Livestream Preview Episode 22!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 9, 2016.

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  1. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    I like the way the content is flowing. But I love DCUO so and all things holy......please make the elite alert actually feel elite. Arkham, Ace, and oolong at launch, hell even LOA was brutal when it dropped and all substantially more difficult than DC Elite/ DP Elite. That should not be.

    If the prevailing reasoning is that more people run Alerts, and they are easier to group for, these instances shouldn't simply give away gear. It should not be possible for them to be soloed. Make them feel challenging.
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  2. Son1cPT Well-Known Player

    i will be thar ;) !!!
  3. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    Yeah, that is tough. The team is grossly outnumbered. Not fun.
  4. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I'm hoping for two alerts here everyone. I'm tired of the

    Raid, Elite Raid, Duo
    Alert, Elite Raid, Solo
    Raid, Duo

    I want more alerts and less raids or keep the raids but take out a solo or duo and give us one more alert.
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  5. N3M15Y5 New Player

    Thanks but I have;

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  6. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Players are soloing elite with a tank power that does high damage and hardly use any power. A player was soloing the first boss of wave as a troll while we were still in t5. Prime was done as a duo at the end or beginning of t5. Those alerts you mentioned was ran with 2 dps in pug groups, while most pugs are still running with a tank at 156cr. The nostalgia that border on lying when comparing old vs new has to stop
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  7. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    In terms of a Wave boss being soloed while still in T5, question is not if it was T5, but was it done in Traces in Time or Vestaments of Rage ?.......Huge difference.

    With the addition of Tactical Mods and T5 gear, yes Prime was able to be done as a Duo, nothing special there. Atlantean Monarch with HT mods equals Huge difference. Now concerning those Alerts I mentioned, they were being done with no Tanks, at level. They were soloed, at level.

    Its not lying. In fact your statement is misleading if your simply highlighting Tier, but not taking into account the gear being worn. DC/DP Elite are being done by severely undergeared people. There IS something wrong with that.
  8. Flair Well-Known Player

    Any chance we will get to see White Canary as the LoT content drops?
  9. Flair Well-Known Player

    Also what about Merlin? Possibly as the new head of the LoA now that Ra's has fallen?
  10. marvelousman Well-Known Player

    As always....¬¬
    But if they use the same scheme from Gotham Under seage and Ace Chemicals missions, with 3 missions/3 marks daily and at the end of 15 missions a gear to chose it will be better.
  11. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    White Canary is an unknown Chinese martial artist in DC Comics. If they add anyone they should add the comic version as Dinah has no sisters.
  12. marvelousman Well-Known Player

    I agree, raids sucks with that stupid mechanics that i hate so much. Even some new alerts have these boring/annoying mechanics.
    I want solo missions because i dont want to be worried about some explosives appearing on the ground...or black holes that kills you in 1 hit, or something stupid like it....If they continue with this thought, this game will lose a lot of subscribers. will die soon.
    A good idea could be some raids have a easy mode, but gives only one mark for each defeated boss than the normal raids, this way everybody can enjoy the raid.
  13. TestReporter Loyal Player

    I don't get people like you...You get on end game and can't deal with easy and simply mechanics, ofc having more alerts and solos can help with the game, but if you can't deal with end game mechanics after going from t1 to t6, go play area 51 or another low level alert, most of the mechanics are already too easy, theres no raid in the game that actually can't be beaten day 1, i think you are one of these guys who see a bomb exploding with a fire in your boots and instead of leaving the fire, you stay there then blame the healer :rolleyes:.
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  14. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I'm on the other end of the spectrum. The raids IMO are to easy. I did DPE without much fan fare and BN was a pathetic joke day 1 and even with the updates, it is not hard. Problems I run into, players not willing to learn mechanics. You learn the mechanics the raid is super easy.

    I'm just sick and tired of raids. I mean we have had raid overload since AFII launched. How many alerts did we get in 2015...

    AFII - 2
    HoP II - 1

    That is 5 alerts in all of 2015...

    In 2014 there was 7
    Strike Force
    Mist Recovery

    In 2016 if the devs continue with their current setup we will get 4 alerts in 2016.

    January - Raid
    Feburary Raid
    March Alert
    April Raid
    May Raid
    June Alert
    July Raid
    August Raid
    September Alert
    October Raid
    November Raid
    December Alert

    I'm very disappointed about the focus on 8 man content as that is 1x a week vs. alerts being daily. I also enjoyed playing daily to buy the gear to run the raid. Now you play the raid to run SM. Not all that good of a long term plan IMO.

    I'm not in charge and if DBG feels that the direction is working as intended so be it. And if they keep this method of madness up, they will continue to lose their subbing players. I know many quit their subs due to the setup. Some only sub now Once every 6 months as it takes only 1-2 days to raise your CR now.
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  15. Gent Of All Trades New Player

    The main problem lies with a community hell bent on acquiring gear and skipping content. It has been made far too easy to level a character to end game with minimum to no skill. My league now has a running joke that anything easy now, will become a leviathan 2 episodes later, as noone learns proper raid mechanics anymore. I had to learn how to do raids that normally require 2 tanks to do to function with only 1, more often than not inexperienced group that are far overgeared for said raid. It is really destroying my game experience to constantly have to train people who were too lazy to learn how to play the game players. As much as I would like to see the game move forward and succeed, it's even harder to watch it die. Anyone who doesn't see it is truly fooling themselves.
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  16. TestReporter Loyal Player

    I like much more raids than alerts, but i'm with u here, raids gives the devs much more money, removing a raid will just make daybreak have less resources, but having only one alert is really bad, and all alerts made in the monthly system are not really well designed, FE had many more mechanics and was better designed than DP, and Halls of Power wasn't focused in the alert, the alerts in the war of the light 2 had new iconic skins and were more challenging than the new elite alerts, they are taking 3 months to make a new alert, and it most of the times, sucks badly, not because of difficulty, but because theres nothing new in the alerts, i personally don't like having the alert as the only way of progression in the month, if they can one day release a alert and a raid in the same month, the drops should be 50/50 or the alert should have something special that just drops there.
  17. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    This, to this day I still hate going to styker island (I can't spell) because all the mechanic in there that you have to can take up to 15-20 minutes in there for a T3 alert......but when I'm broke I did it everyday to farm Captain Cool hood.
  18. Norris Miller New Player

    Can we have more solos and duos please?, alerts and raids take to long to que. o_O
  19. BigAl Devoted Player

    Solo missions, or solo content? We had a solo against Julius after NG.
  20. xpoipoix Well-Known Player

    is there any possibility get those things back in future Episodes :

    New Bountys ?
    New Warfronts ?
    Openworld Daylies ?
    Openworld Collections ?
    Openworld Briefings / Investigations ?
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