS2016 Committed Player

    Im glad b/c thats all we need platform epeen between not 1 not 2 but 3 consoles all on 1 server. TBH I hope they get their own forums too.
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  7. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    That was confirmed last year when they first stated they were looking into getting the game on Xbox.
  8. DarthJafo Committed Player

    And apparently confirmed no cross play at launch. Also possible trailer at pax east
  9. Here2Help Devoted Player

    The trailer is a certainty.
  10. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    sigh...I was hoping to get some good smack talk in with those XBOX scrubs.
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  11. DarthJafo Committed Player

    Well you could try starting with something along the lines of We've had this game longer than you neener neener'...but the reality is that it's a five year old game and they are clearly getting desperate for money..ironic that given how much they knickle and dime us...

    But truth is..Sony lost yet another exclusive. And the one single game that I would have ever considered buying thathe near worthless console for. Worthless game wise of course. I'm sure it's a perfectly functional blue ray player
  12. Backseid Devoted Player

    Lol. That's the very first thing I said. Can you imagine how many threads there will be of questions that have been answered a million times.

    We all know that the "search" function, on any message board, never works well.
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  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Sony does not care that it lost DCUO as an exclusive as DCUO profit is fairly low and it still has other exclusives and another exclusive MMO's that doing much better than DCUO
  14. Physique Dedicated Player

    With everything that has been announced regarding Xbox development since the Game Developers' Conference, a lot of things about the initial XBOne announcement could be changed. Cross play could, technically speaking, be back on the table and depending on how much either side (Sony or Microsoft) want to test it out, DCUO could be one of the first online games to offer the feature even on a limited basis.

    Typically, however, that could force a bunch of changes in launch approach / introduction / integration of this new community and considering how potentially toxic certain aspects of the DCUO community can be, I can also see Daybreak saying "let's wait on this". The announcement Saturday will definitely be "must-see tv"... :)
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We will have more information available after PAX.
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  16. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I envy the XB1 players that get a fresh start to this game.

    I also feel sorry for them since the game is not the same in those lower tiers as it was when they first came out. Everything was so severely nerfed and dumb down it is just not the same anymore.

    On the bright side maybe some of the lowers tiers will get a look over and fix like the resonator in FOS 2 so that people at tier can actually do the mission without the bugs.
  17. DarthJafo Committed Player

    I'm dreading the exploration missions again
    ugh. Just the thought of hearing boosters voice again and suffering through all the videos of the area..projectile vomit inducing.
  18. Wrxxer Level 30

    Would be nice if after you hit 30, your feats and skill points unlock if you played on PC or PS.
  19. DarthJafo Committed Player

    Yeah..but completely voiding the point of being able to start over. I only need maybe 25 earth duos to have that whole episode done. Doing all that over again..daunting. main reason for going over is that this is the only game left that I play on pc. Everything else has long moved over to console. Eso, never winter, d3..all better on console
  20. CS2016 Committed Player

    which is sad dont you think? DC should be 1 of the top MMO's idc but its owners hold it back on so many levels.