From USPS I say welcome to our PC brethren!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ace1, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    From USPS welcome to all PC PvE/PVPers :) I hope to run into all of you in the not too distant future. If you are active in pvp scrims please consider adding "5v5" to your chat tab, (it's not just for 5v5s) and be warned, you may run into some interesting people in the chat

    I think to get to know each other right off the bat, we should agree on creating a chat name so we can go and get acquainted for the first couple of days, suggestions would be appreciated.

    Beyond that I hope this will rejuvenate dcuo in a way that will help add competition to the pvp scene and increase the chances of getting people in Raid groups that know what they are doing :)

    I hope we all have a great merge day :D
    • Like x 5
  2. Backseid Devoted Player

    Is the merger happening today? I'm not clear on that.

  3. Magician Dedicated Player

    No, only the League Name consolidation and conflict resolution is happening today. The merger won't happen until Weds/Thurs
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  4. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    No, please don't add that chat. It's the Mos Eisley of chats and one of the rarest things discussed in it is scrimming 5s. We need a different channel that the OP hasn't spammed invites to in the past. :p Yeah, I remember you doing that Ace! lol
    • Like x 6
  5. Backseid Devoted Player

    Ah, ok. That's what I though.

  6. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Only once >.>
  7. Backseid Devoted Player

    Thumbs up for the Mos Eisley reference ;)
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  8. comrade sonya Committed Player

    Double check this is the thread about 5v5 chat :p

    This is the best time to let that chat die, it's a terrible rude place and should not be where people gather to have intelligent or kind conversations
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  9. compasionate grenade Committed Player

    Wonder how controllers ps players going to handle up against keyboard beast like clutch and his crew?
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  10. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad guy says this is a nice post but he will not play with Pc users because they are inferior to Ps players especially when it comes to Pvp. The people will welcome you with closed fist in the area's or in the open world.This post gets one thumb up.
  11. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Well probably just like we deal with other people referred to as "BEAST"

    Usually by curb stomping them & giggling

    With the way dovetails works now, the only real advantage you have is look speed
  12. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    As an active the PC player and former player of the PS, thank you!
    I'm not playing PVP! (still dream of the mods 6 expert for pve:( ).
    But I hope we can play on PVE good matches!:)
    In my case you will not worry because I only play with control XBOX360! Keyboard for me is just to write! (which in the game is very hard to do it or play with the control or write on the keyboard:p ).
  13. vladspally Well-Known Player

    Funny enough I started the game on PS, then went to PC for a while, then back to PS. For some reason I couldn't (still cant even today) handle using the keyboard on DCUO on pc, my brain had been wired to use a controller for this game. It just felt odd, i cant explain it. So I was on my PS controller the whole time I was on PC. And this is from a player who played WoW for years using the keyboard.
  14. djcrossfade Committed Player

    add me DjCrossfadeDBZ on the good side and DjCrossfade1200 on the evil side :)
  15. Backseid Devoted Player

    It's probably the camera controls. I believe WoW is a traditional "point n click" type game yeah? I can't play games like that. Between SWG and this, I'll only play MMO's with this style of camera controls.

    Anyone know what it's called? There's gotta be a term for it.
    • Like x 1
  16. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Standard - WoW
    Legacy- FFXIV, DCUO, Warframe, etc.

    Legacy is preffered for console based game due to its camera based playstyle while standard the camera focuses more on the player and is more point and click oriented.
    • Like x 2
  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    Legacy eh? In all my years I never came across that term. Can't tell you how many Google searches I've done trying to find games based on that style if camera control. Lol. Never could find the right way to word it. Lol!
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  18. vladspally Well-Known Player

    Yeah you are dead right. Every time I go onto a PC mmo that doesn't have a point and click style, it just feels off for me. Couldn't use legacy controls with a keyboard for a sustainable time before I dumped the game I would be trying out. I just never could figure out what the problem was till I you pointed it out now.
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  19. vladspally Well-Known Player

  20. ArchelyMS Well-Known Player

    Have you even been on the PC Test for the PvP changes?