Platform Based Discrimination...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KlausKilowatt, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    Not true, the setting just defaults to 'Off' on PC.

    You can turn on "Show Player Platform in Social Menu." Then it'll show in the F4 -> Group and F4 -> Nearby, etc. From the way people are talking, I think it defaults to "On" for PS players, and "Off" for PC players.
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  2. Zlohsac Committed Player

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  3. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    The Bad One is ignorant. We do not cheat... we do not waste time in PVP. By we, I mean ME. I will not bother with PVP cause it is boring to me. :p
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  4. Minnion Devoted Player

    1.I don't like being called a puke just because I play on PC
    2.There are in fact PC players that use mics. True most of us prefer to use our keyboards, but that doesn't mean we can't hear you.
    3.Take off the tinfoil hat, and take a chill pill... We're not a bunch of hackers.
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  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I am the hero this city needs.
  6. Minnion Devoted Player

    One man does not count as a "bunch".... :p
  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Just going to chime in and add my comments to this post.

    The TechWarrior doesn't see a need to use a MIC because 90% of the time about the only thing anyone says in a mission is "Thanks for the invite" and "Thanks for the team .. nice job all" If you feel the need to constantly be BSing while we are trying to run an alert or raid that's your problem.. aside from getting instructions on mechanics or special objective to complete during a mission exactly WHAT do we need to talk about? The TechWarrior does not need you eating a snack in my ear or listening to you curse or belittle other players constantly.

    The TechWarrior has never engaged in PVP in more than 4 years playing this game and couldn't care less about it. The TechWarrior has been playing MMOs for more than 11 years and has never used a "CHEAT" to accomplish anything in any game he has played.

    The TechWarrior has 10 alts all between CR 140 and 154 and has done everything from play DPS, Healer, Troll and Tank and a number of different missions and amazingly we completed all of them and except for one or two that have no use for SUPPORT players in just about anything not a sole has had a bad thing to say to me at missions end. Oh and the TechWarrior could care less who he teams with PS or PC, Hero or Villain, Support or DPS as long as we complete the mission and don't spend 30 minutes recovering from team wipes.

    And I am done now and moving on because frankly I can't stand referring to myself in the third person like I am some WWE wrestler with huge biceps and almost no brain. :eek:.. ((( OOOO he did not just say dat? did he?" LOL))))
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  8. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    This video from the playlist of DCUO tutorials on youtube might help. :p
    hey, do PSN users ever use a browser?
    Had 2 users in BN last night admit to having a ps3.... all i thought was, can you see me? are we invisible? then i saw one of them (healer) repeatedly not dodge the corruption that was slowly moving towards her/him. :rolleyes: go stand on the White Lantern circle when corruption targets you. oh nevermind, your dead again. Put a Circle of Protection under the tank. ugh