Difference between abbreviation used by players pc and ps in rug

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nihilismia, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. nihilismia Level 30

    someone could put it the abbreviation of the names of raids and operations used by ps players and pc players.
    thank you in advance.
  2. Ichiro Loyal Player

    PBR - prison break regular
    PBE - prison break elite
    BN - blackest Night
    DPR - Demon plan regular
    DPE - Demon plan elite
    BDR - Blackest Day Regular
    BDE - blackest Day Elite
    UMR- Unholy Matrimony Regular
    UME Unholy Matrimony elite
    DCR - Desecrated Cathedral Regular
    DCE - Desecrated Cathedral Elite
    BP or BS - Bombshell paradox

    Biggest difference i see from PC is the use of N instead of R
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  3. Sbel Devoted Player

    Only differences I know is PS uses 'r' for 'regular' while PC uses 'n' for 'normal' instead. And PS shortens Labyrinth of Lost Souls into 'lab' instead of the obvious (and funnier) LoLS.
  4. Harlequin Devoted Player

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  5. Van_Gho Committed Player

  6. nihilismia Level 30


    Since crossplay I see constantly things like "need players for 4t7a3"I play on eu serveur.
  7. Tilz Loyal Player

    Bombshell is also BSP sometimes.
    And also pc player use Lab/Laby :p

    never saw that on eu server

    Maybe it's like that
    4 -> Alert
    A3 -> Alert 3 (whatever it is)--> DPn/DPr?