Sooo...custom chats now work cross platform. :D

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lfc09kris, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Any USPC players should add "5v5" chat to their tab if they are interested. Still a good number of players reside there.
  2. chaoticRE Well-Known Player

    Hi mepps I love you, and the devs right now because I can talk to my US PS buddies hehehehhe LOVEEEEE MERRY CHRISTMAS
  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Nope, but games like that are an exception. They're highly competitive and have a huge presence in the eSports community. Huge grand prizes and arena shows.

    On DCUO, players give up after a single wipe, kick people because of irrelevant numbers and throw a wobbly if POT is down for like 3 seconds. Which would be understandable if DCUO had the same prestige as LOL, but it doesn't.
  4. Kreonix Active Player

    Is it working on USPC?
  5. Kreonix Active Player

    I added it. Doesn't seem to be working.
  6. Kid tercel New Player

    Is this still working??
  7. NewGodAsura Well-Known Player

    Ok i'll just say this just to make things clear. League Of legends are in the top 3 of worst community list posts for MMORPG gaming, people are more competitive in things like raids and pvp but you have to be stupidly hardcore if you wanna have an actual conversation, and now if your new on there then prepare to be ripped to shreds by hardcore players as well as squeakers that get mad just because you're either new or you hit a different add/player then them. Dc is more of a casual MMORPG. The raids on here are the equivalent to playing an easy start off raid in WoW, the bosses on here can take about 10 min to burn down or less in new content which is very short compared to the ones in other games which can take possibly more than an hour to burn down, and even if the pc players merge with ps4 they will just have the same attitude since they're doing the same exact things console gamers are on this MMO. The reason dc did this in the first place was to improve network speed, get everything done all at once because of merged servers, and to increase the villain population even though that wouldn't work because the pc population of villains are far less populated than the console version.
  8. Captain Carkus Well-Known Player

    Private chats on USPS and USPC have now been merged. One particularly fun one is 5v5 chat from PS.
  9. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    I added it. It's like watching a trainwreck. Painful, but I just can't look away.... :D
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  10. BigAl Devoted Player

    And how could we be so blessed???
    That goes both ways, you know?
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