Ok what are people thinking? Seriously?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ChromeWarriorXTC, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. SheerFaith Committed Player

    whuzz that...do i have to find hidden mistake?
  2. Senko Committed Player

    No offense but that editing really throws me off when I'm trying to read for your point please at least break up the paragraphs
  3. CS2016 Committed Player

    idk Im more about this


  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    So a complaint bout ppl complaining?
  5. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    you think it's toxic here, you should try hanging out in the watchtower for half an hour.

    I like the forums. some of us like the sound of our own voices, the forums give us that.
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  6. Delta796th Loyal Player

  7. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    I'm thinking you need to lighten up a bit.
  8. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Why is this thread not in the funhouse? o_O
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  9. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Thinking before posting?

    Pfft, I don't waste time thinking.
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  10. Backseid Devoted Player

    All that thought, lost in a sea of text...

    In the age of keyboards everywhere, do they not teach ANYTHING about typing in schools anymore.

    This is not particularly directed at you OP. But we see this kind of thing on here alllll the time. It's very strange...
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  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    Ok, quick skim...

    1. We (forumites) absolutely ARE the majority. Each one of us represent all our in game friends that do not come here. Our thoughts on the game are a result of all those we play with and their thoughts on it.

    2. Everything I personally say is correct. I do know what's best for everyone.
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  12. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    This isn't about my thread that mentioned fascist communistic devs is it? Look I know I may have been outta line THERE but I DID make SOME good points about the game being not as good a it was before....anyway....wanting to keep things positive is nice but how can anyone be positive when everything is SCREWED UP?!

    What do you suggest a chill pill? Because I might actually go for a chill pill....no....I'm serious....what I MEAN IT! :mad:
  13. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Sorry been really slammed the last couple days getting something to work. SO to take just a moment let me answer some of the questions I actually just read. I will keep it real brief:
    1. No I am not going anywhere although timing was bad for response.
    2. Don't care if you read it, if you don't your probably not worth my time.
    3. Thanks I like the Sig too and NO you can't have it although it is out there if you search.
    4. This was not directed at any one person.
    There is nothing more to see here move along. :)
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  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I'll sum it up for those that don't want or not care to read it all.

    He's pretty much telling everyone on the forums that our opinion doesn't matter because we are the minority, that it's the majority is in the game and they matter more, that we should just accept any changes the devs want to make and shut up about it because we don't understand or care as much as they do for the game, and that the forums have becomed too toxic to matter anymore.

    I could pretty much explain every single thing that he's wrong about, but as he said later on, it's not worth my time.
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  15. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Hey I never said you don't matter, just that I was too busy lately to respond. As for whether points are valid, that depends on what it is 50000000000000 posts about the same stuff aren't helpful. But that is another story altogether. I mean seriously people can take my response however they want. That is an opinion.
  16. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I have read some of the posts as well and does not seem too many members show their humility. So apparently, we have a forum full of "Sages"...
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  17. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    Humility has never been my strong suit :) But I did semi sorta quasi sorta in a round about way apologize somewhat
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  18. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    It is tough to make a "complaint" about a communities fault without becoming apart of that fault.
    Example: You talked about the Toxic Community issue and guessed what happened... many of posts excused you of what you are faulting "them" "for".

    Are they projecting? I'm not sure...
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  19. ChromeWarriorXTC Loyal Player

    They can project all they wish that is all the "apology" I have in me, I should have added 5. This is and was a complaint about complaints. As for me I lose no sleep over myriad thoughts unless they are on more adept levels of thinking. I had an issue, I voiced it. Whether or not I was right is relative in the scheme of things. I have far more people that I would need to seek forgiveness from. As for projection, I believe that some voiced concern while others did not. Either way it is not for me to judge. I accept that there will be "those people" in here whether that is me or someone else.
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  20. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Then, how about the devs take a walk in the game itself, not just the forum.
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